Who has stable LH 2.0 tracking on 8Kx 😀

what height have you installed the sensors?

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@technoproject : my LH2 are mounted at 2,2m height I made my test ad 0,8cm height with visible jitter.

@Heliosurge : sorry, have no google channel yet, and I am reluctant to register there.

need to mention when playing HLA or watch 3D movies it isn´t disturbing, but if I focus on it I notice it.
The steam start view is different, here the jitter is for sure noticeable.


No worries not fussy either on needing so many online accounts. :laughing:

Any streaming site might work if has video share sites.

Alternatively you might be able to convert a video to an animated gif.

At the moment I have very little jitter like you. I mounted the 2 sensors, as described in the steam procedure, at 2.2 meters high on the sides of the hypothetical rectangle with a very slight inclination


Pimax should really fix this or at least make a statement, that it is a poor hw design. It is so annoying and there is NO other headset doing this jitter.

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This is part of the problem not all pimax headsets are having this jitter issue among pimax headsets.

So I re-tested with Lighthouse V1. They mentioned above, it is stable.
Which is not, unfortunately. I switched between LH1 and LH2, made another jittertest video.
Result: same little but perceivably jittering here, no real difference for me.
I will accept this but I feel it´s in a way tainted product which requires more accuracy.
What I can see is, after some HW or SW changes the SteamStart is mostly always buggy with nearly unplayable jitter. Jumpt to an application and back to steam home, the jitterbug is gone. in rare cases a restart of SteamVR is required, too.


I confirm all words regarding jitter and steamvr

Stable, working, for me.

Pimax Vision 8kX and Pimax 5k+ , both stable , working 100% , with LH 1.0 (sync cable connected) as well as with LH 2.0 (Channels 1 , 3) ,

That said, any situation in which just one base station is tracking the headset, may drift a little. Also, in the process of acquiring 4 base stations , I have had 3 failures, one LH 1.0 RMA to Valve, one LH 2.0 RMA to Pimax, and one LH 2.0 replacement bought after some thin fabric may have been placed on top of it. As I understand it, my luck has been ridiculously bad, but I am strongly inclined to consider lighthouses vastly inferior to CV1 Constellation.

Can you please post some jittertest screenshots?
Stable is a very relative term.


Sorry, no. I do not normally have LH 2.0 units in my ‘primary’ VR space where I use 8kX units. These older LH 1.0 units have a longer track record at least.

Moreover, I am 100% confident that with just 1 LH 2.0 doing the tracking, jitter is several degrees and several millimeters, while with 2 LH 2.0 doing the tracking, jitter is less than two millimeters and five degrees. Almost certainly sub-millimeter. The difference is about an order of magnitude, and LH 2.0 is about the same as LH 1.0 . Also, I have a lot of experience doing long-range aiming using LH 2.0 , a 5k+ , and briefly an 8kX , so I do know what I am talking about when I say LH 2.0 and LH 1.0 are both adequately precise for anything else plausible that I can think of.

To be completely honest, I don’t care too much because Lighthouse technology is too inherently flawed to have a long-term future by itself .

  • Precision - too limited by narrow aperture.

  • Range - too limited by sweeping entire volume with limited-power (~200mW) lasers.

  • Expensive - $100/base $5/tracker, minimum plausible parts cost, just from silicon, motors, bearings. Might be forgivable if I had not gone through 3 broken LH units just to get 4.

  • Unreliable - Motors/bearings extremely sensitive to any variation. Lasers/photosensors near the absolute limits of their frequency response. Might be forgivable if I had not gone through 3 broken LH units just to get 4 , and that is if some of the photosensors on a $1300 headset do not spontaneously degrade.

  • Inconvenient - Any vibration of the sensor stops it from working.

  • Initialization - Not everyone can afford to place these things meters away, which also further limits more precise use case.

  • Bad Ecosystem - Really the biggest problem. Valve basically invented these things, controls the ecosystem for them, and has demonstrated zero restraint breaking SteamVR regularly. This alone would be a reason to banish the hardware, even if it wasn’t basically infeasible to make it better.

Compare this to a $0.20/tracker using just a shift register and an LED, picked up by 1000FPS cameras, hooked to a small set-top-box computer. Basically, Oculus Constellation was a vastly better idea.

All I really want to say is, LH 2.0 can work adequately with Pimax Vision 8kX. Besides that, Valve’s LightHouse in general, is a really stupid idea . Maybe the ‘engineers’ who dreamed this up should have stayed in school, where they can keep thinking inside a nice lab, instead of trying to make things in the real world, where solid-state commodities win big every time.

That’s a lot of word abuse, instead of just running jittertest.exe and posting your findings.
Almost like you are defending a flawed product that you do not wish to out in public.

again :sweat_smile: run jittertest.exe and post your findings if you dare :rofl:


My dedicated VR space is a few flights of stairs away, usually I don’t have a proper keyboard and such there, the VR computer is heavy to haul, and I usually configure the machine for 5k+ roomscale stuff first so it can’t be used as easily for 8kX at that point…

On top of that I usually finish such roomscale experiences, rather fatigued.

And at the end of the day, we should be moving away from Lighthouse . I don’t feel inclined to go out of my way to make bad tech work beyond ‘barely adequate’.

So your position is everything works fine but the tracking technology is flawed in the first place?


Sorry but I have to call BS on that point :rofl::sweat_smile:

Move pc (when you do roomscale anyways)
Unplug 5K+
Plug in 8KX
Redo room setup
Run jittertest.exe

Total work time for the complete task, 10min top.


Hmm, I guess if jittertest.exe doesn’t care about supersampling and such, there might be less fussing from restarting SteamVR and I might not have to reconfigure my headless ghost ‘displays’ .

Maybe I will try this. No guarantees though. Like I said, I don’t consider Valve Lighthouse to be worth much effort. Those things will never be better than ‘barely works’ anyway.

While eventually true; when something as good comes along to replace it that provides equal tracking quality. Unless I missed a big VR news event were not there yet.

Participating in a topic like this one requires some investment to test via the established method folks are using.

So please don’t use the topic as another “I despise Valve poke” please respect the Op’s topic. :beers::sunglasses::vulcan_salute::sparkles:


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: SteamVR, Oculus, etc, are BAD! - Man yells at CLOUD

After having 4 different Headsets with blue coating that all had tracking issues with my LH 2.0 Base stations, but Vive, Index or my black 5K XR are rock stable, it is reasonable to blame the obvious.

I am quite sure that the issues are related to the blue coating of the new vision housings or to the plastic material in case it was changed from the previous models (or both).
It was also reported that when using an IR camera the vision models are less translucent than previous models.
It seems like not enough IR light reaches to the sensors in the headset to enable a stable tracking. There might be LH 2.0 Base stations out there which might work because of spread of standard factory models, but many LH 2.0 stations do not reliably wok with these new headsets. LH 1.0 might emit stronger IR light in general and therefore are less prone to problems. Some Headsets might also have thinner coating and are less affected.
So who will pull off the blue coating at the IR sensor positions first to check this :wink:

I solved my problem by buying another set of LH base stations (this time the older 1.0 versions) and tracking is 95% better. Not perfect as with the Vive and Index, but completely usable.

I bothers me most that Pimax never made an official statement regarding this and keeps us in the dark. They mus know by know what is going on here!

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For what it’s worth, I have a pair of 2.0 base stations (purchased directly from Valve about 6 months ago) and my tracking is stable with my 8KX. I previously also had stable tracking with my 5K+ using both 1.0 and 2.0 base stations. They are in the opposite upper corners of a 14 ft x 10 ft room with normal lighting and one window.

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