SteamVR, Oculus, etc, are BAD! - Man yells at *CLOUD*

The thing is Lighthouses do work and are still considered best quality option.

Theoretical work maybe nice but until you have a working prototype that is proven. It is simply a thought exercise.

That being said. Yes Lighthouse tracking will eventually have something better that has more flexibility for use and ease of setup. However I have my doubts that will happen in 2021.

I remember long ago reading up on gps and other potential use of wireless signals to track position in a vr application.

Often we have to deal with what we have unless one can invent or reinvent something new

Except it is not. Atm the Lighthouse tracking issues are more primary to 1 steamvr compatible headset out of at least 3 that are not having major tracking issues.

Yes I am sure that Microsoft with the initial release of WMR thought the same; at least they eventually got there tracking to a satisfactory level vs initial release.

Just keep in mind the Road to VR is a rough one.