Who has stable LH 2.0 tracking on 8Kx 😀

Using a pair of base stations from Pimax and my Pimax 8KX has tracked flawlessly since I got them.


Hi Soarin.
Sounds good, would you mind running jittertest.exe and posting your results :slightly_smiling_face: ?


Still rock solid, one month later. No problem at all.


Sounds good, would you mind running jittertest.exe and posting your results :slightly_smiling_face: ?


without jitter results your statement is worthless, please run the jittertest.exe so we can all see it


What is the jittertest and where do I find it?

Without the jittertest my statement is not useless. It says that I do not have any problems with solid tracking. I have had VR since the Oculus Rift was released and I think I would have noticed appearent problems.

I dont know what the jittertest is( yet) but even if the jjittertest shows otherwise I do not have any problems with the stability of the tracking.


I don’t have any tracking issues either but still provided results for @MrAhlefeld.

This is the JitterTester (it was linked earlier in the thread and You can always find links by checking the first post):


Yes found it after posting.
I’ll try it later, but this doesnt change the fact that I never experienced any unstable tracking so far. At least in pair with Oculus( Id say better than) and a lot better than my HP Reverb.


Does anyone know what it does (I mean besides that it is testing the jitter :)). I looked at the original reddit post (which is quite old), but it does not say anything about how it works. Without that knowledge it is very difficult to interpret the results or draw any conclusions.


It measures movement on 3 axes while your headset is put on some stable surface so it physically cant move. The jitter is a result of deviation / instability of the position tracking. We all have problem that the tracking is doing “micro” movements aka jitter. The jittertest tells us objectively how bad is your tracking stability while standing still.


Hi !

Finally got time over to test. Havent updated the F/W or the pitool. Still have F/W .294 and
PT .266

Havent checked whats normal. Dont even know the unit of the measured values( degrees or?) so I dont have the slightest idea of if it is supposed to be ok. Anyway, I havent experienced any unstable tracking.


Wow! how the “BEEP” did you you get such stable tracking ? and with a Blue Coated Pimax HMD to boot.
Those results are fantastic…

What version of the lighthouses are you running, what firmware is on them and how have you set them up in your VR playspace.
Edit: found you earlier post, seems they are the SteamVR branded V2.0’s

I would like to replicate it :sweat_smile:

Come to think of it… Might you have had 9DOF enabled insted of Lighthouse tracking in PiTool when you tested ?

Cause I can replicate your stability test by doing just that.


I ordered the SteamVR base stations 2.0 bundled with the 8KX. I havent checked for firmware or updated them. Dunno F/W.

I put them diagonally in the room, one to the right and beyond the computer in the corner of the room at about 2m height. I guess.
The other one diagonally on the left most aft corner. Same distance to sweetspot for roomscale. When seated for DCS or racing Im closer to the forward right.
For this test i put it on the sweet spot middle position of the floor.

BTW, I had quite dark in the room. It was dark, and I didnt light up the room.
Just remember that trackir was very sensitive to other light and I know my HP Reverb has BEEP BEEP bad tracking if the room isnt light enough.
Can this affect tracking ?
I have played most of the gaming with some lights on, but as the oculus rift didnt show any sensitivity I havent been active to light up or darken for pimax either.
I havent noticed any unstableness so


Nope, I have the Lighthouse set to track since the base stations arrived. With 9 DOF you cant move the head? Only 3dof really ?
Have to check tomorrow, that lighthouse track still on, and the version of the base stations.
Maybe there was a new F/W when I installed( dont remember)


Basestations can’t be updated with a Pimax HMD unfortunately, so I don’t think you have updated them.
Sorry I meant 9-Axis (as they call it in Pitool) yes it’s 3dof in reality

So how big is the room ? x*x meters ? :slight_smile:


F/W Not even in StreamVR ?

About 3.5x3. Some storage on one side so practically 3.5x 2.5


So basically the same as mine 3.3x3.0 meters. but mine are cieling mounted at approx 2.4 meters height
Your basestations, are they wall mounted ?
And is the LED at the bottom or the top when looking at them ?
What angle have you set on them (downward angle) ?

Sooo many questions :crazy_face:

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Maybe something wrong with the jittesrtest and unnessesary questions ? :grinning:


to be 100% sure - can you record video of your desktop in steam home for example with headset laying still to see it with my eyes? Your jitter values are insanely good, I have >= 1.5 - you have 0.2 - actually I do not need to see it as 0.2 jitter is super still tracking - but I want to see your jittertest was really with enabled lighthouse and not 9axe mode.

Have now tested. Room was fairly well lit (LEDs). I don’t know how to check the firmware version on the base stations.


Edit: subjectively, to me this is stable. Would others consider it acceptable?