Who has stable LH 2.0 tracking on 8Kx 😀

Hi, and Happy Holidays to all!

„Oscar“ from Pimax sent me a new firmware for my 8kx, but sadly that didn’t help. Still have the jitters when turning my head.
We‘ll see what Pimax will come up to solve this.

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I have tracking jitter issues as well that varies in intensity so to speak depending on the day. Ironically when I only had 1 BS ( vive1st gen) I had less issues than I have now with valve’s 2 BS setup and the 8Kx


My setup - 2x valve index 2.0 - the one with 2001 firmware and sync hole on back (they are some early hw revisions lableed steamvr (later one are steamvr or valvevr or whatever) - I have found that valve told us that firmware 3008 (the latest) compared to 2001 should not affect pimax at all so we can skip speculating on faulting / bad / different base stations

I have tried to run on 1 lighthouse swapping the other - both behaves exactly the same so I can exclude faulty unit. With two of them the jitter is ± same (a little bit lower) but still distracting

I have tried various USB ports also the USB-C on the 2080Ti - all ports results to the same values in jittertest.exe (in my case I have 1.5-3 movement deviation (I think that valve index has 0.2 or better)

the thing is that if I’m looking at the static scene I can clearly see the jitter and my brain is fighting with it - it is very unpleasant and I do not want to even get use to it.

I got answer from support: “Sorry for the trouble. From your video, the jitter is not serious. It looks not affect to use. How about this? I will try to apply for a $50 coupon and a silicone protective sleeve as compensation. Do you willing keep it?” - but I have instantly replied that I just cannot get used to it.

So I’m pretty sure it is HW design issue which might not be possible to fix via software - the only solution I can see is to create some tracking smoothing to get rid of this jitter - the question is if the smoothing will not kill precise movements (and could introduce some lag)

For me this jittering is very annoying and literally causing nausia


btw would be interesting to test jitter of the valve knuckle controller and compare it to the pimax hmd

exactly this ))))))))


Not a very good offer. As there are others not seeming to experience the jitter they should be able to narrow it down.


I use the Valve base stations that came with the 8KX bundle. Base stations are mounted about 2.6 metres above the floor. The one in front of me is about 1.7 metres away from my chair. The one behind is about 2.1 metres away.

I do not feel that I have a problem with jitter (unless I raise my left hand to adjust the HMD, then it goes crazy).

edit: Merry Christmas to all.


I agree with those above. Just to share my experience: I had huge hopes for the 8KX but ultimately had to return it due to jitter problems. I tried it with a brand new lighthouse v2.0. I tried it on 2 different PCs, one brand new install, two separate rooms and I RMA’d the headset and was told Pimax personally checked the second one before sending it out to me (which I am not sure about as there was a broken part inside that rattled when the headset moved around). The second Pimax 8KX had the same jitter and I had to return it. Now I’m waiting on my G2. Still sorry that the 8KX didn’t work out but I’m just too tired of waiting for a fix that may never come.

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I am wondering if it is maybe the tracking sensors are not receiving enough power.

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sorry for the inconvenience that we made,we have reported it to the R&D to analysis how to resolve it。
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year!


hi MrAhlefeld, can you explain how to update valve 2.0 base stations by “lighthouse_watchman_update.exe”. I also have the jitter problem with my Pimax 8KX and I have been able to verify that one base station has the FW 3008 but the other the FW 3002. As I do not have any steam HMD, I cannot update it through SteamVR.
I have also updated the 8KX firmware by one that the technical service sent me after opening a support ticket “P2_DEBUG_8KX_M295_t20201124172218_r0cf81b2.dfu” but I have not seen any improvement.
The only thing that improves the jitter is having the 8KX at a minimum distance of 2 meters away and directly facing one of the base stations, but for me it is a problem since my room is 2x2 meters.

Thank you.

I can’t believe it, I just solved the jitter of my 8KX with 2 simple commands in CMD. At the beginning of this thread they recommended doing this:
I quote:
"launch lighthouse_watchman_update.exe in the folder C: Program Files \ Pimax \ Runtime

command line 1 : lighthouse_watchman_update.exe –bw3


command line 2: lighthouse_watchman_update.exe –Bw3 0x90030006

Shutdown your computer for a few seconds and restart "

That did not work for me since I have seen that it is for the SteamVR 2.0 base stations (0x90030006) and not for mine that are from Valve (0x9000000f), so I have returned to execute these 2 commands simply by changing to 0x9000000f:

command line 1 : lighthouse_watchman_update.exe –bw3
command line 2: lighthouse_watchman_update.exe –Bw3 0x9000000f

and in my case I only had to restart the HMD and services from pitool.

Now I have verified with the jitter 1.1 apk that the tracking is super stable without jitter. I can’t believe it but it has worked for me.


I have published too fast since after those commands when opening steamvr home, the Pimax 8kx was far from the knuckles and I have not had a way to recalibrate the correct position, but the worst thing is that only the HMD tracking works when the knuckles are on, if I turn them off the Pimax 8KX doesn’t detect the headlights, I have also had no way of getting him to see them without having the knuckles on. So I have re-launched these commands and it already detects the headlights but the jitter is back.

command line 1 : lighthouse_watchman_update.exe –bw3
command line 2: lighthouse_watchman_update.exe –Bw3 0x90030006

Here is some configuration inside the Pimax 8KX that is not correct and 100% compatible with valve 2.0 base stations.

I’m still testing now that I’ve seen the world without jitter, it can’t be assumed that we have to assume it.



I have also tried

command line 1 : lighthouse_watchman_update.exe –bw3
command line 2: lighthouse_watchman_update.exe –Bw3 0x9000000f

but this causes that the 8kx MHD does not track movement though the pimax sees the base stations (I have only 9axis movement) thats why I and you had 0.1 movement deviation only (super stable)

so I had to run update with 0x90030006 parameter to get back tracking for MHD back but I have the jitter back as well.

@Chumet @festr
What you are doing is not what you think you are doing - unfortunately. The command(s) you try are related to the lighthouse chip integrated in the headset which controls the sensors (also integrated in the headset). The sequence you run just sets the hardware revision of this chip.

I believe you have no idea why you are doing this or why it should help you fix the problems with the jitter (and neither do I). The only thing you can achieve is that by setting the wrong revision, you make the optical sensors inoperable.

Also, you are confusing the hardware rev. of the lighthouse chip controller with the hardware rev. of the lighthouses. These are two completely independent things.


yes exactly, setting the revision somehow disables tracking from lighthouses leaving only gyros in HMD so it looks like it is stable but there is no movement. This watchman commands circles in emails for those who cannot get to work lighthouses at all (wrong revision set in them) - it does nothing to jitter problem.

Some people have solved it by simply raising the BS position even more, if you can try it (250 cm high). Because it improves so much.


Hi. @MrAhlefeld
Upgraded today from Pimax5K+ (was rev2) to 8KX.
Ordered PIMAX 8KX on Amazon (GER) and received PIMAX Vision (!) 8KX recently.
I have a HTC Vive with Lighthouses 1 and wands, too, helped me with update of the Lighthouses, see bluetooth bug)
No big issues but the buggy Steam update some weeks ago, seems to be solved now.
Use Lighthouse 2 with firmware 3002 & Knuckles, bought from Steam directly. Channel 12+ 14)
The SMAS is unbearable for me, need to be replaced by VIVE DAS with 3Dprinted adapters (got it from ETSY, but offering now down).
With Vision 8KX I have stable tracking as before!
It is very impressive, I wear glasses and the FOV is over the glasses. :sunglasses:
It seems the “Vision” version is evolved regarding this issue.
Hope, Pimax helps You out. :+1:

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Thanks for responding and im glad your tracking is stable.
Would you mind trying out the jittertest program and report your findings here ?
How are your lighthouses positioned in your room ?

Note: All the production 8KX’s are the Vision series :wink: So there is no evolution in that regard unfortunately.


Hi @MrAhlefeld. Bad news for me. I have jitter too. :frowning_face:
My Lighthouses are mounted with 90° ancle, 3,5 m distance, pitch down is about 50°
After first use, Steam updated VR something, don´t know maybe related to PIMAX.
Yesterday it seems stable to me. Today it is definitively different.
I used the jitter check and made a movie, am not allowed to upload a video here.
It´s not that annoying but remarkable and a quality issue, of course.
Will try the Lighthouses V1 instead these days.


For the video if you have an account on youtube upload it there and post a link here.