Pimax September Announcement: Countdown

Countdown timer:


Ayyyy the most official thing we have so far

But what if they miss it?

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Then they still have 2 days to make a september announcement.

I don’t think oculus will announce a new hmd this year at oculus connect, oculus likely wants to keep the focus on rift s and quest, so I doubt Pimax feels threatened by oculus at the moment as they are no doubt also aware of this.

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No, it can’t be as late as the 28th. It’s either happening on the 24th or the 23rd. PimaxUSA confirmed this when he said it’d take place at least a day prior to Oculus Connect 6 which takes place on the 25th.

He could have meant that the 24th was the earliest date, with the 28th being the latest date as outlined above.

https://community.openmr.ai/t/pimax-sept-16-news-update-speculation/21829/917?u=shinytomb Here you go.

I literally quoted that post in the op.

If you reconcile both posts I quoted in the op, it makes sense the target date for the update could be anywhere from the 24-28th this month.

“At least” one day before the 25th could easily mean that’s the earliest date we might see the announcement

We also have the other guy saying it would likely take place on Monday, so it’s looking more like it’s either the 24th or 23rd.

Looks like the announcements been delayed past Monday, the fact the hotel rooms were booked until Tuesday, Tuesday being the 24th and Pimaxusa’s comments, leads me to believe that the 24th is the current target date, but it could be as late as the 28th now having regard to the delay at the home office.

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We’ll know pretty soon.

I would say Tuesday the 24th is the goal having regard to Pimaxusa’s comments about it being at least 1 day before the 25th and the fact their hotel rooms are booked until the 24th.

This is unless the things that have to fall in place at the home office (new parts testing, confirming delivery dates for 3rd party accessories) are still being organised by the 24th.

Maybe they meant 24th September 2020?


looking forward to pitool 180 release!

Updated the timer to reflect the announcement time.

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