Pimax Crystal - status, updates and fixes (Part 1)

Not sure I’ve ever seen this before but it comes in the Crystal box.


it’s weird you equate the benefits of drinking to the time it takes to drink it :rofl::beer:

seems like the nReal Air. I have those and 49ppd is spectacular.

I use it on steamdeck and virtual desktop like experiences with SBS 3d .

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Quite cool. Just to confirm with the Crystal beta(though your seasoned pimax user) to confirm your using an overrided steamvrsettings file? as @MikeJeffries discovered with one tester no one told them about optimizing that file for pimax hmds.


So any newer pimax users in the beta are likely unaware. 2 confirmed so far with one being open to adjust res and gpuspeed values. The other fellow seems reluctant to even try.


No, Helio. In fact multiple users in the beta discord, though I cannot speak for everyone just the few I’ve seen post, are confirming this is not the case. There is no need to override the render resolution values that this guide here states you need to. If somebody still has those files they’re likely left over from an older install. Because I have two different PCs which don’t have the “RecommendedImageRectWidth/Height”. On the beta branch or on the current live branch. And as was seen in the public Pimax Discord and I was shown by other beta testers looking at in the beta Discord, several other people don’t have those files either in that location.

And I know this used to be a problem as back when I got my 8KX almost 2 years ago, yeah I went to edit those values and they did exist. On this PC my install of windows is only about 7 months old and I didn’t need to do that on my 8KX when I reinstalled things. This used to be an issue, but it appears to no longer be one.

But if you go to Steam\SteamApps\common\SteamVR\resources\settings\default.vrsettings , different place from which has been specified in these guides and Mike’s ramblings, you CAN find something which says

“maxRecommendedResolution”: 8192

Which is obviously a much, much higher value than what the Crystal had. This was the case on both PC on both the beta and live branches.

So it used to be a problem with SteamVR in the past, but now it no longer does this by default. The GPUspeed values also appear to effect only the SteamVR dashboard and not the actual games.

I think we just need Valve to adopt meta’s setting on this. It appears they don’t have the limiter. Interesting both have pros and cons to there platform feature sets.

It will be good once OpenXR gets better adoption going.

And with Valve seems they may have gaps in install and updates not so dissimilar to pimax software issues. Though Valve has a more stable rep. lol

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If IPMAX ever does a pancake optic design I would hope they would use it to have a verifocal design that would allow them to have two different magnification levels.

Imagine 45° of the field of view being retina level at 60 pixels per degree and the rest of it at say 25 pixels per degree, and movable with eye tracking.

Since pancake Optics have the lower brightness as a trade off, I would love to see if we could get retina resolution in one particular section of FOV.

Here is a video of a meta prototype using pancake lenses in the way I have described.

Since we have an exchangeable lens design and integrated tracking already, I’d say they could do this if they really wanted to, but it wouldn’t be cheap LOL.

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Yeah but we will need to see how well they di with the 12k bionic displays/lenses. We can’t count the 70ppd projector as it sounds like that will be an upgraded 12k maybe for business.

On Crystal WFoV lenses we have this possible detail.

Interesting “pimax numbers” on the wfov lenses seem to match what the 35ppd lenses are said to have by pimax. :wink:


I just wonder how well that would look with those who have a higher degree of peripheral vision?

I’m kinda imagining such a situation (such a difference in PPD) would be more readily if not annoyingly noticeable for those.

I mean, if they could pull it off where it were as natural us what the eye itself can render, then I’m all for it for sure!

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Mike at VR oasis did a review of an earlier varjo model with the ficus display. Imagine result could be similar depending on how well blended the transition is and a user’s acuity.is with noticing the transition.

The cool thing about that meta prototype is that it’s using the lens and it’s pancake characteristics to accomplish the same thing as a varjo “focus display” without needing to worry about using a second display that you have to blend with.

The lens is looking at one screen with two different magnification levels. One focal plane is at a very low magnification which gives a 45° area that is 60 pixels per degree and the second focal plane of the pancake lens has the characteristics of a standard lens that you would find in a standard hmd.

The problem with Varjo’s design and also the problem with pimax trying to use projectors to accomplish a 60 PPD Zone is that you would have to program that into the software on a per app basis.

If however those characteristics are baked into the lenses, it becomes software agnostic.

That’s why I’m glad they went with the 42 PPD lens, because all your games will be improved by it without the developers having to do a damn thing.

If pimax were to develop a pancake lens with two different focal planes and the different magnifications, you would get the same software agnostic benefit and you would also benefit in that moving that 45 degree zone around with eye tracking in software would be infinitely easier than trying to finagle a hardware solution with projectors integrated with the eye tracking.


Yeah, it’s just that the 42PPD lens’ FoV is kinda depressingly small…
But then again, I don’t really have a high degree of confidence about what the REAL FoV is for their lenses. All other things being equal…

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HI :innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2:

It’s beautiful all these futuristic projects.
It would be good already for pimax to meet its promised delivery times in June 2022 before finding new futuristic solutions, I think!
We are in May 2023 and the crystal helmet finalized in all these promised functions is not in production and not for sale on amazon as promised around March/April 2023.
As we say in France:
-Do not put the plow in front of the horses :thinking::thinking:

and then to finalize in January 2024 at these 2024 the pimax 12k then its marketing, a 12k finalize with 1 year and a half late.

When these 2 helmets are finalized then you can create lens options, not before!
Otherwise you add new projects to unfinished helmets and in 2030 we will still be there

Aplushhsss :innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2:

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Actually never suggested the benefits. Only compared the expense. :beer: :beers: :laughing: :herb:



Yes for a better fov with the 12k , I am ready to pay 500/600€ more compared to the price of pimax crystal for a pimax 12 k and have the successor of the pimax 8kx with this new generation of vr nextgen 3.0 headsets with pimax.
I fly in simulation on iracing/Dcs world/Il2 Bob/Il2 Flying Circus1, helmets with fov like the pimax crystal /Valve Index/Hp G2/Varjo Aero are not for me and friends who do simulation in multiplayer, and compete!
So I’m impatiently awaiting the release of the Pimax 12k, to finally buy myself a high FOV / Nextgen 3.0 helmet.
The replacement for my old Pimax 5k+ which I loved for its huge Fov

Aplushhsss :innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2:

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The Apple hype has started: Apple's Upcoming Headset "so good", According to Oculus Founder – Road to VR
It seems the release is for this fall. Let’s see who gets their headset out first, pimax or Apple. At this point I’m not so sure anymore haha.

In 3 weeks the new apple headset will be presented to the public. This surely will hurt Pimax. I for one will definitely wait for the Apple presentation and if it impresses me, will skip the Crystal for sure and go for the Apple.


Well hard to say if it will hurt pimax as Apple’s ambition is far greater than pimax’s. In fact it will shake things up quite a bit from what I have read.

Now pimax’s plans to venture into corp/enterprise? Yes pimax will likely be in trouble as the Crystal is no where near ready for that sector. At present most Crystal features are mia and standalone is unlikely to be great as the runtime tethered kills the battery and quite quickly considering it needs fast charge to have a decent runtime.

And that will kill the longevity of the battery using high drain and fast charge at the same time.

I know one of the testers does not understand this point. Since pimax has not disclosed what cells there using in the battery we do not know if there high quality cells or lower quality that have even shorter life cycle.

Pimax has not even have the LH face plate ready for testing/release. And with Apple’s hmd they would need the mr face plate.

So in conclusion atm pimax is not really competing with enterprise targeted hmds.

And Apple currently by the press and formfactor will compete very strongly against Varjo’s AR enterprise hmds quite well.

Pimax Crystal will still be attractive to the pro sumer enthusiast that like the Varjo Aero for high clarity at a more friendlier consumer price. However the poor warranty period will work against them with the many support warranty related history.

Is the Crystal worth the wait? imho yes; but key word wait, No one should rush to get it if any of the mia built in features are not working as your limited warranty will not cover those features for full term. Or if they take a year to 2 years to have them fully in place working as it should; you may not have a warranty on those features at all.

Some folks experienced this with the release of the Hand Tracking module learning the usb-c ports were defective being configured it seems to run as usb 1.0 ports.


Pimax, Apple, Bigscreen or Valve? Cool race.


Not really a race. Valve has no real plans it seems til sometime late in 2024 maybe.

Apple is targetting professional use.

And pimax still is not sure trying to hit partially on all fronts with no clear focus on any of them.

Bigscreen however might hit the sweet spot as an add on could bridge gap for standalone. Which interestingly enough a Discord member has ran his 5kS on a Amd 6800u apu with some pretty cool results. The z1 apu should make that much better. Imagine using a rog ally for example or better to make your vr hmd wireless. :star_struck:

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I seem to fail to follow some bits of reasoning - possibly missing prerequisite context…

The “double pancake” expression sounds to me like even less brightness, and even less on top of that, with the two presumably LCD switch planes each absorbing their share.

How so? -You are still showing two separate images, picture-in-picture; One small FOV, high res; And one high FOV low res – only showing them sequentially, instead of using two display devices.

You could of course avoid having to render separate “context” and “focus” views for each eye, by rendering only the “context” one, but at the “focus” resolution, but there is no reason you couldn’t do the same with the Varjo – it is just extremely “wasteful”.

How? I saw nothing in the excerpt video clip to suggest the “focus” area (which shoves the entire display panel into that 45° area), could be moved around.

On Apple, competition, and market segment targetting, mentioned in other posts: I have hard time imagining Apple allowing any product of theirs to be used outside their ecosystem…