And, as usual, no official word about prescriptions lenses…
Give me the link and will unlock it.
Not sure why there comparing an Android habd held to a pc handheld. Save a size comparison. lol
As the Steamdeck can do pretty much everything the portal with and without Android emu. Save the VR Switch/cardboard add on.
That they will leave to 3rd parties most likely.
Though as the Crystal shares 53mm Aspherical lenses with the old Pimax 4k model it is possible inserts made for that will work.
Though once ET is working the inserts may interfer with tracking as they implied with Droolon-pi abd was why they never made any after saying there would be.
Thanks @Heliosurge
Your wwlcome. Topic re opened.
Please when you have time start some Pico-hmd topics on
and invite other pico users. As be cool to get sime guides made and discussions.
@Axacuatl reopened the pancake topic
@Neoskynet you might be interested in that one as well with your valuable xp and input.
Might even be a good idea to maybe make a new one with linked Articles in first post. What do yous think?
So… Sebastian of MRTV is basically saying that the hand controllers and their tracking is somewhat inadequate. So playing something like Beat Sabre or other games that require some reliability with the controller tracking is pretty much not going to be realistic.
Meaning you’d need to get the LH Optional Faceplate and Lighthouse system anyways…
Well, that’s a real bummer for those who are getting this as their first HMD and don’t have all of that equipment, and maybe don’t have a ready and easy place to make the mountings…
That’s a real shame…
Of course, would like to see several other reviewers experiences as well, hopefully soon someday…
I guess pancake lenses for Crystal is not going to happen simply due to missing brightness of the displays - you need significantly more nits for pancake as compared to Fresnel. The displays weren‘t picked for use with pancake.
The focal distance would be different too. Needs a whole redesign from the ground up.
Difficult to say as Led/lcd usually has greater brightness than Oled. However it might cause issues perhaps with the hdr component. Plus early Kopin Article had mentioned lower FoV.
Pancake as is mentioned will be a future direction as Sunglasses form factor would be great. But we need also expanded FoV.
Well keep in mind that with a modular kense design Pancake is still do able though may need a?more complex design of the lense or holder.
But would it make sense to do?
I would recommend reading Cheezus reviews. Crystal Tracking sounds reasonable compared to Quest 2 but not Qpro. Cheezus even does a demo clip of Beatsaber; Though Beatsaber not a great game to use to compare as you can score higher at lower refresh rates.
Plus LH is useless in Standalone mode.
The chief blur buster Mark rejon has mentioned that he saw an AR prototype that used MEMS lasers to make a very bright AR projection. I think that technology can be adapted for use in an LCD backlight it would have the benefit of being a scamming back light because of how MEMS works would have better contrast, and allow for true HDR within a decent power envelope that would make VR headsets with standard aspheric optics, much better, or could mitigate the brightness loss that pancake lenses suffer from
Here is maybe a new path on the horizon for future.
Though 70° not really good for vr. the Price point of this device is quite good. Plus seems to be very usable across multiple devices.
New clarity king perhaps at 52ppd claimed. Just too small fov imho at 70. But should be really comfortable @ 65g and 9mm thick.
Well, then I think MRTV and CrispyCheezus should get in a room together and hash it out.
Controllers and tracking are a big thing for any of us wanting to use them with other games, regardless of PCVR or Stand-Alone (wireless) etc.
So it will be nice to see MORE focused tests on the controllers’ performance.
Well how well controllers compare will also be individual unless extremely bad like say Vive cosmos 1 was it?
Now maybe something like Elven. Tennis might be better metric.
If you have a Quest 2 how do you find the tracking as that is what has been implied comparable.
This is good to have a variety of ppl’s xp being diverse.
Pimax just posted this video showing how bad the hand tracking is. Picking up simple blocks sometimes takes several tries.
In France
it’s french slang, it’s just to say goodbye to someone after a discussion
I wouldn’t put much stock in that video as we know the Ultraleap module works well. Just not much content atm to make it a worthwhile purchase.
Though if pimax works on the cameras the module should not really be needed.
Talking about Ultraleap - they sent emails announcing a mystery reveal… no specific date or information given though.