Pimax Crystal - status, updates and fixes (Part 1)

Another thing to remember is that performance will be lower on WiFi. So the hardcore simmers won’t use it much. @SmallBaguette Could you direct me to that official announcement?
I’m getting g a bit befuddled trying to sort through what data are current and what are not.
Getting old I guess.

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From my understanding the XR2 is needed for Tobii Foveate Transport. But do agree the Standalone Mode.

Though for Standalone mode there needs to be content available to which I believe the Portal will help with having a number of free DeV units for qualifying applicants.

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Well I can appreciate the sentiment on the high price. However if you look at Varjo Aero it has less features and no included Controllers, Audio, no wireless & No option for Standalone. At a much higher price point.


The question ultimately comes is this. Is the software/games/tools offering appealing enough compared to other HMD stand-alones on the market to make a case for someone to want the Crystal for Stand-Alone? Right now it’s a tethered HMD with a stand-alone that’s considered a ‘nice to have’ but not a must, and people are paying anyways for that. Umm ok.

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Well what it comes to is as it is with all things. We work hard for our money and we weigh whether or not something is worth it by what features something offers that are important to the individual.

For me at the high price tag of say the Aero; it would not be on my radar. With the Crystal is more likely to be a candidate due to all of the features including Stand Alone mode.

That being said if Stand alone mode has high importance then you and others will want to weight for content(likely the big thing atm holding it back); you and others will want to hold off til it proves to be a ‘Reality’.

There you go. It’s actually wild reading that now today.

I can’t believe the kid is worried about how the ‘oversized’ headset makes him look. That’s kind of absurd, especially since he needs SOMETHING to hide that haircut. :grin:

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@SmallBaguette Thanks for the link. Interesting… the original date of release has passed of course, but I wonder if the date for completing the standalone mode stretched alongside it. It wasn’t ready at CES. I think the WiFi mode may be closer to fruition as somebody (Kevin?) at the Pimax booth noted that WiFi was problematic in their pavilion because of the multitude of interfering signals. I got the impression that it might have been close enough to demo, but perhaps not ready to compete in that sort of signal saturated environment.
Anyhow- that’s nothing more than speculation on my part. We’ll know soon enough I guess.

I asked the tester and he didn’t give me exact numbers, but they said there’s no real big difference in the FoV with or without parallel projections. That’s not really surprising, given how most PP on/off comparisons on Risa had minimal difference, bar 1-2 outliers, unfortunately.

I have removed 3 very unkind posts. Please keep things civil and remember the earlier Dishamony.

A DM was sent to those involved.

I am disappointed. :frowning:

Update in link below.


Correct, the Aero was simply way too expensive for what it offers to me. Hence a clear no buy. But that doesn‘t save the Crystal from the same fate - otherwise I would own the Aero today, because the Xtal, Varjo VR-3/MR-3, etc. etc. all were even more expensive…. :wink:


True due to features; I imagine in your case lack of FoV.

Even though the Crystal in ‘Reality’ is considerably cheaper by what is it a base $800+? Then even cheaper considering it is a complete vr package with controllers and Audio solution & then other features that the Aero doesn’t offer at all.

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No doubt it is a more complete offering, but it remains being priced significantly above what I have been willing to pay for a VR headset in the past 7 years. And as I said in another post a couple of weeks ago, the expected time frame of use factors in heavily for me too: I do not expect the Crystal to be the go-to headset for anybody in this forum (who is generally willing to spend money on VR/MR headsets in the future again) in say 3 years from now.

I expect/hope that the Crystal’s visuals will be met by micro OLED displays with very high brightness, as they have been developed and production is going to start soon (see Brad Lynch’s coverage of it in the past 12-18 months) but with a substantially more compact design.

So the cost to usage ratio breaks the business case for me here, too much of a monthly rental fee for 24-36 months, so to say: even if I’d use it for 36 months, which imho is a stretch, I’d be at more than $50 per month (Sales tax included). Resale value will be in the lower hundreds by that time.

So am I willing to dish out $50+ p.m. for the improvement from the G2 or 8KX to the Crystal? For me it’s a no.

If they get wireless to perform stable & with very good visual quality it could make it a bit more enticing. But if that comes at the cost of a downgraded picture quality, it’s not.

If they get the 12K right, it could occupy a niche for some more years to come and provide more value per dollar. Let’s see.

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Okay Folks I may have jumped the gun on this. It seems the intention was meant to be taken as a joke and not serious.

Just that they had missed putting a “jk” or clarifying emoji.

My apologies; however please understand I am in a precarious position and need to ensure my actions as a moderator are following the new procedures I recently outlined.

I will have to see if the option to hide a post is still available maybe for a situation like this.


I really wish what you said were true. I had some hope for Shiftall from MeganeX before, then the hope was crushed when they announced that the headset would cost $1700.
That headset has less resolution, less FOV, no controllers, less powerful chip (XR1) and still cost more than Crystal.

If no other headset manufacturer steps up and makes a decent headset like Crystal, then it will be the go-to headset in the next 3 years, whether you like it or not. Clearly that, Meta, Panasonic( MeganeX), Sony… they all dropped the ball for high end headsets. The only one who’s willing to do 30+PPD headsets at a fair price is only Pimax.


Well, my problem is that even if the Crystal is only replaced in 3 years as you say, the price tag of paying $50+ per month for the upgrade from my G2/8KX is too much for me. If I didn‘t care about the money or still operated with a 1st gen VR headset, it may be a different story…


Yeah with the MeganeX the developer stuffed up the optics then shifted his focus to make controllers for drinking games :smile:

I’m still not convinced those controllers will ever release. No one has seen them working yet and unless Valve has recently changed something, it’s next to impossible to make a Lighthouse tracked thumbstick controller unless you’re valve. Anyone making a controller that isn’t valve need to do vive wand emulation, hence we have controllers like pimax sword being the only 3rd party options.

I don’t see why meganex would be any different or get special access, and no one has seen them working yet. They seem like a design idea that they are hoping to implement but probably don’t realise that isn’t easy. Maybe they will actually release though, I hope they do as I actually like the idea a lot and LH tracking users really could do with another option.

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My prediction it will fail. It seems they couldn’t quite get the optics right. The form factor looks cool but terribly uncomfortable for long periods of use. If the headset was great CES testers would have be raving about it


I am surprised nothing can be said about Tobii ET…does it exist? Tobii wasnt ready in early January… are they the ones holding up the show?

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