Pimax 8K VR Frequent Asked Questions

I’m really not sure why they don’t seem to understand this.


Maybe trying to scalp the group that won’t spend the extra money so they can generate some profit from now until the release of the X model, which also may have been delayed for other production reasons?

GTX 2070 would probably beat the 1080TI. What do you think it would cost in let’s say february 2018 ? $500 ? I barely would call that ‘big spenders’. Apple is asking $1250 for their new iphone, you think people are not going to buy it because of the price ?

Pimax 8k would be the apple of the VR industry. If you can’t afford it, buy something cheaper, easy as that.

Doesn’t need to be the mainboard as the mb would have the arm cpu(s) just the display controller input board.

The 4k native upgrade on the 4k unit we know would require internal upgrade to the 4k model as the needed support never materialised from gpu vendors save arm gpu. Now a respin on the 4k could get the needed upgrades to accomplish this & use the new 4k panel from the 8k.

Yeah keep on defending their horrible decisions. I’m not going to buy the Pimax 8k until they offer native resolution. I think a lot of high end gamers will do the same. We’ll see.

I’m software engineer from Pimax, And I’am very sorry that Pimax 8K have to need the 2 DP connections to support native 4K * 2 resolution, because we use the bridge chip - ANX7530 to convert DP 1.4 to MIPI, and the chip has some limitations as follows:

  1. ANX7530’s DP input couldn’t support DSC, and it’s max bandwidth on DP input is 21 G, so it just support 2 * 3840 * 2160 * 50Hz, so we consider to use 2 DP input.

  2. ANX7530 has a DSC engine to support convert native DP input to DSC MIPI output, however, the chip just have 2 horizontal slices, but each LCD panel need 2 to 4 slices at least while using DSC feature.

So we have to use 2 DP connections.


Lets not bring in Apple’s iSheep into the picture. Lol

Everyone who knows tech; knows apple sells lower spec phones for higher prices. (foxconn)

Again thats a few months away. We might have Ryzen Apu’s with hbm motherboards able to do high quality vr

I’m the exact opposite. I’m absolutely sick of low field of view.


Thanks for clearing that up, it does make sense.

So 2 questions:

  1. Why not offer 2*4k@60 hz ? So without DSC.
  2. Why is it so complicated to add that 2nd DP port ? Why are you talking about Q2-Q3 ? And why $300 extra ?

can you tell us more about the dual DP version? Will it be supported? why does it cost so much more?

I’m livid that you guys waited until the day before the kickstarter goes up to tell us the true story. I do not want to back this product now. I might still, but this was shitty bait and switch crap.

We have all given you the best feedback we could, and you couldn’t be bothered to tell us straight what your plans were.

We still haven’t even seen Norm’s impressions of the HMD. I hope you guys sell enough headsets, because trust and good faith cant be bought back once you sell it.

And therein lies an issue, they want to cater to all but neglect the high-end target because @ the end of the day, once again as always, majority rules.

Just snatch the option away from the high-end target, they are the minority…

This could be avoided but the choice has probably been made even before the Kickstarter was drafted.

While I agree that there are many do-it-yourself types that have the 4k. I think PiMax is not necessarily selling a user up-gradable product. Personally, I would rather not have to do those upgrades myself even though I was an electrical engineer for 45 years. Another thought, have most people even attempted to disassemble their Rift or Vive? likely not. Most people want something that works without fiddling around with it. That’s always been my gripe with the PiMax 4k. It takes a lot of work to make it function as it should. The latest PiPlay is a huge step in the right direction though.

Fact of the matter is that it still probably will be the best headset out there. But without native resolution I’ve lost most of the excitement. I am not going to take the risk of kickstarter anymore without it. So I will just wait till others start using it and hear about the problems they will face (there surely will be some). And decide then.

Either way I’m extremely disappointed.

On the contrary i just disagree with your opinions on the subject matter as you do mine.

Like i said & the other fellow said about kickstarters if your unsure if it will support the features you want or not meet your expectations…

Then don’t support it at launch & wait til the features come available you want && pay more at that time.

Really simple then ranting- no offense.

They had us excited about the 8k FOR MONTHS. And then they drop this bomb just ONE DAY before the kickstarter !?!? Surely you must be able to understand the disappointment and frustration here.

well they never said they could 100% support native res. And…they are, with another version. Technically they are doing what you’re asking.

That’s the whole point. They could have been fair with us from the start.

Let people buy the lower in version if they want A bad decision if you asked me" but we NEED this newer a version asap Why The delay? it should be a priority project just like the others.

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They skimped on the bridge chip. The damn thing cant even do 2 screens at 4k @ more than 50hz.

You guys could have gone with DP 1.2 if that was your plan all along.

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