Pimax 8K VR Frequent Asked Questions

Besides, people with crappy GPU have tons of options already. Pimax already IS catering to the high end of gamers. It’s really the only reason I’m here. I just don’t understand why they don’t add that 2nd DP port from the start, how difficult can it be ?

doesn’t really matter, i can have a 8K display and run it at 640x480. But i have the option for playing tetris at 8K

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Xunshu most people who will buy a $700 hmd already have top of the line gaming PCs. Someone who has a $500 PC isnt going to buy this when they could buy rift and controllers with a pc in a bundle.


Exactly this. It seems Pimax doesnt even understand who their customers are. What a fail.

1 to 2 months & not everyone in the target market will buy $1000 video cards.

Remember Amd Vega is out now for that price bracket with 8g hbm.

As long as you can buy an upgrade module as @deletedpimaxrep1 has said (more or less) it will be fine for platnum credit card gamers. :smirk:

Geez lol now your promoting oculus sde sales. :beers::joy::+1:

Bingo. Thats why I posted this thread http://community.openmr.ai/t/stretch-goal-idea-for-kickstarter-swap-able-lenses-for-different-fov/2805/21

I would much rather have a low fov with significantly higher ppd, then get the same ppd over double the FOV

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Would a Gtx 1080 be sufficient to run the HMD at native resolution if a eye tracking module was used?

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What is the angular pixel density of the 5K model? I mean taking into account things like lens geometry–not just the naive pixels/fov.

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well if the 4k is 19 PPD, the 2.5K is 12 PPD, like a rift

I think we all have to acknowledge the fact that this company is trying hard giving us the bleeding edge of what is technically possible right now in vr terms. Maybe they speculated at beginning of there 8K endevour to have a suitble PCB board supporting native res and it supposedly didnt pan out as desired.
The only real question everybody should ask now is if the headset can later on be easily upgraded to native 4k per eye. or do we really need to buy the hole thing again. Just like the Nintendon 64 had an expansion pack option for the more demanding players.

Fact of the matter is that pimax promises aren’t worth very much. They’ve promised us a resolution upgrade system for the 4k too, remember ? That never happened. Why would it be different this time ? Swapping out mainboards, it seems very complicated for the average user. I HIGHLY doubt that they’re going to offer this.

Its not that easy imo…like I wrote in my Review the percieved latency/fluidness of motion was much better on the CLPL display unit then on 5K OLED…also the sde was much more apparent to me where as the 8K was much sharper even in 2,5k upscaled to 4k.

Med high to top tier gpus are the target.

Yes there are alot of crappy vr options out there. But if you can offer a high quality vr hmd it will encourage folks to upgrade the gpu later for the better experience say when you can but tge 1080ti used in less than a year for $500 to say $600 as the big spenders sell their old top card for the new one every 6 months.

I would argue that the opposite is true this new version should be the only version ,charge more if you have to at least it’s for a more future proof product The customers with the Lower end cards would just run it at 1440P upscaled .and you would get more than enough sales on Kickstarter to change those boards


I’m really not sure why they don’t seem to understand this.


Maybe trying to scalp the group that won’t spend the extra money so they can generate some profit from now until the release of the X model, which also may have been delayed for other production reasons?

GTX 2070 would probably beat the 1080TI. What do you think it would cost in let’s say february 2018 ? $500 ? I barely would call that ‘big spenders’. Apple is asking $1250 for their new iphone, you think people are not going to buy it because of the price ?

Pimax 8k would be the apple of the VR industry. If you can’t afford it, buy something cheaper, easy as that.

Doesn’t need to be the mainboard as the mb would have the arm cpu(s) just the display controller input board.

The 4k native upgrade on the 4k unit we know would require internal upgrade to the 4k model as the needed support never materialised from gpu vendors save arm gpu. Now a respin on the 4k could get the needed upgrades to accomplish this & use the new 4k panel from the 8k.

Yeah keep on defending their horrible decisions. I’m not going to buy the Pimax 8k until they offer native resolution. I think a lot of high end gamers will do the same. We’ll see.