Serious Question if the 8K is 899$, what will the 8KX cost and what the hell must the 8K do to justify that price?

First things first, I backed the 8KX. I don’t know why but at the time I just wanted the best possible thing. The fact that I’m getting a loaner unit before I get the 8KX which will be in development for who knows how long is cool. I’m sure there are only less than 600 people world wide that backed this.

I’m starting to think the 8KX will be some museum piece that I’ll box up and hang somewhere for a pretty price.

1K+$ is way way too much even for enthusiast level and this headset will come out a year later+.

Weren’t they only slated to make like 400 or something. I don’t think the plan was to make it a regular store item. Maybe that will change if things work out for it or has it been stated already it will go into general availability?

Correct, its a KS only special.
In saying that I’m sure they fully intend to complete it, but as far as I see. The technology just isn’t there yet. Both in lenses and in bandwidth availability.

I’m definitely storing it in some museum if it’s a KS only.

And where is this information about Pimax sending us 8K-X backers a lesser model as we wait for the 8K-X? I think this has conveniently “disappeared”.

@Zybane Nothing disappeared. There was a survey from Kickstarter in an e-mail from last year (November). You had to choose to receive a loaner. Early backers who went for the 8K-X have recently been asked what their preference was between 8K and 5K+ if they chose to get a loaner. @Chucksta already received a loaned 8K.

Yeah, I have mine and I am REALLY enjoying it :slight_smile:

@Zybane Your number may not have come up yet, but as soon as it does, they will no doubt get in touch. Is your backer number quite high? Mine is 53

Or, like me, they have the wrong email address. Pimax had an email address of mine that no longer exists (my fault). I contacted support, and told them what my new email is. I also said which headset I wanted as a loan.

So, if I were you, I’d contact support, say that you have not been contacted yet re the loan, and tell them which one you want.

Better safe than sorry :slight_smile:


whats your opinion on the pimax 8k?

pimax has to develop their own foveated rendering tech that should be included with the 8KX or else they will be beaten by oculus or htc who are currently developing said technology


I really like it.

I use it a LOT for watching videos and YouTube. It’s great in Bigscreen’s big cinema environment. I have to make myself not use it so much for that, just so that I have a break from it! Watching a real world TV, although far superior image quality wise, is nowhere near as good as being in that virtual cinema.

Love it in Elite Dangerous and Subnautica. It’s soooooo immersive with that wide FoV. I mainly use Normal FoV, sometimes Large.

Text in game is easily readable, if somewhat fuzzy.

I have never felt ill using it, and I have had it on for many hours in the day - with bio, food and drink breaks, of course :slight_smile:

It wipes out the original Vive and Pimax 4K, as far as I am concerned. The Vive made me feel ill after 20 minutes of use, and I had visual issues with the 4K. And of course the FoV!!!

Image quality could be better, and I’d also like a larger sweet spot, even though the existing one is a very good size.

I think from here on in, I won’t be going for HMDs that use upscaling. 8K is good, but not quite good enough.

Due to the fact I do not feel ill using this HMD, I am quite tempted to buy this loaner, just in case the 8K X does make me feel ill. Plus, I love watching videos with it, and playing games that have been properly optimised for VR.

Oh, and I have had no issues with the headstrap. Fits well, and is very comfortable. I don’t even notice it.

Better image needed
Bigger sweet spot needed (or even better, implement foveated rendering), as @vinci says above :slight_smile:

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If this was a Sony product it would be $10,000. The silly reactions on this board make me shake my head. You want state of the art tech and to be cutting edge, yet pay WalMart prices.


I’m just thinking how they are going to market this to sell more than 1k units. The VR market is Niche.

Uhh…they sold like 6k on the KS and the 1st day of pre-order brought well over 1k units of retail sales…I think you are vastly underestimating.

If you are talking only the 8kX, well that was never supposed to be a general sale item. Only 400 were ever slotted to be made.

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I’m talking only the 8KX. Just wondering how they can return a profit on it.

Unless I’m missing something the 8kx shouldn’t cost any more except for the extra DP cable

Isn’t it supposed to have different screens, so that it will have 4K native per eye, which is why the need for the 2 DP cables?

Hmm, I really hope it will be 4K native per eye. I’ve not found anywhere, where this is stated by a Pimax representative. Closest I have found, was something posted by a Pimax engineer, while they were working on the 8K itself.