Xunshu said update this week?

Actually, I think you’d rank him # 2, if you ever met my wife! :laughing:


When you will receive your 8K, I hope you won’t be too overexcited you’ll break it when you touch it. :stuck_out_tongue:

What do you want to achieve by enforcing information from Pimax? You only get more superficial info like: “we are making progress”.You won’t get the info you want. Not in the slightest.

You can’t always get what you want

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8 months ?

Delivery should have started in January, now we are in June.

Let me guess, you are better at creative tasks than counting… :wink:


Well, at least they HAD a skeleton of a product. Think of all those other KS projects which were started and ended without any product at all! When I think of “Star Citizen”, crowdfounded via KS as well, earning millions of Dollars, and still in some kind of Alpha-Stage after all these years!.. so I am really glad, Pimax achieves and shows progress. And of course, I am impatient, too… :wink:


I think most backers realized that that was an overly optimistic shipping date. Personally, I was thinking March or April, but it looks like I wasn’t pessimistic enough.

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I have backed the KS powerup dart 3.0

Perfect communication
Perfect Shipping / Spot on delivery time

Just one problem.
I bought 4 of them and they all fly like dog sh!t.

I hope pimax will be the opposite where there might be delays but ships a good working product in the end.



One question guys : we already stated that even if the wait is very long, at least we will get a 8k vr headset with a great discount compared to the normal price (we don’t know yet the final price, but regarding additional gifts etc…).

Now do you think if in two years or so, an other company launch a KS campaign about a let’s say 16k 360° headset, you would back it again, considering wait is kind of a nightmare (I said ‘kind of’ ok ?) and maybe it doesn’t worth the final discount ?

I think my life would have been better this year if I just kept my vive instead of selling it and wait indefinetely for Pimax… Think about people that will just discover Pimax 8k once it’s released, and just pay maybe around 200$ than us… I mean, that always money, but without being CEO of a big company, I think most people that backed Pimax can gather 200$ in 9 months.

“360 degrees” :joy::joy::joy: Bro we’re not aliens our max FOV is 220 not 360 ffs


Well… I kept my 4K until now, wanted to sell it only when the 8K arrives and convinces me.
So, yes: I would do it the same way, once again. 200$ is quite a sum of which you could do anything else as well. And as long as Pimax delivers the 8K sooner or later (and not too late ;)), I think it is still worth it.

to be fair, selling the vive before you had the 8k was probably not best move, if you want a stop gap pick up a windows mr headset for 200 bucks https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/hp-windows-mixed-reality-headset-with-motion-controllers/8n5g0j1qf74b/5jp3?cid=msft_web_collection&activetab=pivot%3Aoverviewtab

Yeah I know it sounds stupid but you get the idea ^^

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I did that, but WMR IMO are far from Vive. Controller tracking isn’t good enough to play action games… If you put your hand behind the headset, it doesn’t get it, so you can’t do big moves…

Lol, I give you that. Somehow remembered November in my head. Nonetheless if we wait for few months, we will… be still waiting.

On a side note, I have pimax 4K, psvr and oculus. In terms of Screen Door Effect, 4K had the least but had a blue filter which reduced brightness… PSVR had best combo - low SDE and fantastic brightness but had reduced FOV… Oculus and vive had the worst SDE. I could fit my rather big nose in that space between them pixels…

That’s why I am eager to see what 8K has to offer.

My experience on KS is limited, I backed only a few products but all of them arrived on time. But from the discussion here, I see that Pimax is in a much better place than some of the projects that you guys talked about.

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Anyone who has been paying attention here knows that when Pimax says “Update next week” they actually mean “Maybe, if the stars align, we have an update possibly next month”.




Exactly this. And what good does another ‘overly optimistic’ update at this point really do? Did the ‘we’ll ship in january’ update do us any good?

They’re working on it, posts are daily being made by the testers to the M1 forum and most of Pimax employees are daily reading it so we know things are moving on. That’s all we really need to know at this point I guess.


We are stakeholders of the product. What we need is a gantt chart with milestones getting updated every week, with reasons on why the dates are moving.

That would be in a perfect world. But if you look realistically at pretty much all previous updates in the past, they had one thing in common and that was that they were not describing reality but more some overly optimistic situation that almost never worked out. So I’ve come to accept that now, those Pimax updates are not worth very much so why look forward to the next update … Really, that’s how it is. Those updates only lead to disappointments, time after time. I find it much more relaxed without them.


New update is we will update again in next week, thank you all for asking, lol. Just kidding.