Will pimax 8k work with PS move?

I tried that way as well, before I had the Kinect, but again it was very unstable and not really usable.

It is possible to get some use from the PSMoves using the PSEye cameras, but it doesn’t work well enough to be usable for long.

I would be interested to know what results you get though.

Yes I use SteamVR Home and the two controllers show up as Vive controllers and are reasonably stable, but apart from movement left, right, up and down, none of the buttons work and rotation doesn’t work either. So the controllers can be in any orientation and it’s impossible to point them at anything.

There must be some way to get them working because Greg must have had them working stably to make the YouTube video, but although I have asked a couple of times what his setup was, he hasn’t helped at all.

Yes, I have the latest PSMoveService and in fact the latest Driver4VR (3.10 I think) is very sluggish.
Worse than Driver4VR 3.0.

I gave Greg quite a comprehensive report on the issues I had experienced and all I got back from him was and I quote “It works this way with fast move. Undortumately”.

So it seems that reporting issues to him is a waste of time.

Mind you, if you run PSMoveService by itself, and then run the PSMoveConfigTool, everything on the PSMove controller works properly, Movement, buttons, leds, rumble. everything. And not at all sluggish.

So it’s definitely the Driver4VR program that has the problems.

This is my problem as well… In psconfig tool all buttons work and rotation, but during steam menu or game I can’t select anything as controllers don’t work.

I’m about to mount my kinnect above my tv as I have had it underneath and ordered a dedicated pcie 3.0 card… Not that I expect this to fix controllers, but hopefully make actual tracking better.

After all this time and investment I will probably end up going pimax and vive tracking later next year. This is just a temp solution any way unless it gets “much better”

Could you link to latest version of psmoveservice? Just to make sure I have the correct one :slight_smile:

Thank you!

I believe this is the latest version.

Also, if you install the latest version of Driver4VR without the PSMoveService installed, it will take you to the latest version of the 64bit installer.

PSMoveService Alone with Driver4VR did not take for my setup.

Used PSMoveSteamVRBridge 1.4.2:

Extracted/Ran SteamVR_InitialSetupWin64.bat and upon request navigated to where Steam was installed and the psmove drivers installed for SteamVR.

Driver4VR does not seem to configure anything PSMove Related except the button layout for which can be done manually in the steamvr.vrsettings file.

What gives?

Still had to go through the whole PSMove Color/Tracking setup process before DriverVR could see the controllers and what do you know, it crashes in Google Earth VR during tutorial when asked to drag Earth.

Does Greg have a Pimax 4K to test with?

I don’t think so.
Were you able to get the buttons working in SteamVR Home?
Is it necessary to edit the button layout in the steamvr.vrsettings file for them to work?

The buttons worked No Problem and there was no need to configure manually, in fact, it does not appear to have anything to do with Driver4VR.

Uninstalled Driver4VR as an test and it seems PSMoveSteamVRBridge 1.4.2 auto configures the buttons yet the steamvr.vrsettings does not indicate any entries.

Been away for too long, the button layout config seems to have been moved to another file.


While looking for the PSMove controller configs, managed to change Piplay Background:

Program Files\Pimax\runtime, simply replaced the pimax_default.jpg with another 2560x1440.jpg.

I notice this when running psmoveservice… Any ideas why I get an error? :)… I`. just using driver4vr and psmoveservice linked a few posts above… Am I meant to use freepie as I keep reading about that.

I have Deepoon E3, ps move controllers, driver4vr

very hard setup driver4vr :frowning:

log below

libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
[2017-12-31 22:35:06.693]: PSMoveController::open - Opening PSMoveController(\?\hid#vid_054c&pid_03d5&col01#6&35a67d42&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030})
[2017-12-31 22:35:06.696]: PSMoveController::open - with EMPTY serial_number
Config file name: “C:\Users\jamie\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\30_c3_d9_09_a5_23.json”
Config file name: “C:\Users\jamie\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\30_c3_d9_09_a5_23.json”
[2017-12-31 22:35:06.701]: DeviceTypeManager::update_connected_devices - Device device_id 0 (PSMove) opened
[2017-12-31 22:35:06.703]: PSMoveController::open - Opening PSMoveController(\?\hid#vid_054c&pid_03d5&col01#6&cc563e0&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030})
[2017-12-31 22:35:06.705]: PSMoveController::open - with EMPTY serial_number
Config file name: “C:\Users\jamie\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\30_c3_d9_11_c1_7d.json”
Config file name: “C:\Users\jamie\AppData\Roaming\PSMoveService\30_c3_d9_11_c1_7d.json”
[2017-12-31 22:35:06.710]: DeviceTypeManager::update_connected_devices - Device device_id 1 (PSMove) opened
libusb: error [init_device] device ‘\.\USB#VID_045E&PID_02C4&MI_02#7&243F2FA2&0&0002’ is no longer connected!
libusb: error [init_device] device ‘\.\USB#VID_2D49&PID_0011&MI_02#8&34A9DC5C&0&0002’ is no longer connected!
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent
libusb: error [windows_get_device_list] program assertion failed - existing device should share parent

driver4vr is a mess!!!.. I give up… I would try something else if anyone is thinking about it

That’s normal and FreePIE is recommended for head tracking with a third controller/LED Ball but this is a no-go on the Pimax 4K at the moment.

Waiting for Driver4VR to implement the LED Ball option.

Without Driver4VR, PSMoveSteamVRBridge is working pretty decent on my side with a Triangle 3 Camera Setup.

Thanks for info :slight_smile:

I have the newer PS move controllers and they don’t allow magnetometer calibration. I’m wondering if this is a known issue.

Apparently you can use kinect skeleton for head tracking

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Are any of my settings wrong? Pic included

Deepoon E3 headset
PS move controllers
PS move service running with controllers connected via BT

When I press power button on controller it brings up steam window, but controllers aren’t tracked so cant choose anything

Before doing this, know that the controller buttons do not seem to work for some reason… (Eventually it will be resolved, hopefully)

In Driver4VR:

Select Colour Calibration

Under controller list:


d4vr_left/d4vr_right and calibrate

Close ColorTest

Exit Driver4VR/SteamVR

Re-launch SteamVR

In Driver4VR:

Select Device Manager

Under Device configuration:

Make sure PS Move is selected and for Settings, select ON -.

Under Controllers:

Select d4vr_left and selected PSMove 1/Assign
Select d4vr_right and selected PSMove 0/Assign

Closed Device Manager/Exited Driver4VR/SteamVR

Re-launch SteamVR


Thanks will give it a go… If you could mention on this thread that you have troubles too as I’m sure it will motivate him to fix faster… There is all ready two of us posted on there



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Also he thinks the controller issue might be fixed by not using steam beta… I will test later and report back, but I highly doubt its the magic fix

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What’s PS eye camera setup like? Can it be as good as vive with say 3 cameras

Beta change didn’t fix controllers

PSMove with 3 Cameras won’t be good as Vive or even Oculus but it’s acceptable beyond Nolo for 360 Tracking

On my side, reverting to SteamVR (Non Beta) did get the PSMove controllers buttons working

Remove PSMoveSteamVRBridge drivers if haven’t already, they are not needed for Driver4VR.

The new issue is laggy tracking with or without head tracking, controlllers are giving delayed input by a mile, LOL…

Going to try with the Kinect v1 soon.