Reason I ask is, I’m considering doing a 3 camera setup for my deepoon E3 HMD, as well as using the move controllers,
but would like to swap it out for the 8k once released. Do you forsee any issues?
If there might be issues I won’t bother setting it all up.
One last question, how is nolo working with pimax 4k these days?.. Will nolo work with 8k version
With the psmove if your using steam i don’t 4 see an issue. Now if your thinking on using a lighthouse mixed with the move to track tge headset; then not sure. @crony might know on this kinda setup.
With nolovr not sure. @cmm i think has nolo. As for the psmove drvr4vr might make setup easier. @jonnypanic & @pimax_fr is also an excellent source for info.
Is it easier to setup move controllers with Driver4VR rather than PSMove services? Somehow I got it like first you have to setup psmove services than driver4vr on top of it! Any help with link would be appreciated…
I personally found the move tracking to be as flakey as all heck … ended up picking up a rift on craigslist to tide me over until i get both my headset and pimax tracking … although I might pick up some v1 HTC stuff once I get the 8k headset … depends on when we get the 8k I guess
The latest beta of Driver4vr lets you use a kinect for psmove tracking. Haven’t tried it yet but it looks promising.
It isn’t full 360 yet. The dev is also working on kinect + leap with psmove, I think. But whatever setup you are going for, driver4vr is probably still useful. @CMM driver4vr has improved a lot. The dev has been listening to users a lot and often implements their suggestions, highly recommended.
I use driver4vr with leap and it works great for many games. I won’t use psmove service anymore cos I think it will become obsolete with psmove support in driver4vr.