Will pimax 8k work with PS move?

You’re going to have to break into the Kinect and solder a 36W 3A 12v power adapter directly to the PCB:

My Kinect 360 ver is on the way but the One ver.is still being sold for an higher price as if my Buy It Now was ignored…

Good ole Ebay, LOL.

Think I will just buy the official adapter to connect to pc as I can’t solder

How can they charge £100 for an adapter?

Does driver4vr enable you to set nolo bindings?

I tried the latest version last night. Couldn’t get tracking to work properly (realise now that I didnt calibrate the kinect). Will try again tonight. It has been vastly improved. It basically acts as a gui for psmove service, so calibration is much easier, and it all launches automatically.

I spent an hour fixing it first though. If you install the latest beta or update, make sure to uninstall old psmove steam drivers and delete the steamvr.settings file first, or driver4vr will crash.

No button layout reconfig option for the Nolo on my side.

Is it strictly for Bluetooth connected inputs?

I guess so. Same is true with navi, unfortunately.
I am a little lost with the new gui, still working out what it all means.

I did manage to get kinect and psmove working together, in a fashion. Using skeleton tracking and skeleton hand tracking, with psmove service connected and configured, controllers assigned etc, it does work. Problem for me is the positional tracking is so jittery it is unplayable. Psmove controller orientation seems very good though, so hopefully when support for leds on the headset comes out, we will be all set.

Upgrade to kinect 2 instead of 360… Its meant to be much better

I had the choice but the cost of the adapter put me off. Didn’t know about the mod. Now though ill just wait for the led update.

Did the Kinect v2 modification but now must wait for another USB 3.0 PCIE card because the current one gets saturated from the Kinect v2.

No other high bandwidth USB 3.0 devices wants to work after throwing the Kinect v2 into the mix.

During my brief time using it with the Rift CV1, the tracking is way better than the Kinect 360.

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I have just ordered a pcie card too after reading your post :).

I’m struggling to get ps move controllers working with steam games, driver4vr… I have installed psmoveservice.

Do I need to use any other software? For controllers to work?

Haven’t messed with PSMoveService since early in the year but it appears PSMoveSteamVRBridge is recommended.

If you choose to do the Mod on the Kinect v2, just step on the Kinect v2 and pull that wire out, LOL.

Also, make sure you have acquired an Intel or Renesas chipset USB 3.0 PCIE card.

Is this good enough?


Hope so as I all ready own it :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, it has the VIA chipset which is confirmed not to work.

I thought I saw the kinect 2 doesn’t work well with lighthouse tracking but the kinect 360 does. Has that changed?

From what I can gather one is better than 360 now since latest driver.

I’m yet to get setup fully yet though

You shouldremove oldpsmove service drivers and install the one through driver4vr. You don’t needextra software, it just needs to be calibrated properly. Instructions are in driver4vr.

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I’ve been trying to get it working for says now and unfortunately without any kind of user instructions it’s almost impossible to understand what to do.

I asked Greg what he did to get the PSMoves working so well for his YouTube demo but he didn’t say.

I have found that it doesn’t seem to start reliably.
Sometimes the PSMoveService launches and sometimes not.
Sometimes the LEDs on the PSMoves turn on and sometimes not.

I have never been able to get any of the PSMove buttons to work in any game or SteamVR Home even though they all work perfectly in the PSMove calibration software.

I know Greg is working on the reported issues as best he can, but I think Driver4VR has a way to go yet before it will be reliable enough to be usable.

But I’ll certainly stick with it as I think it is the best game in town for now.

I have both a Kinect One and a Kinect 360 and I can definitely say that the Kinect One is better.
I purchased the Microsoft PC adaptor from the Microsoft store.

If you have had any real success with Driver4VR and Kinect One and PSMove controllers I would love some advice on what settings should be used.

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Going to bust out the PSMove controllers soon with 3 cameras and see how Driver4VR handles it on my side.

Will add the 4th camera if warranted or worth it.

Just have to find the fourth which is likely stuffed deep in a closet…

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I feel your pain!! I’m having the same issues and there is no guide to follow…

I think maybe we our using a wrong version of psmoveservice maybe… I won’t have chance to test again for a few days.

I have the latest ps move controllers so can’t do the full calibration when you have to swing them around constantly.

Open device mirror in steamvr to make it easier to see movement without the headset on… Hope you understand what I mean :slight_smile:

I noticed that psmove service sometimes doesn’t start. There is a new release though, have you tried that?
My buttons don’t work in steamvr home, but I don’t think that is a psmove problem, it is like that with any set up, for me. It has been like that for a long time. Same is true with revive oculus games. Steam games work fine for me though.

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