Who has stable LH 2.0 tracking on 8Kx šŸ˜€

Stable tracking with one 2.0 base station is fully possible. I have been using 1 base stations successfully a lot over the past years at my previous work and at home in kitchen etc. In most cases this has been working very well, and especially 8KX and 5K Super has been more stable with 1 base station, even on 180 degree turns.

Although, I would recommend you to test changing the LH channel (by using something sharp and pressing that button inside the tiny hole at the back side of the LH). It seems different channels behaves differently with 2.0 lighthouses, especially when only using 1 LH.

Furthermore, using 1 LH only is more prone to be affected by reflections (mirrors/windows, PC glass side panels, and even strong LED lights), so I would recommend you try to cover any kind of reflections in your VR room that could effect the VR tracking. With 2 base stations, a lot of the reflections are ignored thanks to 2 base stations working side by side, eliminating the interference.

In fact, using two LH2.0 base stations, these really do a great job eliminating all problems with reflections. Much better than LH 1.0 models did. We got that experience during last CES. One or two LH 1.0 base stations were completely unusable on CES (that has lots of reflections). One LH 2.0 also gave us big problems with reflections. Two or more LH 2.0 base stations eliminated all the problems. In other words, one base station is not able to fix that with same efficiency, so it requires a space more clean from possible reflecting surfaces.

When it comes to controller tracking, if you suffer tracking loss of controllers (if they suddenly fly away, move by themselves, shake etc), I would say its 95% related to USB issues. Switching to another USB port on your PC can many times solve that problem. If your motherboards USB controllers are filled with other peripherals (racing wheels, pedals, joysticks, printers etc), try to unplug these and see if it makes any difference. Its amazing how sensitive USB interface is, especially since mostly each 2 ports (or even more) share the same USB controller.

There is a good reason why Oculus themselves recommended a specific PCI-e card with USB3 ports to be used for their USB-based ā€œsatellitesā€. It required a stable signal transfer. And while using Pimax headsets, of course Light House tracking does not use USB ports, but all your headset/controller tracking data is still being sent though the headsets USB cable to your PC. If that USB port is not stable enough, the first thing you will see is tracking loss and weird behavior. Been there and seen that on many PCsā€¦



I use one LH 1.0 and have absolutely no problems with my Pimax 5k+ and my Valve Index.

However I have jitters with my Pimax 8 kx, especially when moving my heads towards the side.
In DCS the picture oscillates in and out when my head is turned sideways in addition to the jitters, although I have good FPS. This makes it very difficult to operate switches etc. on the side panels inside any cockpit, or when looking at an adjacent airplane during formation flight. This is more pronounced when looking at closer objects like inside a cockpit.

Why does this happen only with my Pimax 8 kx ??? Could there be a problem with the sensors of my Pimax 8 kx?


I understand. Indeed, if the other headsets are working fine, I suspect there might be some issue with the HMD sensors on your 8KX. I would still first try to change between all your USB ports if possible, to eliminate that factor.


Hi Marcin

Thanks for the quick reply! I will try different USB ports and report back.


Hi again,

So I have changed both USB ports, as well as the display port to connect my Pimax 8kx. Sadly there is no change. Still have the jitters and the fore and aft movement when my head is turned towards either side.


You have to study the latency of your PC

Actually i Have not tried Yet my 8K X

but i believe i canā€™t make VR with my old PC changing only the graphic board

because latency is too much.

This is not an easy task to solve and i am studying the issue

The goal is to optimize the new pc with all i have learned from my old PC:

Old PC Intel Cpu 3770K + Nvidia 690 and 32 Gb RAM

New PC : 3090 and Intel CPU

Im sorry Fabrizio, but latency is not the issue here.
Itā€™s an issue with some 8KXā€™s and LH tracking. I am the OP of this topic and have put a lot of time into this, and even have my 8KX RMAā€™ed
but due to my office being a complete clusterfā€¦ of a mess right now I cannot fully test the new 8KX I have recieved.

Although initial jittertest results are much better than with the first unit I recieved. (IIRC jitter amount was cut in half compared to the 8KX I RMAā€™ed)

So as @SweViver suggested, it might / probably is the sensors in the HMD that are causing the issues for @Super27

I will test my new 8KX I recieved after christmas (and maybe newyear) :sweat_smile:


It;s not the Latency of the PC in my experience. I believe you have this problem but itā€™s not related to the lighthouse tracking
I have both versions: Version 1.0 works perfect en version 2.0 is very sensitive to jittering on the same PC


Hi, My computer specs are fairly decent.

i9 10900k @ 5.1 Ghz, 32 GB RAM @ 3000 Mhz, GTX 1080 TI

Still waiting for the RTX 3080 TI to arrive.

I have read somewhere that a new Pimax firmware is in development which should address the jitter problem. Any thoughts on this?


I have the exact same problem with the jitter with my 8kx - I have LH 2.0 with 2001 firmware (the one shipped by pimax) - the jitter is very annoying and causes slight nausia - the jitter test I get is about 1.5. I have filled support ticket but as I read whole thread Iā€™m starting to think that this is design issue with the pimax sensors.

Hi @festr,
Not sure about the sensors because I have absolutely no problem with my 5k+ (or my Valve Index). Only the 8kx displays jitters.
Did Pimax maybe use inferior sensors in the 8kx? Or is there another underlying problem?
I have opened a support ticket, and got a reply from ā€œGabyā€ to send a video clip, which I did. Have not heard back from Pimax since.

Still curious about just how clear the blue coating is to the near-IR light from the lighthousesā€¦

Maybe we could hear observations from owners of both other Vision series (with coating) devices, and older ones (without)ā€¦ :7


I got reply from the support today and they sent me firmware which I tried to flash but no change at all. It really causes nausia as I percieve it as slight unwanted movement when Iā€™m looking to a static scene. It also hurts to my eyes as I have to refocus.

Exactly this! Plus they might have changed some sensor positions in 8k-X for whatever reason (compared to the previous non-Vision headsets) and did not update the config accordingly.


Sensors in theory should be in the same locations otherwise the protective silicone sleeve would interfere.



Just to follow up, does our technician provide any new solution to resolve the jitter issue?

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year.


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Could you please provide us the ticket number, so that we can urge a response from Gaby to get it sorted.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year.


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Hi @PimaxQuorra

Thank you for your response!

My ticket number is #11518.

Happy Holidays to you!

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@PimaxQuorra @PimaxUSA @SweViver

Would be a ā€œfunā€ project to try and run it without the plastic casing on. although that would not conclude if itā€™s the coating that causes the tracking issues. But it would give us a clear picture, if the 8KX is able to have stable tracking.
Iā€™m not pulling my 8KX apart for this, but Pimax should.

Hereā€™s what Pimax should do, seeing many more have this issue since I started this topic.

  1. Setup a room with 2 Valve 2.0 Lighthouses as per Valve recommendation.
  2. Setup a factory new 8KX on a PC with proper hardware for running it.
  3. Install newest firmware and Pitool.
  4. Run a room setup in Pitool, and SteamVR.
  5. Run JitterTest.exe and share the results with the public.
    The results should be comparable to at least a Valve Index HMD seeing thatā€™s the baseline for Lighthouse 2.0 tracking.

If the results are not up to par, peal off the Blue coating that resides above the Sensors.
6. Rerun JitterTest.exe and share the results with the public.

If the results are not up to par, remove the plastic casing on the HMD.
7. Rerun JitterTest.exe and share the results with the public.

If the results are not up to par, you really messed up and have to recall every single 8KX that you have delivered.

EDIT: Might have sounded a bit harsh, but truth be told, it should have been looked into a lot sooner, and I fear that the issue is not a priority for the engineers as I have not heard anything from them at all.
But I suspect they are quietly working on a fix :sunglasses: as thatā€™s how they usually make updates to pitool and various firmwares for almost all their HMDā€™s

In Christmas spirit I wish you all the hardworking engineers and the whole staff at Pimax and the community here at OpenMR a merry Christmas :evergreen_tree::snowman_with_snow: and a happy new year.

best regards


I havenā€™t been following this thread but of course itā€™s able to have stable tracking. Lots of us are not experiencing any tracking issues.

As You know Iā€™m using v1 lighthouses but are You saying that stable tracking is not possible with v2 lighthouses?

If yes, it should be pretty easily confirmed/disprovenā€¦ :upside_down_face:

I have solid tracking on the 8KX even with one v1 lighthouse.

Merry Christmas by the wayā€¦ :christmas_tree:

EDIT: I know You know, Martin, but others might not so Iā€™d also like to remind/inform people about the possibility of various tracking issues being caused by bad placement of the lighthouses, reflective surfaces and what seems like USB congestion caused by RGB LED software.

Those that have had stable tracking with a different SteamVR headset on the same lighthouses (like You) or (if any) those that have had or have stable tracking with the X on v1 lighthouses, are of course pretty clear indicators of something not being right within the Pimax realmā€¦ :wink: