Who has stable LH 2.0 tracking on 8Kx 😀

Perhaps this new firmware only brings improvements in combination with LH1.0 basestations.

I haves also LH 1.0 so if @Doman.Chen makes me new tracking firmware I can tell you.

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I can confirm that my issues are gone with HTC Base Stations 1.0. Unfortunately, I had to buy them for 300 Euros as Pimax could not fix this problem even in the latest PiTool
This confirms the idea that there is some incompatibility with the newer Pimax Headsets and certain type of base stations 2.0 (hardware or firmware related).

I had this judder issues with a Vision Artisan (blue housing), 8K plus and 8KX, but not with an older 5k XR (or Index or Vive Pro). I only have the XR and the 8KX by now, but I am sure the Artisan and 8K Plus would also work fine with the LH 1,0 Base Stations with my new setup.


What was the final indication that your unit is defective? I have similar problems with all “newer” Headsets that I tried out (all blue housing) and when I finally bought Vive 1.0 Base stations the problem was gone.
I guess you will post the result as soon as you have your replacement unit. I really hope that the issues are gone with the new unit. However, I have some doubts.

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Hi Emax,
I’m hoping to receive my replacement 8KX this week, once tested I’ll post my results/findings.

IPD adjustment was defective (hardware defect) as well as the tracking.


I tried with the LH1 with my Pimax 8k X but that did not solve my problem. You have the new tracking firmware ?


I got RMA three weeks ago , new 8kx headset with LHv1 is better than LHv2 ,but sadly still jitter with LHv2


I bought new light-houses from Steam as i was tired of being lied to “They are shipping this week!”. The ones from steam have worked perfectly after getting the placement right. I found that if they we mounted to low tracking was terrible. After raising them to recommended height (who would have known) no jitter and the link almost instantly when they go green

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You have a Pimax shipped v2 lighthouse as well?

No… i couldnt wait any longer so i cancelled my bundle order and sourced them from Steam/Valve


Along with index controllers
Which sadly only took 5 days to get. I love my 8kx, but empty promises really harm the Pimax rep


Yes they need to fix up the logistics and ask before split shipping and ensure packages ship on time.

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I used lighthouse console EXE and checked for the firmware (watchdog?!) I also tested if the sensors are working and tracking. It is the same watchdog firmware as on my Artisan that also had the judder issues. I need to check my 5K XR as well to see if there is a difference here. 5K XR had no issues with whatever base station set-up (same as Vive Pro and Index).


I seem to have good stable tracking with the 8KX.
Ordered the bundle so the valve 2.0 base stations are delivered by Pimax( long wait for them though).

I initially had some setup trouble but after that was sorted I now have good stable tracking, and I just played HL Alyx about one hour without noticing any issues.

[Edit] Now I have a couple of hours each in Alyx, Asetto Corsa, DCS and rFactor2. Rock steady tracking in all.


I have an 8KX and SteamVR base station 2.0. My tracking is stable, now that I’ve gotten both lighthouses to connect. Getting both to connect required manually changing the channel on the one that would never connect (they were both trying on channel 1). Apparently two can normally connect on a single channel, but I use Sonos speakers throughout the house, and they’re all on channel 1 too, so perhaps that was just too saturated?)…

At any rate, I have my base stations up on tripod stands, and I get that jitter if the stand has been moved, or bumped, because it takes them awhile to stop wobbling. I can’t see how anyone would use stands unless they had a concrete floor – otherwise, any vibration in the house would cause those jitters, IMO.

But with the base stations on separate channels, my tracking is rock solid. I’m having other issues with the 8KX (right lens go black in Alyx after about 2 minutes of play, and the game always starts BEHIND me, forcing me to swivel 180 degrees to play the game, no matter which way I face the HMD when doing a room config!), but tracking’s not a problem.

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Lighthouses need to be set to different channels from each other to differentiate one from the other. In the past LH v1.0 would communicate with each other via line of sight or a link cable to differentiate one from another.

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I have a single LH v.2.0 and I do experience the same issues that was posted here in the video, I couldn’t buy the second one since they are out of stock in Steam now. Anyone got stable tracking with only one lighthouse?


Hi InStars, Welcome to the OpenMR Forum!

I think @neal_white_iii might be using or has used a single Lighthouse for Elite Dangerous. If your using a single for Standing/Roomscale experiences not sure if we have folks that have tested this too much.

@SweViver can likely give pointers for single LH use in a standing use with controllers.


I’ve personally never had to change the 2.0 base station channels for them to sync and work with the 8K plus or Artisan before, plugged them in and they just worked, but when I setup the 8KX and these base stations and the newer software loaded I had to, both had a green light but only 1 was seen and it was because of being on the same channel as stated by Heliosurge.
Now with tracking, at times I do see my controller wanders off a bit at times, but i’m sure it’s more of a lighting issue in my room, I have more light on one side of the room.
To answer that question of having good tracking with 1 base station, when I had the issue with it only detecting 1 base station, NO. the tracking was horrible I wouldn’t even bother, maybe 1 is good for sitting and only tracking the headset but for controllers I’m gonna say NO.


Yes. I mostly play seated games, but I’ve also played Half-Life: Alyx while standing in 1 spot. (I don’t have enough space for room-scale VR.) I don’t know if it matters, but I should note that I’m using a v1 base station. Also, I later bought a second base station, but never bothered installing it, since it doesn’t actually seem necessary for my needs.