Who has stable LH 2.0 tracking on 8Kx 😀

Hello @apple
Who are you ?:slightly_smiling_face: and why are you randomly posting links to support.pimax.com

People in this thread have all been through pimax support, and for the most part of us they where unable to solve the jittering / bad tracking with LH2.0
When they gave up, they collectively said that they would forward the issue to R&D.

Since then (October 2020) I have not heard anything from Pimax R&D department, no new version of PiTool have solved the issue or even made it a little better.

So if you really want to help, get hold of Pimax R&D, the founder of Pimax, the board of investors and tell them that their Flagship product is in dire need of attention.
@PimaxVR @PimaxUSA @PimaxQuorra @PimaxOliver @hammerhead_gal

Only people using the old LH1.0 tracking are seemingly getting acceptable stable tracking with the 8KX.
This is just not good enough, seeing the 8KX is designed and marketed, even sold with LH2.0 as a bundle.

so dear @apple welcome to the forum, you got some work ahead of you :laughing:


Hi MrAhlefeld,

Thanks for your advice.
I will ask Pimax R&D department for help.
I will inform you as soon as I receive a reply.


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I think they are from Pimax support. Not too competent at that though, posting links like that.


someone who has dared to remove the blue coating to see if it fixes the jitter?

I don’t think so unfortunately, but who would want to scrape off a protecting layer if it made no difference. Im keeping my 8KX never selling it, but I want to keep it in prestine condition.

I remember seeing photos of either the 8K+ or the 8KX without the “Blue rubber coating” and it could be clearly seen that the area over the sensors had a different colour (thinner material / who knows what) I think it was @SweViver who posted the images.

What really bothers me here is that, apparently with LH1.0 tracking is way better :thinking: someone said it was due to the lasers being more powerfull that the LH2.0’s

So if we could at least get an official statement from Pimax on the matter in a weekly update, cause frankly I do not know what to think anymore. It seems like they are just sweeping the issue under the rug. I’ve had my 8KX replaced but it made no real difference on the tracking part.

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Did you try your Pimax 8K X with another PC from a friend or at a computer shop ?

we all have this problem - independent on PC or graphic card. We know that the problem is LH2 (LH1 is stable)


I hope you mean well, but could you please stop posting in this thread with comments like that.
It’s really not productive at all and if you want to post stick to the OP :wink:

I have read "Thank Fabrizio… "

PS The issue is up

Your confusing this with another thread(I have not seen the reply you mentioned here). Are you using Lighthouse v2.0?

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I was just looking at my 8KX and remembering that I have seen some earlier pictures of the blue coating, where one could distinguis where the sensors are placed. And i found it on youtube from the Roadshow VR Days2019
Clearly the coating was different back then, maybe this newer coating is not as transparent to IR :S


And have a look at those two handsome fellas, clearly there is a difference :wink:
@SweViver @PimaxUSA

I was referring to the 2 HMD’s :wink: one can easyly see the sensor placement on the Left HMD but not on the Right HMD.

I know… I know… it’s and old video, but I would really like to get to the bottom of this so I can have stable tracking on my $1300 HMD :smiley:

ohh ohh and a new official Pimax video to boot !
Notice how I conviniently left it at the SteamVR2.0 tracking part…
And i Quote from the video…
“for the most Accurate Tracking Available Today”

(Pimax VR Headsets 2021 - YouTube)


@PimaxVR @PimaxUSA @SweViver @PimaxQuorra

Okay so I stumbled upon a Lighthouse Tracking article earlier today, interresting…

So the guy did not want to tear down his 5K+ or 8K+ so find the tracking sensors inside, but used an old Surveilance camera with IR enabled…

I got one or even more of those I thought… So I investigated a bit myself…
Here are my findings…



Look at how “crystal clear” the 5K+ housing is to IR light
Then take a look at the “matte” and very reflective surface on the 8KX

I tried to get the same angles of both HMD’s
And its hard for me to even make out some of the sensors on the 8KX from the same angles.
Ohh and btw. the lasers in the lighthouses are IR lasers…

Is it just me, or might we actually be onto something in regards to the coating…

LH1.0 tech featured more IR diodes than LH2.0, thus blasting the 8KX with more IR and probably more powerfull ones even, which would prove why the 8KX tracks better with LH1.0’s


Impressive images, I think the suspicions of all users are confirmed. The problem is in the blue reverting, and possibly depending on the batch, some may be slightly thicker than others. I have done countless tests on my Valve 2.0 base stations, where they worked perfectly with the Index and the Pimax 5K +, but with the 8KX there is no way to lower the jitter to less than 0.3, that is looking for the optimal positioning point in my living room, which is somewhat small 2x2 m2 of useful space as a play area. At the moment my best situation is to place the base stations as high as possible about 3m and at a 45 degree incline. But the Jitter from 0.3 to 1 is still visible and annoying in games. I play driving simulators and it is impressively annoying to see how the whole cabin moves when you are stopped, it simulates the effect of having the car started XD.
I definitely either remove the blue paint by making circles on each sensor, using the protective rubber cover as a template or change my valve 2.0 base stations for the HTC 1.0 that are available in the official store for € 150 without further import charges. , customs, etc … Since they can be purchased within the EU without problems.
But it bothers me a lot to already have 2 base stations with better technology and to have to go back a few years so that my “super product” of VR 2.0 as Pimax calls it works correctly.

Hopefully someone will jump in to remove the blue paint and report their findings soon. Because I’m not a big fan of going back to version 1.0 of the base stations.


Another detail that I had not noticed is that the VIVE PRO that has a blue coating similar to that of Pimax 8KX, the area of the sensors is not painted, suspicious right? I am a very short step from removing the blue paint on some sensor, covering the rest and although the positioning may be lost, just to test if the jitter disappears.

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LH v1 used IR LED array to transmit the lighthouse telemetry and the sync pulses and IR lasers to just sweep the space. So there were technically two independent sources of IR light. The LED array was omnidirectional, and possibly stronger than the lasers, but those lasers just needed to hit the sensor with the light. The timing was derived from the signal transmitted by the LEDs.

LH v2 do not have the LED arrays anymore and the “timestamp” is modulated onto the laser beam. So the sensors must be more sensitive. Though they are the same sensors operating in either v1 or v2 mode, but in v2 mode extracting the information from the laser is just a bit more tricky (and prone to errors).


Vive Pro does not have any coating, the plastic is just blue the same way it was black on the OG Vive.


Well, it is not true at all, the case of the vive pro even having blue plastic, either painted or the original color injected from the mold, for the sensors there is another insert in black, which surely has the appropriate thickness and characteristics so as not to obstruct the sensor.HTC_Vive_Pro_Teardown

Hi risa

Thanks for chiming in, and yes you are correct that the LED array on the LH v1 are omnidirectional, and is an independant lightsource used for timing.

In the LH v2 might be more prone to errors due to the timestamp that is modulated onto the laser beam, but we really do not know this for sure :slight_smile:
But if this where the case, it would allso fit right in with the LH v1 getting better “penetration” through the blue coating.

found this as well.

Could be fun to find the fcc filing for LH v1 and find the laser wattage and compare.

EDIT: found it :slight_smile:


You are right that the 1.0 laser is more powerful than the 2.0

2.0 https://fccid.io/2AES41004 → 1.24mW
1.0 https://fccid.io/NM82PR8100 → 1.8mW

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