Who has stable LH 2.0 tracking on 8Kx 😀

As mentioned previously I also believe that there is a spread of standard factory models involved here or different Firmware versions or a combination, but mainly on the side of the LH 2.0 Base Stations! Some work, some don’t.

I also agree there is a variance in the Pimax Headsets, but this does not discriminate if it tracks fine or not, It has more an influence on the amount of the jitter/judder you will experience!

From all the 3 Headsets the Artisan was the worst, giving me nausea after view minutes. The 8k plus was the best and the 8KX is in the middle, However, both 8K had been much less problematic and nausea kicks in slowly after 10 to 20 minutes.

The time the headset needs to pick up the tracking after reboot also reflects this. The 5K XR is there when PiTool just started. The Artisan took minutes, sometimes not picking up before walking through the room. The 8KX takes up to 10 or 20 seconds and when moving it picks up tracking within 2 seconds.

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Just an idea how you could try that, but don’t blame me if the headset is pricked afterwards. However, I would be very much interested in the outcome of such an experiment.

You need to have a silicone cover for sure. Put it over the headset and make sure it is 100% positioned correctly. It will be used to mask the sensor positions or as a stencil.

Now I just assume the rubber coating is soft and could be peeled off the housing. If you want to make it nice, you should use some kind of round shaped punching tool (used to cut out round formed samples from a sheet of material). If you press it softly into the open parts of the silicone sleeve, you might be able to remove round formed pieces of the blue rubber coating. You might also not need to remove the coating at al 23 sensor positions, but mainly sides and top. In case you remove 12 to 18, tracking should be improved if the theory is right.

You cannot harm the sensors, they are behind the plastic housing. You might however crack the housing if you are not careful.

An alternative would be to just peel of the complete rubber coating. When you have the silicone sleeve it still should look nice.

Another way is to buy LH 1.0 Base Stations.

Be 100% sure that your problems are identical to the ones mentioned here. There are many other reasons for having similar problems.

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This is where there is notable deviation as there are folks whom do not suffer tracking issues. Some headsets affected are in batches where others on that run are unaffected.

So it needs more testing as to direct cause. It has been suggested possible causes.

Housing can be tested by swapping the front panel from another blue housing that works fine. However to fully ensure this is or isn’t the tracking sensors need to be detached to ensure it is not the sensors themselves.

Additional note LH v1.0 may also have stronger laser emitters than v2.0.

hm I will not do it as I though there is not such many sensors


Best not too. Tbh as it can affect warranty.

I’m quite sure it was in lighthouse mode, never changed it and it was there today also. Also I could see the horizon move and wobble as I put the pimax on the floor. But todays values wasnt as good as yesterday. I recorded with my mobile, it was the quickest way to make a movie.
Still, after todays gaming and thinking about tracking, I really cannot detect any trouble.



OK, now your results are comparable to mine approximately.
Thanks for the follow up :+1:

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Test 8KX with LH v1


5K+ (90hz) with LHv1


I did this test too. 8kx LH v1

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Hi Lucivr
Is that with 1 or 2 LH1.0 ?
and is that your, best, worst or average result ? :slightly_smiling_face:
and is LH tracking enabled in Pitool when the test was run ?

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2x lh1; ~2,2m high ; 45°; face to face; the headset just lay on the floor. I can’t really read the values ​​because I have no problems with tracking. Maybe it will help others.
Lighthouse in pitool on.



Jitter spikes and potential dependencies
So I retested, because today unfortunately SteamVR shows remarkable jitter. :nauseated_face:
Testing about a minute or so, starting with a 10 sec test frame in rare cases it showed max deviation position 5.xx
Rotation deviation is always below 0.2 or something, mostly 0,08
After a while (15min) max deviation position went down to 2.5, then stabilizes more or less about 0,7 with some spikes up to 2,5. and spikes down 0,5 too :
Test condition LH2, blue coated Pimax8KX,
tested with and without silicon sleeve: no sensed difference in jitter there.
took then worst case approach with sleeve, put it on floor and on a chair, no real difference

Then I changed position/direction of one Lighthouse a little.
and this is interesting: it starts wit max. deviation position 7.xx, then went down to below 3. after a while
My findings:
There are “jitter spikes” over the time and there seems to be a somewhat adaptive closed loop mechanism, that starts on a certain high level regarding jitter and seem to adapt and therefore reduce jitters. --> cutting edge technology

So I wonder if that is more related to the lighthouses than to Pimax OR the adaptive Steam tracking algorithms may need some improvement OR Pimax firmware requires adaption OR Pimax sensors have issure OR all of it. Who knows :roll_eyes:


I can confirm to all in this group that LH 2.0 and Vive 2.0 controllers have jitter and tracking problems with 8KX. I moved to Pimax from a Vive Pro full kit.
I play First person tennis and am ranked no. 1 currently in the game. I started noticing physics issues while hitting the ball. For a long time I assumed my PC was underpowered, an i7 9700k and an RTX 3090.

I just upgraded to a Ryzen 5900x but the issue persisted. I then borrowed Vive LH 1.0 and controllers from a friend and have been testing over the last 3 days, switching between both versions.

I can confirm now that LH 2.0 and controllers are causing micro jitters not only in the HMD but also on the controllers.

I am now looking to buy a used version of Vive 1.0.

@Heliosurge and the Dev team. Please request to take this up. I am also planning to raise a ticket immediately


I blame on Steam:
I need to add, this effect is not a stable or constant one. days before nothing remarkable, now annoying. Environment regarding light is constant, no change. But a decent jitter I had with the LH1 as well. Because of the agile rolling update policy of SteamVR there is little possibility for consumers to identify or exclude SteamVR as the troublemaker, which I assume is the case. There was an SteamVR update YESTERDAY, V 1.16.5 and I just blame Steam because it was not remarkable before!
These silent updates this parenting f&)§**:# update policy without a good way to rollback.
Should I make a snapshot of every update and then block Steam and wait for field reports?

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When I got my 8kx and the lh2 with the knuckles, I had a lot of problems, jittering, unstable tracking etc.

Reading the installation manual from steam, I thought, the LH-stations could be used from tripods, because it is difficult in my room to mount the stations on my walls. But then I decided to mount them, as stated, in around 2,20m height in the diagonal corners of my room (only place I could mount them, so this better worked). It got better then. So, the stations have to be installed high up. But still for the most times I had only one lh station active at the same time, though the active station changed from time to time, notable by a seconds long interruption of tracking. The 8kx never ever had both stations recognized at the same time.

Perfect working I got this only, when I changed the channels on my lh stations. One station now uses channel 4, the other channel 6. Since then everything runs extremly stable and I have absolutely no complaints anymore. My 8kx sees the stations within 3 seconds and tracking is flawless.

Why this is, I cannot say. But neither SteamVR updates, nor the Firmware and PiTool updates changed this. So… never change a running system. I just use it now and it is a joy.


Hi Orsetti
Sounds good, would you mind running jittertest.exe and posting your results :slightly_smiling_face: ?


Hello my firiends ,
i have 8kx with BaseStation 2.0 and i noticed a jitter ( jitter test Max deviation 3/4/5) .
I bought HTC Vite Base Station 1.0 and in the same position of old ones the jitter was vanished ( max 0,3 / 0,4). … one base station was placed in front at only 50 cm from ground and rear at 2.0 meters.


I had a similar structure as you use it now. first up to 2.5 m, the second about 1 m. had problems with low height of the lh1 BS. obscuration / body shadow / blind spot at the base station with low height.

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This is my result. Though it is not exact 0, I do not note any jittering.


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