Who has stable LH 2.0 tracking on 8Kx šŸ˜€

Yeah, Iā€™m insanely jealous. My tracking is a lot worse - you can tell even without a jittertest, just staring at a menu or a cockpit will simulate Parkinsonā€™s diseaseā€¦ so shaky.


Idea change the color of pimax 8K X to black with the Silicone Protective Sleeve

I guess you understood that I donā€™t blame the color but the change of material or the additional coating on top of it? Just wanted to make sure!
If it was meant to be funny, a smiley would help to make it clear!


Just to note, all of my Pimax headset are send to sleep by SteamVR or PiTool when I put it on the ground and there is no movement. In that case it behaves like it is set to 3 DOF. When I put it on quickly, it does also not track immediately and you can see that that only head rotation is tracked.
You can however see the sleep state by checking the SteamVR Icon for the headset.

The sleeve doesnā€™t change where the sensors are. If the coating on some is inconsistent it could affect the sensors.

I donā€™tā€™ Know, the silicon protective Sleeve is another material too:
Using the silicon protective Sleeve the tracking could be better, the same or worse
Did Pimax owners, writing or reading here, had a try ?

and ā€¦ if Heliosurge allow i write it

Having a tracking issue i would try to reduce the illumination of the room closing the curtain
because laser sensors work better without magnetic interference and low natural Light from the window

at trade show tracking do not work well because there are many magnetic interference and strong artificial lights

So it was not meant to be funny? Well ok I try to explain all over again and you tell me what I miss and how your points are still valid:

Same room same Base Stations same Computer, same settings for performance, same time of day:

Vive Pro works, Index works, Pimax XR (black/older housing) works with perfect tracking!

Pimax Artisan Vision, Pimax 8K Plus, Pimax 8KX have significant jitter/judder with my Base Stations 2.0. However, they work with my Base Stations 1.0 fine when setting them up at the very same positions! And this is the problem for most of the people here.

All have blue coating. The sensors are behind the plastic housing and the coating is on top. Both has to be IR transparent so the beam reaches the sensors. It was shown with IR cameras that the housing with coated headsets are less transparent when ā€œlookingā€ through! The housing/coating is absorbing more IR light. It is all mentioned in this thread.

How does your suggestion solve any theory that could be traced from the facts above! By the way, I have the silicon covers and as expected it does not change anything about this problem. The sensor accessibility is not altered by the silicon cover!

And yes, there are many reasons why people have jitter/judder, but they can be all excluded here when just considering the facts mentioned here! I am just a little bit angry with such comments as Pimax goes the same route ignoring facts and logic and this does not solve the specific problem!

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In your case you are right

and Pimax is ignoring the issue from your point of view : they have launched Pimax 5K super with the same blue coating ? .

The question mark is because we do not know the manufacturing details

Why would I prevent you from posting?

The Silicon sleeve should not affect tracking as like other SteamVR silicone protective covers it doesnā€™t cover sensor positions. Hence the circular cutouts in the sleeve.

This is a good point as at Immersed 2017 it was the ir light from Sunlight from the large near by window. We moved the pimax banner stand to block it and it fixed tracking. So yes dimming light sources is a good idea.

However some here also have Index and Vives that are unaffected.

I myself donā€™t think it is specifically the blue housing. But maybe an inconsistency in the process that might be making areas where the sensors are thicker interferring with the ir reception.

Might also be an inconsistency in a batch of the tracking sensors themselves.

However as others have pointed out could also be weaker watchman dongles at least with controller tracking.

I think I know why they ā€œignoreā€ it. There are not many Pimax users out there and even less of them have LH 2.0 Base Stations from previous Headsets (most have LH 1.0 and others got it from Pimax). So the affected people are neglectable for them.
They donā€™t want to admit any issue as people would want to replace units, but with what? They have no other solution for the blue coating and it would cost R&D and transfer to production to change anything. So better to ignore the view unlucky pimax users.
My guess is with this attitude (along with other issues they create by not communicating properly), there will also be not so many Pimax users for the future to come!

We will only know if someone will pull the coating off :wink:

That is a big presumption. I myself think it is more there trying to figure out why some have tracking issues and others donā€™t within the same batch.

It is possible that the number of tracking issues is smaller than you suspect. Folks that experience issues will search for solutions and thus gather in places with others whom have similar issues.

Many have issues with Firmware flashing while others have success with minimal to no issues.

It might not be directly related to the coating itself as we do have jitter free blue housing tracking reports.

The plastic itself might have inconsistencies in the process causing some wall thicknesses to be thicker. That combined with another layer could be a contributing factor. The sensors might not be receiving enough power etcā€¦

can someone show me where the sensor is? I have no problem to peel it off or make a hole for the sensor to test if this is the real cause

This is just for an illustration, as the data are taken from Pimax 5k+. There are 32 sensors (circles). The blue color means they are facing you, red they are facing from you. The view is facing the front side of the headset (i.e. you are looking at it from outside).

You can notice that there relatively few sensors placed on the front plate, the majority is on the sides. Plus majority (on the sides) are facing back!

Which means if have only one base and you put it in front of you, you are doing yourself no good :wink:.


Hi festr

The best way to do it would be if you have the silicone sleeve, then you know where the sensors are placed.

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I do not understand where the sensor is

Look at @risa2000 's post above.

There are 23 sensors placed all over the headset, his graphic shows their location on a 5K+.

Itā€™s fair to assume that position hasnā€™t been changed for the 8KX.

On a side note, jittertest.exe gives me results varying between 0.6 and up to 2.53 on the positional data just by repeating the test without changing any variable including HMD position.

This is with 4 Valve branded 2.0 lighthouses.

@PimaxUSA @SweViver @PimaxQuorra

Itā€™s now absolutely clear that at least a very large portion of 8KXs suffer from increased tracking difficutlies and inaccuracies. How do you intend to improve this situation?