Wheres all the OMG posts?

OMG i had an email to say they have fixed the 4K BE i sent back for repair.
And Dallas sent a message sayin g they will send the 5k+ but again didnt say when lol
Then wanted a screenshot of the competition they ran that i won to prove i was the winner now surely they have this already.
So OMG i may get my 4k back to play before the new units lol how lucky I am lol


You sure?
Try to stand in front of a white surface, move your head up and down and pay attention, it’s subtle but it’s there.
I first thought it was the SDE but it’s not, it’s those lines that affect the image quality.

Anyone else gets coil whine from their power adapter?

havent noticed but i will try, have you tried different refreshrates? is it the same with different SS settings?

This in a nutshell. Way too much fiddling about after the very easy set up.

We are early adopters and the software will grow towards a more polished version where it’s more click and play with optimum settings per game but to know those optimal settings we need to find it first I guess


With the 8K I think I might be getting there - had a lovely time with PiTool at 1, Steam VR Video 40% and App at 150% I think that gave me a vertical resolution of 3024 with Balanced foreated rendering and 64Hz Smoothing. I had clean image and relatively smooth ride shooting down a couple 110’s until my Yak 7 pilot copped a bullet to the head. Goto work on that side of things too. :joy:

Must test with Assetto Corsa too but yes, 3024v res was quite clean.


since first trying on a VR headset at the trocadero in the '80’s…

OMG that bought back good memories. Thanks for that!

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First OMG moment after getting my 8k…

After setting up the right quality and SteamVR settings to use with my 980ti, and that card does surprisingly well with the 8K: Setting 1.0 in PiTool and 100% in SteamVR, parallel projections enabled for VorpX + MPC-HC x64, and that’s 4432x3904 per eye according to Steam… which I somehow doubt to be true… maybe it works because the cinema environment in VorpX is very simple and not very taxing, but it’s definitely the way to go if you want to watch movies.

I fired up the Avatar 3D original Blu-Ray disc in Cinema mode in VorpX.

I was doing that on my 4K already, but with the 8K’s resolution and FOV, it’s up to a whole new level. I finally have my own giant cinema screen where I don’t have to turn my head to watch because with the 4K, I was like watching through goggles. The scenes where you feel the 3D most are jaw dropping, you are IN the movie.

Definitely delighted with my kickstarter prize, I’m going to watch all my 3D movies again on the 8K now :wink:



No OMG moments for me yet. The amount of distortion on the edges AND the center of the headset is detracting too much from the experience to make it that enjoyable.

The FOV and clarity increase is great. I just really hope the distortion profile can be improved or better yet a lens upgrade released which does a better job of providing a natural experience.


Distortion in the center ? Eye view problem ? Glasses ?

No idea what’s causing it. IPD of 59, no glasses. Several others reporting the same issue. If I stare at a vertical line in the center of my FOV and turn my head slowly from side to side I can see it bending.

I’ve tried double foam thickness. Vive DAS with vive foam and now DAS with VR cover pads. I can reduce it a bit by having the bottom of the headset way off my face but then it’s not sharp and the headset is loose.

I never see the the distortion but sometimes I can see a blue line . The OMG moment for me was when I had one of my friends around to try the 5k and I asked him to bring his Rift with him because I sold mine . OMG when I put the rift on I couldn’t believe how bad it looked . Big pixels and small fov .


I loved going down to the Trocadero, but I didn’t try the VR headset there. My first experience was in Oxford Street. It was very expensive and the experience finished before I could even make sense of what was going on. It was so disappointing though: jerky graphics, super low resolution. That certainly kickstarted my imagination of what the future could hold. I was playing Elite back then too on my BBC Micro! Can’t wait to see where all this goes.:star_struck:

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@Wildcopper what software are you using to play your original 3D Blu-ray disc?

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I remember the actual VR experience was a harrier jump jet lifting off a carrier, but all I really done was keep crashing it…

Funny that we was playing the original Elite back then aswell. all be it not in VR.

My first VR experience was in a bar/restaurant/video-arcade called Dave & Busters about 20 years ago. The per-eye resolution was 320x240. Even so, it was still pretty cool.

I’ve waited a long time, before I felt that the VR experience would be worth buying. The 8K is my first VR headset, which I bought mostly for Elite Dangerous. It was worth the wait. ED is so good in VR! It will be even better, when more powerful GPUs are available and we can really crank up the visual quality.


Check this out:

But you will need software to remove the copy protection too, there are a couple available that I won’t advertise here.

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We are the pioneers my friend. The first in all of humanity to experiment with the next level of this amazing medium. The downside is that there are a lot of rough edges that need smoothing out, tinkering and experimentation as the optimum solution is come to as a collective.

I think it’s worth it to be a part of it!

One day you will look back on these days with fondness.


Thanks for the reply. That’s the method that I use already. I was just curious if a different way had been found after all this time.