Well early backer here just like to say what ever you think it is ,its a lie

The “current owner” plan was never available to backers. How the hell did you manage that?

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Yeah. We’re definately not ahead… yet.

Maybe you should check with support if your order is indeed good. The last thing you want is to hear that it’s not good, at a time when it would otherwise be shipping.

I wanted the same plan, but the clear message was that it’s a no go for backers.


It was for a very brief time then they “fixed” there error.


Don’t take any of the deals and pay full price. Later they extended previous owner upgrade to p1 hmd (4k/B1/PRO) owners.


Looks like you missed a lot of the Pimax updates.


Welcome Back Matthew! Your presence is always a welcomed sight. :beers::sunglasses::vulcan_salute::sparkles:


@Matthew.Xu @Heliosurge I chose and paid for the current owner plan 8kx after the Livestream announcement saying we could purchace them on October last year. Because I wanted to keep the stretch goals.

I backed the original 8k

I read now that it’s not an option. Do I have to open a ticket to change this? Do I keep my stretch goals?

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You would need @PimaxQuorra to look into your order. Matthew is a free agent.

If you didn’t take any of the plans sacrificing Stretch goals your good. If you were one of the few fortunates that was able to use “Current Owner’s Plan” before they excluded backers from that option your in the clear as well.

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Much appreciated heliosurge

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Thank you very much, Dan.

I will be here occasionally to see the posts and comments. And I’ll chat with you and others btw. :beers: :beers: :beers:


Just wanted to show my Index controllers just arrived


Lol, don’t actually like them that much… awkward button placement.
In Alyx holding the trigger plus using the movement joystick is quite terrible. I like the wands better really


If you recall a dev that had an earlier Knuckles set spelled out most of these issues and was looking to trade them to pimax for a dev Pimax sense controllers back when pimax was advertising 2 sense versions.

Grip boosters are said to improve comfort for the hands.


could be that the 3d printed “boosters” might help to give you a better fit.


read my mind :slight_smile:

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This is what I am worried about . Maybe there is a mod you can do to make it more comfortable .


They did wonders for me… Not sure who they used as hand models when designing it, but it must have been hobbits or something… :grin:


Or Americans. They’re quite small compared to us, well the Dutch at least.

But I had problems using the trigger button together with the walking joystick. Or finding the A or B button easily. That could be just getting used to it but when I hold the trigger, I lose a correct placement of the other buttons, feels weird

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Err, not so sure about that. Sure, if you are looking at the 50 million Spanish speaking population, that would probably be correct. But I have seen quite a number of other Americans I would definitely not call small… some even rather big

I guess Valve must have looked at Asian markets too, where you would surely find smaller hands in average, and apparently chose a compromise to suit them too. And of course it would be unfortunate if they made it bigger and 30% of the users would not only find the buttons being placed inconveniently but rather impossible to reach…

But what Valve should have done is offer add-ons which will make them suit your bigger hands better, as some are offering as 3D prints now.


We might have met different Americans in our lives. I only encountered midgets. Even some who were feeling weird in the Netherlands because they were always considered tall in the homeland but over here just average height.

But anyway, I need to play around with the knuckels more, maybe there is something I’m missing. I will give the 3D aids a try too but they don’t seem like something that will solve my problem but who knows.

Funny addition, I thought I was just over half of Alyx yesterday when I tried the Index controllers but apparently I was already at the end. Fought some combines and suddenly the credits were rolling haha. So started a new game. Shooting is very nice with these controllers though, they feel like holding a gun like it should.