Well early backer here just like to say what ever you think it is ,its a lie

Well, the “boosters” were designed by Valve, they just couldn’t be bothered to print them :wink:.


Getting the adjustment on the top adjuster of the strap and printing the 3D grip parts is what fix a problem for me, My thumb seams to be a bit on the short side :+1:


I mean honestly don’t BACK KICKSTARTERS. I’d probably back Pimax again if I had the choice since I made the ‘right’ choice of picking the no frills option. But that was inherently a risk and Kickstarters are inherently risky for the people paying the money.

As for products. Can’t comment til I actually get my 8KX.


I’d say don’t back kickstarter for advanced tech that still needs substantial development

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Yes and we all know now that at the time of the kickstarter Pimax was literally years away from a release candidate 8k/5k HMD, let alone their necessary addons like controllers and base stations, although they claimed shipping in a few months…in order to boost backers pledging :joy::joy:


I’d say, don’t back a Kickstarter if you don’t understand the risks.

Even with all the problems and delays, I’d still consider the Pimax KS to be successful. I did receive an 8K and it works well. Yes, I had a bad cable, but they replaced it fairly quickly. Yes, my case has some cracks, but it’s still completely functional.

I like my 8K a lot and I have faith in Pimax’s hardware, otherwise I would not have ordered an 8KX.


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