Update 27th March Discussion

@PimaxQuorra I still have not heard anything from you or Pimax support regarding my Plan F order even though you still claim in your update " US - Finished 100% of the delivery of backers". Please let me know what is going on.


Hello @PimaxQuorra
Thanks for the update.

I am a French backer #6xx, I chose basestations and controllers.
If I well understood, I can choose to be delivered from Marseille, delayed of 2-3 weeks, rather than being delivered from Hong-Kong and paying fees, that is right?
If so, I would like to avoid duty taxes.
Do I have to contact Support and open a ticket?

By the way, the question may have been asked, sorry about that, but what will be the controllers exactly, will it be something like valve index? And do you have an estimated date when they would be ready to ship?

Thank you for your answers.
Good luck in this exceptional case, stay safe.

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@PimaxQuorra it is tomorow !

Any news on the announced update ?

And how does this message fit into the picture ?

(Actually, it fits perfectly into the picture of a company no longer having the money to pay its bills and desperately luring people into prepaying while no longer delivering anything - or just something here and there to make it seem as if they are still performing while in truth the majority of due deliveries has been cancelled with no realistic expectation of future perfomance)


I even think they could send an empty package just to show us the tracking of the package “look it’s on the way!” look forward to having my package and never order pimax again.

Well, I don’t think Pimax are stupid. That would expose them beyond doubt as soon as the first 2-3 of these dummy packages are received.

If they want to hide the fact that they are almost bankrupt, they would send out a few cheap items, e.g. software codes and rubber sleeves, and a select few Index controller and/or base station packages. When 2-3 of the users in the forum confirm that they got an Index controller/base station package the each of us would start to hope that they are actually shipping and it’s just me who doesn’t seem to receive his, must be bad luck. Only if you looked at the total number of deliveries one would notice that they are actually hardly shipping anything. But that is more difficult to track.

@PimaxQuorra @Konger @SweViver

In order to demonstrate that you are serious about delivering please not only respond today to the question I posed yesterday and PimaxQuorra promised to come back with a comprehensive response to today, but also send a PM to all the backers/customers who are in this batch of deliveries so they can report back in the forum about the progress of a) having been notified of delivery being announced by Pimax and b) having received shipping information from the logistics partner of Pimax and eventually c) successful delivery. This would make the process much more transparent and it would let us see how many of the users in the forum have actually received a), b) and c).

That would make sense - at least if Pimax have nothing to hide

Just to add some positive, they have send out my 8k+ this Monday (notification that it will be sent), Tuesday (now)it was picked up and is on its way to Germany with SERVICE International Priority. So the 39% EU are being worked on :+1:
Thanks for that!
Edit: Its supposed to be there on the 2nd - if they let it through at the ariport.


Hi MaxMan23,

The first batch will be the Bundles.
And we are delivering another batch to Marseille, where KS and Pre-orders users who requested on priority deliver of single/ base stations only.


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Hi Flocool,

Yes, you may have to open a ticket at our support team. They will help you to proceed the request.

We will release the design soon. R&D team is working on a complete structure.


**Bla bla bla bla bla :expressionless: **
and when??? (2022 or 2023)

Can you please let me know if my base stations will be in this shipment, and indeed, when this shipment from the Marseille warehouse to the backers will take place ?

And you wanted to update us on the total numbers too, so we can see if this is just a tiny part of the outstanding deliveries or substantial.


Ich war angepisst von der nÀchsten nichts aussagenden Nachricht.
Aber so ist es etwas höflicher :slight_smile:

Die sind total verpeilt und wissen nicht was sie tun. Erst schicken sie mir einen Sendungverlauf fĂŒr eine Sendung die mich / uns nicht betrifft und dann wieder nichts konkretes

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Don’t you take this to mean they have US stock??

" US - Finished 100% of the delivery of backers, and enough stock for current order, the next transportation of 100 units to Amazon Warehouse is on the way."

Die Frage ist ob sie wirklich nur verpeilt sind oder schlicht die Lager leer sind, wĂ€hrend sie uns einen vom Pferd erzĂ€hlen. Es fĂ€llt mir kein Grund ein warum sie bis MĂ€rz 2020 es nicht geschafft haben, die Base Stations von Valve zu besorgen und an uns weiterzuliefern, außer dass sie keine Kohle mehr haben und ĂŒberall noch Pre-Order harvesten wollen in der Hoffnung, vielleicht mit viel GlĂŒck die 8KX zu einem großen Erfolg zu machen - und sonst macht der Letzte das Licht aus. Und unser Geld ist weg.

Jedenfalls habe ich echt die Schnauze voll von den ganzen MĂ€rchen - immer ist irgendwas, nur eines nie: Performance.


@PimaxQuorra And will this delivery be for EU customers only, since I am in Canada, and waiting 4 months since I (full package KS backer) submitted a ticket to send base stations first? Will a shipment also be sent to Canada?

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Hi PimaxQuorra,

most of the questions have not been answered yet although you said Pimax would give us the answers yesterday - is Pimax going to answer these questions within the coming 1-2 days, or are we back to the usual delay & stall game ?


Oh Sorry. Wer have a delay of the delay of the delayed delay delay. This is cause of a delayed delay :stuck_out_tongue:


You will see that we will not receive any answers which would give real transparency, like the numbers of packages sent in total in this shipment and how many of the backers are covered by them and how many are still waiting.

That would expose the issue of them hardly shipping anything in order to not have to pay Valve for products we paid for long ago.

But I saw that some bloke had cancelled his order and said he got his refund - so perhaps they are trying to cover that area as it would escalate quickly if they did not refund people.

So I suppose anybody who issued a pre-order should carefully consider this option while Pimax are still reimbursing payments on cancellations. At least you’d have your money then - that we will receive the deliverables - other than the 8K+ - appears to be increasingly unlikely. They haven’t delivered the accessoires to backer for 2+ years and pre-orderers/upgraders are waiting for the deliveries they ordered in e.g. December, announced to ship in late January, ever since. At some stage they will be saying “I’m waiting for 1+ years now” then it becomes 2+ years, and so on, while they will still marvel at Pima’ excuses given every couple of weeks why the latest rescheduled delivery date somehow miraculously could not be met yet again.

@PimaxQuorra: are you now switching to “ignore mode” for the answer to the volumes of the shipments you announced? Don’t you agree that that just will fuel the impression that Pimax are no longer capable to meet their obligations and are on the brink of bankruptcy ?

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I understand you are pissed of - and that is for a good reason.
None the less adding daily to it with a high post count will not make it better (unfortunately) - nothing against you but its getting hard to read through all of it every day again.

@PimaxQuorra - we really need some Information and a S.M.A.R.T. “Plan” so that people at least see what is going to happen with high certainty to the things they are still missing, so they can to be assured when what will drop in.

I would really have hoped they just would clear up what took them so long BEFORE Corona - but that doesn’t matter anymore - now is the time and we need to know what will happen from now on in like a 2 Weekly basis.
That the Pandemic is adding 2 Month or so should on the other hand not be a surprise to you/us! And also get some accounting for. None the less - things are starting up again.

I chose to give up my deliverables for a cheaper 8Kx and took the Base Stations and Controllers from Valve directly - its “sad” but even in the end of last year it looked obvious that this will be the fastest approach - which might be an Idea to pick up (if possible).

You should also consider that there has been a high demand for the Index . I would not be surprised if Valve “took a little longer” to get stuff to them in favor of there own needs - just like it still seems fishy to me that valve pulled the break on the base station and co. for pimax so late
" - so when dealing with the big players in the industry I am quite sure its not always easy for a smaller player . Worst they did is not to keep us informed with reasonable information, which might or might not be all there fault (NDA’s might apply to them also). - Please spare me a list of what they all did wrong - I know just to well - but there is always more then one side, and just like for a long time now, its even more important that they get up to date and be transparent, which in some areas and in some periods they actually did improve.


Hi Axacuatl,

We are preparing the data number on the questions.
The total shipment for the Marseille are bundle pack which contains 180 sets.

There are 37backers and 3 Pre-order users requested these base stations. And they are looking to get the parcel ship from Marseille, but not from Hongkong.
Due to the outbreak virus, the local logistic services have been affected and delayed the lead time. We are figuring out the quickest way to ship out all the order. For EU region , we are going to transfer another 200 units of base stations for this request.

Due the epidermic, the shipment suppose to arrive by last Friday and begun the shipment, but it has been delayed. And on 31st March, the shipments have arrived at Marseille.
This will deliver to the Plan F purchaser over EU.

And we are going to update all the logistic status with data analysis by later.
