Update 27th March Discussion

I understand your position - if you check my posting history on this forum you could see that in the past 2 years I have quite often defended Pimax against backers who had run out of patience with them. Unfortunately my patience did me no good, and I feel almost embarassed today for having defended Pimax so often, only to see them prove the other users right and me wrong.

And as sad as it is, the 27th of March update would likely never have been issued if I had not started to put some pressure on Pimax here. Now they probably think this fire has been quenched, so let’s go back to no delivery no transparency mode again.

In order to avoid me having to post time and again, in a new thread I have chosen to suggest a questionnaire in which all users could if they wanted participate to provide a status update on deliveries they receive as Pimax are claiming that the deliveries are now commencing and they will ship from their Marseille warehouse.

This would allow us to monitor the performance of Pimax independently of their weekly updates, which usually arrive every couple of months after severe pressure is being applied.


Hi PimaxQuorra,

Thanks for responding.

Some further questions:

  1. So 37 backer & 3 pre-order packets are in the current shipment to Marseille which will be delivered to backers soon. In addition 200 further units of base stations are going to be transferred to Marseille: for how many backers ? (Many will have backed 2 base stations, but some possibly only one)
  2. When is this shipment scheduled to arrive in Marseille ?
  3. How many backers in the EU are then still left waiting after these 37 + 200 units/backers have been served ?
  4. How many pre-order customers in the EU are then still left waiting after 3 units/customers have been served ?
  5. When are the shipments for those mentioned in question 3 and 4 scheduled to happen, if applicable ?




Hi Axacuatl,

Yes, we are preparing the data for these questions. Sales team and Backer team are now working on the statistic.

We are now waiting for the logistic team’s update on the up-coming shipment to Marseille.



Wow you guys seem to have a lot of teams :grinning:


getting hard to browse through all the info with same thing posted over and over daily.


last week they said they sent out the single base stations this week. I bet this will be another delay :grin:

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