Twack3rs Varjo VR-3 impressions

No, but that somewhat more explicit statement could certainly be read exactly as deviously implicit in what you did say, as what so deeply offended you.

I think there remains room for us all to get along, even if we don’t always agree with one another.

For the record: My 8kX is not in a state where I am comfortable foisting it on anybody else, because I have battled quite extensively with it, trying to make it work for me. For what the HMD promises, it would absolutely be worth quite a bit of effort, could it help, IMHO. (Maybe I wouldn’t have bothered, had there not been the few, assuring everybody that everything is fine and dandy…)


As he didn’t direct his opinion towards anyone; he didn’t insult your opinion by sharing his. Any more than mine puts importance on WFoV.

Imho it is maybe not the nicest to call Gen1 FoV Toilet Paper Rolls.

3d and VR do indeed rely on party tricks to create immersion.

Agreed. Let’s not read into things not said and not presume intent.


Just remember , all vr experienced are individual, no one is making stuff up, and no one can invalidate another’s experience.

Or we be going around circles and pretty much meaningless lol.


So I found out it isn’t optimized for DCS. The older VR2 headsets are but not the new ones. I heard back from their tech support and they said it is a high priority and it should have native support for DCS by September.

Unfortunately it is pretty much unplayable in DCS in its current state, the warping is very bad but damn, does it look good and the FPS is comparable to the G2 which I was pretty impressed by.

I don’t play anything else so nothing else to compare it to.


Haha yeah that pretty much sums up my experience too :slight_smile:


Sounds like the uptake by gamers is making them catch up on that front. I’m sure they didn’t expect gamers to bite at that price point.


It’s a different distortion issue with DCS, similar to what can be fixed for iRacing via an ini setting; most likely related to a ‘vertical alignment issue’.

Apparently DCS was natively optimized for the VR-2 and hasn’t yet been optimized for the VR-3.

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Did anybody try how is the performance in Assetto Corsa Competizione?

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How is that subscription fee enforced after expiration? Does the device require internet access from time to time?

It requires continuous Internet Access.

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Question about subscription.

Few weeks ago I was thinking to buy VR3 but it was only possible to buy with minimum 1 year subscirption.
What if I would get unlimited subscription earlier. Can I connect it with just a HMD or I would still need to buy 1 year plan?

This question is more about how my unlimited subscription will be respected in a future when VR-4 come out. The worst thing possible is that unlimited plan is only for VR-3 and not transferable for future headsets.

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It’s only for the vr3 . ( The unlimited so called ‘perpetual subscription’ )
And if you want it , you have to send it back to varjo so they flash the hmd with their firmware to unlock the perpetual subscription


Looks amazing :heart_eyes:

I wonder if sweeviver already got his unit since he is a huge fan of Vr sims .
Obviously he wouldn’t tell us ^^


OK guys, here is a list price of the Varjos for me to consider purchasing.

Varjo 2 - 2500 with Perpetual license

Varjo XR1 - 3,200 with Perpetual License

Varjo 1 - 1,200 with perpetual (showroom unit)

Varjo VR3 - 3,200 with 800 Lic. yearly or 2500 for perpetual.

Varjo 1 and two are essentially the same but the panels blending is better have some refinements. My issue is the the peripheral panels are 1600p which is quite lower than those of the vr3.

I am seriously considering the vr3 since the Varjo 2 is not all that cheaper

What are your thoughts.

FPS on V1 and V2 might not be up to the standard you’re use to. Re: V3 Users on discord have argued that the license fee is negotiable.

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Definetly get the vr 3 since you are getting a much much wider fov !

and you are future proving yourself with that 70ppd screen that you will be able to utilize once nvdias rt 4090/5090 is out .

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I’m thinking start with one year lic and then upgrade to perpetual. I asked what would be the price for later upgrade

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Yeah, the FOV is considerably better on the VR3

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For any of the Vr3 users. I was checking MRTVs video of the Varjo. He mentioned that Steam VR does not utilizes the central bionic displays, but only the peripheral ones. Is this true?

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Did you ordered the varjo vr3 already?