Tracking latency or the "wobble" issue has been SOLVED

Which headset do you have?.Are you experiencing the woobling effect?

May try version 91 too and will wait the result again.

Question: When will 8Ks being shipped out have this new firmware pre-installed? Is this something Pimax are doing before they are being shipped out or is this something the end user will have to do once they get them and perform this remote access installation?

@Doman.Chen @Sean.Huang


indeed a good question!

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Road to vr confirmation of 8k latency here I’m having doubts it’s only specific headsets because this is at ces. I feel some people just notice it and some don’t. I am out of town for a long while so may have to get someone like Sebastian to test this new tracking fw to see if it is indeed a fix.


I don’t have time to search the forum right now, but others have reported a fix for the “wobble” (assuming it’s the same issue you are reporting in this thread). You must contact Pimax support and have them update some “special” firmware, which is not something a user can do. (It’s not part of the regular headset firmware.)

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I contacted Pimax and they did the whole remote desktop and checked my 8K. I had the latest version that was dated in for June. They flashed the firmware and I still see the issue. So not quite fixed yet.


Do you still notice this issue if you turn off the lighthouse ?

Yes I can see it with or without the lighthouses. That said I tend not to notice if I am just playing games.


The way I explain the world wobble issue is, if I move my head left, it’s as if the acceleration of my head is reported wrongly by the HMD and the world visually moves more quickly to the right than it should.

I received my replacement HMD today and the same issue is present…

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Is this still relevant?
I can feel the tracking latency too on my 8K!

@Doman.Chen can you help here and get my headset firmware updated?

Just do not want to create a separate topic.

I also have fluctuations in 8K.
I don’t know if everyone has it. But this is noticeably expressed in AssettoCorsa, and is also present to a small extent in SteamVR Home.
It feels like the space around you oscillates, twitches a little, smoothly. But does not leave, as with drift.

For example, when I drive a car, sometimes there is a feeling that the car beneath me fluctuations.

Attaching a video of what it looks like:

If you turn off tracking, even without it, there are minor fluctuations in the picture, but they have almost no effect on the process.

That is, the feeling that the picture in the headset itself is constantly marking time, fluctuates.
I compared with another headset “Lenovo Explorer”. And there the picture stands still, like a nail, there are no picture vibrations, like in 8K.
Can anyone confirm such fluctuations? Or do I have problems with 8K?

I also mentioned this in my 8K review.

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Could this be because of your steering wheel controller is sending some info while you static? Maybe adjust the dead zones in the controller config. How many inputs that can affect your VR world position do you have in your setup?


No, my steering wheel is not determined to affect these vibrations, I’m sure …(fanatec csl ps4)
I checked with another Lenovo Explorer headset. And there are no image oscillations in it at all, the picture does not move at all.

I have one HTC Vive station and that’s it.


As I can understand Lenovo is not using lighthouses. I would also try to move lighthouse, and use another USB port. To me it looks more like a tracking issue, because the camera move slightly back and forth, so it is not Pimax internal sensors as they are 3DoF. It may be also the LH sensors on the Pimax are under powered or there is an external noise affecting them.

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Yep only Valve, HTC, pimax, Xtal & if StarVR is released are the only ones to date using Valve tracking. LG seems to have quietly wondered off.

is your lighthouse bolted to the wall or just standing in a shelf
it can vibrate under some conditions that could give that kind of jitter


My lighthouse is in perfect order, it is securely mounted on the bracket.
I checked it without a bracket - I got the same vibrations.

But note, without a base station, without tracking, there are still minimal fluctuations. Just with tracking, they are stronger …
That is, these image vibrations are initially present in the headset itself in my opinion. (while the headset is stationary, of course)


anything magnetic near the headset like speakers, something that “fluctuates”
try moving the headset 2m away from the table (placed on a chair for a fixed position)


I’m seeing jitter on my 5K+. Just a little wobble seems worse when I just start up and get into a game then will stablize after a bit (or maybe I just get use to it)