Tracking latency or the "wobble" issue has been SOLVED

@mixedrealityTV is at CES

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Yes, I see that he will try 8k too.

There are a lot of people try to describe about this issue and I am not sure what is the real issue.

  1. latency (image move slower than head).
  2. wobble (see 2 image or duplicate or skipping image while turning the head, I think it is about performance too).
  3. lose tracking (image not follow the head and then follow again).

can you please write here the firmware version?


Cool though sounds like we may need a teamviewer session to update firmware (guessing they calibrate the firmware based on remote test)

Have you received your headset? If so which one & date please. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:


8k, 8.1.19. Everything seems to work fine but I have no lighthouses nor the controlers. I have problem with wearing glasses - they dont touch lenses but the headset is pushing the glasses frame to nose and it hurts. I cant understand how people can wear glasses inside! I will solve it using contact lenses or wait for the frame which we all have free…by the was do you have a clue when they provide us the frame?



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Apparently, there are 3 different thicknesses for the face pad. There’s no way to predict (or ask for) a specific pad type. A thicker pad would give more clearance for your glasses. Others have tried various solutions to increase the thickness. Just search the forum for specifics.

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3 different thicknesses? I recieved just one and only remmember Sweviver mentioning in one of his videos that Pimax will send extra one (the thicker one probably) for those who wear glasses which is not obviously happening.
I will try to look this topic in this forum-good advice!

Thank you


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This Year: Vastly improved tracking performance, with some lingering latency on the “8K” but not the “5K Plus”.
And it seams that Pimax not familiar with the issue.


I wish the Woobling effect was fixed, but not for the 8k that we yet know, right?.

They don’t send you all three sizes, they only send one (apparently chosen at random). Pimax dropped the ball a bit there. Part of the reason that random people were having certain issues was because of the differing foam sizes.

Eventually the backers will get the extra foam (stretch goal) and hopefully we will get to choose the thickness.

I think @mixedrealityTV has the same issue. but refused to admit that something could be different about his headset.


Hi All, I’ve been following this forum almost every day for what seems like a lifetime! I’m a UK 8k backer in the 46** range and have been waiting patiently in the aisles, until now. :slightly_smiling_face:

The reason for my eventual post is to ask a question on the 8k latency, as reported by Road to VR. Naturally as I am sticking with the 8k I am slightly concerned by this.

So do we know if latest firmware update solves this issue or not?

And is that the same issue as what has been described as the moving world wobble?

I took a through the lens video of the jerky “wobble” I’m experiencing. It’s a little hard to see how bad it is due to my phone picking up the vertical lines which are flickering but you can see the terrible shaking it does when slowly turning the hmd. Is this the same “wobble” that is being discussed here?

Thanks, good job, I can see it. That definitely looks like a tracking issue and have experienced similar on my Vive from time to time.

Surely if this was affecting all 8k headsets there would be a lot more noise on this forum.

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@anon74848233 @Pimax-Support
I noticed my 8k in simulation games. (Rfactor 2 , raceroom, etc… )

Driving “normally” is hard to appreciate.

But if on the track or when leaving the pitlane, I look at the wall and fix my gaze on a relatively close object, signal, wall person) etc…

It looks like a duplicate of it as I go along.

Can someone else perform this test?

I don’t know if it’s understood … It is to fix my gaze and see the object as it recedes as I move forward with the car keeping my gaze on that object as I leave it behind.

But the object looks like it blinks and duplicates…
It’s like the old frame stays on and moves on to the next … Up to once the second frame has been emitted.
It doesn’t turn off the first one
So on and on as we go along
( latency problem? )

By requirements of Pc I fulfill them all:

32 RAM


I7 8086k


No it isn’t. The effect we discuss here can’t be recorded.


Try to compare with version 91, 95 has some issue about rendering too.
I found wobble on my 5k+ because my pc has low spec too.

There are 3 possible.

  1. wrong firmware of hardware.
  2. low spec.
  3. try to change steamvr beta / normal. (bug)
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I’m using newest pitool.
It installed the newest firmware.
My PC is not low spec… i7-8086K stable 5Ghz overclock, 32 gb 3200 RAM, EVGA hybrid water cooled 1080ti.
I’ll try switch steamvr to beta tomorrow.

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