Tracking latency or the "wobble" issue has been SOLVED

Just do not want to create a separate topic.

I also have fluctuations in 8K.
I don’t know if everyone has it. But this is noticeably expressed in AssettoCorsa, and is also present to a small extent in SteamVR Home.
It feels like the space around you oscillates, twitches a little, smoothly. But does not leave, as with drift.

For example, when I drive a car, sometimes there is a feeling that the car beneath me fluctuations.

Attaching a video of what it looks like:

If you turn off tracking, even without it, there are minor fluctuations in the picture, but they have almost no effect on the process.

That is, the feeling that the picture in the headset itself is constantly marking time, fluctuates.
I compared with another headset “Lenovo Explorer”. And there the picture stands still, like a nail, there are no picture vibrations, like in 8K.
Can anyone confirm such fluctuations? Or do I have problems with 8K?

I also mentioned this in my 8K review.

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