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To reduce costs SteamVR positioning system will use Lattice low cost iCE40 FPGA chip

LG Patents VR Display For ‘Alleviating Screen-Door Effect’

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the new SDE comparison looks not very professional to me…each picture has different zoom levels and the test pciture is not a good reference imo. Plz change this.


I think the SDE comparison image is perfectly fine. It gives a really clear indication of real world results IMO. Much better than what was there as a placeholder

I dont mean the gif pciture with the fox…anyway xunshu has allready took it down.

gotcha, I thought you were referring to the fox image…

Pledges updated in for 8k Early bird. $449

Still no comparison table, nor information on addon costs like the Leap Motion.

They mentioned the audio add-on as a possible gift to backers, wonder if that will happen.

basic 5k 349$ bye bye oculus…

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they’re gonna hit their goal in no time…

I backed 8K X and pledged some more, because I wish to get 5K OLED as well. Did I do it correctly? Where/how can I specify my wish about 5K OLED version?

Yees I was backer 2 (!!!) on early bird 8k full set, and my girlfriend backer 9 on early bird 8k headset only. I can’t wait, soo excited! Time to watch the Tested review now :slight_smile:

I’m already done.

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backer nº 28 basic 8k :grin: but my f5 key is unpainted now… :cold_sweat:

Done. :v::sunglasses::+1::tada:

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Got #59 I was sub #20 on the $449 8k Early Bird.

RE: 8K-X Limited Edition

I hope I haven’t drunk too much of grandfather’s cough medicine and was halucinating earlier when pledging, as now the $699 Limited Edition’ 8K-X model (May 2018) has currently vanished from the Pimax Kickstarter page. :astonished:

If I remember correctly there were 120+ or so still available not long ago?

Hopefully I’m not losing my marbles and didn’t just pledge on a matt black 699 dollar portaloo in error…that would look even more perculiar strapped to my head than a VR HMD.

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It’s either at the top (your bid at the position 1 or the end from below if they are sold out)

Thank you for explaining my confused reasoning, that is a relief. Indeed, it shows at the top with a blue tab that says ‘‘you selected’’.

As you can see I am as familiar with Kickstarter as I am with 20/20 vision.

The good news is for those who want one, there are 146 left, so just about enough for a Pimax fanatic who wants to custom design the worlds first 360 degree VR 4K native HMD…for a herd of sheep.

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I might back the 8k for $449.:slight_smile: Even without native resolution support that is a steal on price. @deletedpimaxrep1 you said we could upgrade to the x later right?

When is the tested video going live?

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