Space.. The Final Frontier.. These are the voyages of the Pimax 8KX!

A lot of users can unfortunately ruin good games. Dayz stand alone comes to mind.


i have no idea what you are talking about.

what games have you managed to ruin?

I will be 50 in September and no… unless I go in a private instance for me it is a nightmare… most likely because people recognize me and then follow me around incessantly… the other night I was hounded by one dude who just kept following me and shouting…“chicken nuggets… you want some chicken nuggets?” for like 20 minutes until I finally muted him and left, I was there on day one with Gunter and Palmer and all the rest of the OG crew and I have to say it is really sad to see what it has turned into… I really had high hopes that one day VRchat would be the foundation for something similar to the Oasis from RPO but nope! And as for breaking out of my bubble… do you actually watch my channel? I don’t just cover sims like this I cover all sorts of games and VR tech so no bubble to break out of man! []-/


try udon dude, you don’t know what you are missing out on

So this discussion would be better served in Pitool with tag feature request. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

One difficulty though is quite often trackers have needed to be updated due to Steam breaking previous compatibility. However am sure pimax is working on their end to improve Tracker usage with pimax.


trackers have been borked for ages

Other tech like the Walkovr and Agile VR will soon be able to do lower skeletal tracking so hopefully soon there will be no need to add the pucks.


Would that still be a bad thing if it was because you were a semi-famous YouTuber with a Pimax 8kX and they asked you constructive questions? :wink:

More seriously though, yeah…


those are just expensive cybershoes (which do work with Pimax), not full body trackers

What is that? I googled and it comes up as some sort of noodle dish… is this another Social VR app you are talking about?

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Udon is the new coding protocol in VRChat, that is a major game changer.

Try an udon world and be blown away!

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WalkOVR has the option to add nodes for upper body/arms. As I know that is there goal.

Katloco attempted to bring that feature but had to settle for just legs. Gave option to Refunded folks like myself due to not being able to deliver on Advanced mocap with combining 2 sets.

Not at all if that was the case but sadly it is usually not… And yeah, there is a small bit of celebrity status involved when I visit social VR spaces sometimes and TBH I love it but it does get annoying sometimes when I am there for a purpose and not just for fan service.


No WalkOVR is not Cybershoe like. Different working principles. AgileVR maybe closer to cybershoes.

OK… I will check it out and thanks for the tip. Ironically I actually built a world in there back in the day that is still up and running but when I’m logged in to it the ground was all pink now so might be time to update it! [;]-)

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i didn’t mean to get crazy about this, but i got a bit triggered when you i saw you are excited about a game that has been out for years and where the devs don’t give a crap about VR

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Have you considered a stealth user account to hide in plain site?

Michael Dorn often enjoyed folks not recognizing him as Worf without the Klingon make up. Years ago some fans thought he was the elevator operator. :laughing:


No… IMHO Agilevr and Walkovr are closer related than it to the Cybershoes… Since I have all 3 now I will say that WalkOVR is my favorite!


When you see it in an 8KX it is something to get excited about all over again… Elite is still one of the best looking Space sims when it comes to graphics and scale in VR!


You have a good point there… Might be time to create a few fake accounts! [;]-)

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