So today its the pimax chrystal launch(europe time),so i am curious what we can expect at our last day from the pimax 7th Anniversary Event

It’s not going to work because Pimax dropped the tech and went back to a single panel design.

It wasn’t dropped, it was mentioned as a possible possibility in the future. You can’t drop what isn’t already.

Otherwise, Boeing has put the superlight drive on hold for the time being.
On the other hand, we have the iPad, although in the 90’s Apple claimed their customers didn’t want tablets.

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The issue is, Sweviver is their European PR Director, right? And this is a short promotional video which is likely to be watched by way more potential customers than a 3 h (?) live stream. This is a product announcement with specs being mentioned.

Somebody said in this thread, we should hold Pimax to the same standards we hold other companies. Well, this is exactly the issue, isn‘t it: we are applying the standards we expect from professional vendors to Pimax and they have repeatedly dropped the ball.

Not so much an issue of better or worse command of English (as an OT: don‘t remind me of the Tested interview with Robin at the time, he should have engaged a translator at the time).

And what concerns me a bit is that it seems rather obvious that the lens part was aimed to directly compete with Varjo who they perhaps feared would seriously impact their sales of the 8KX. In addition they introduced the trade in program. Let‘s see when the 12K really is released with all features fully functional, and then we may be able to go back and consider how justified their flurry of marketing activity around the Varjo Aero launch was.

Also interesting that I haven‘t read a single line from those who were shown the Crystal (?) shortly after CES 2022 - it would seem reasonable to conclude that the demos were not overly successful.

You know, these are simple observations - and applying standards we are used to expect from consumer electronics vendors, even the smaller ones. Certainly if they are calling out price tags in the thousands of euros.

Come on man, if Boeing put a video out of a plane with Superlight drive, a price and release date they would be laughed at and laughed at hard. The management team would be fired and the company shares would plunge. No one would take Boeing seriousely again.

[quote=“Axacuatl, post:263, topic:39358, full:true”]
The issue is, Sweviver is their European PR Director, right? And this is a short promotional video which is likely to be watched by way more potential customers than a 3 h (?) live stream. This is a product announcement with specs being mentioned.

Somebody said in this thread, we should hold Pimax to the same standards we hold other companies. Well, this is exactly the issue, isn‘t it: we are applying the standards we expect from professional vendors to Pimax and they have repeatedly dropped the ball.[/quote]

That’s right. But in my opinion, that doesn’t justify the endless, almost daily trolling for years in a forum where almost everyone knows what it’s like. It’s just annoying and bring nothing and noone forward.

If you can’t handle it, there are other great offers too, Apara, this Russian HMD and and and…

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As much as you write here, there is a simple solution to the problem. Apply to Pimax as Marketing Director so that mistakes like this don’t happen again. Pimax finds enough references why you deserve this job, here in the forum.

:crazy_face: @PimaxUSA

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so…the bad battery on my Sh*tpad is down. i go to bed…

The thing is there will be alternatives. HP, Valve, Varjo, HTC… they’re all lining up products. It’s only going to take one to put pimax under massive financial strain. The Aero is already here. It’s the top HMD for simmers. Vive Focus 3 is here, tried and tested, good reviews. Pico 4 is nearly here, tried and tested, good reviews. Each HMD is taking its position in the market. Pimax are at ground zero after 7 years hoping Crystal will be that break out product. I hope it is.

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ISorry, I prefer the 8kx to almost all of the HMDs you mentioned, and believe me, I’ve had almost all of them in my hands. The aero would be an option, but the FOV is a joke. I already preferred the old 8k to the HP Reverb. send the HP back after a week of use. :wink:

so bye, i must sleep…


Are you upgrading to Crystal or waiting for the £2400 12K?

12k, unless they offer a 12k light next time :joy: without standalone, wifi and face tracking. I don’t need any sound either, the basis with eye tracking and front cameras, that’s what interests me. I’ll rebuild everything else anyway.

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That’s is the next video. Haha.

I actually think HP would release that headset. Just 3k panels no frills, £600.

and 98 Degrees … top :joy:

No no, the Panassonic appeals to me more for small things in between. At least she looks cool. :sunglasses:

There was a launch & shipping supposed to happen in the past week, remember?

Exchanging the views is the purpose for being active in a forum. This includes critical and sceptical views. But if you find that tiresome, which I can understand, you should direct the same plea to remain silent to those who believe Pimax is just a week away from shipping a flawless, fully integrated Crystal (we already know from Pimax‘ end of Q3 announcement that it will be missing feature completeness at start) and 3 months away from a similarly flawless & fully functioning 12K.

Otherwise this forum would start to represent more a marketing tool to promote Pimax sales than a balanced exchange of opinions on the pro‘s & con‘s of the company and its products.

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Pushing daily the same things over and over, just to getting personal validation, and rubbing the own belly, isn’t constructive discussion.
On the contrary, it drives people off the forums.


Congratulations. lol.


I guess for the moment there isn‘t much to discuss anyhow - next stop Crystal release (or next delay). :wink:

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Mid October - nothing…


I guess middle of a month isn’t a clearly defined time, I would mark it as the end of this week would be the latest to reach “mid-october”. Although they did say they “plan” to so at least mid-october wasn’t said as an absolute definite.

At this stage all I care about is reviewers getting headsets, which you’d imagine would be pretty soon if they are intending on selling and shipping units soon. Perhaps some reviewers already have them, I haven’t heard any rumblings about that though and usually someone lets something slip.

Well at least the Pico 4 will come on time today.