So I contacted UploadVR

Indeed ridiculous ppl give us a chance to pause & :smiley:. Especially when we know for a fact there diluted.

As do I. Remember the thread where someone used statistics on how often different headsets names were mentioned as proof if bias. Lol

So you contacted UploadVR

And what happened?


The things people need to realize about all media is that like anything now, people are interested in generating clicks, ad Revenue, and sensationalism.

Now more than ever before it’s actually important to rely on multiple sources of news, to check your sources for independent varification, and to never simply believe anything because a source says it.

Personally, if people want to s*** talk Pimax, let them. There is ample evidence to the contrary from the people who have tried to headset, and from Hands-On reports that you can see with your own eyes in terms of tests done, that the headset is of passable quality, and has been enjoyed by everybody who has tried it.

Seems to me that we live now in an age of inflammatory rhetoric that runs rampant, and doesn’t give a s*** about who is trodden underfoot as a result.

I don’t mean to get political, but it’s like what’s going on in my country right now. Everyone on my side of the aisle who says they absolutely hate Trump, yet they give him constant media coverage.

It’s like, if you were actually concerned about the impact of his rhetoric on how Americans relate to each other, stop airing his damn words 24/7 giving him free publicity. That is what he wants!

Stop covering his tweets. Literally refuse to cover him.

. We all know that neither side will do that, because there is money in every conflict oriented thing that comes out of that man’s mouth (in terms of his inflammatory rhetoric against news, immigrants, the left, people of various types and orientation etc.

I wonder if people actually notice how many things go on in the world unnoticed that are of far greater importance, just because nobody’s covering it.

If upload VR is posting inflammatory crap, stop reading upload. Don’t give attention to upload. It sounds cliche, but if fewer people read upload, they get Less ad Revenue and have an incentive to hire better journalists.


LOL, the reddit post was a great read. Thanks for sharing!

Imo, it was obvious that at least a 1080ti would be required to drive the Pimax displays at the advertised resolution/refresh rate all along. I have a 165hz 1440p monitor and can’t even maintain 165fps on most games with all settings jacked up to max. Usually lowering shadow quality/outright disabling shadows will bring it up to a consistent 165+ fps, but I can understand the argument that no current graphics card can adequately drive this headset to its fullest extent.


We can call out bias (or injustice) without amplifying notoriety of something or someone at the same time. It’s not an either/or situation.

What good is a bunch of Pimax backers not reading UploadVR gonna do? It’s the well of people who aren’t already familiar with Pimax that gets poisoned.

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And this true of all media; even the youtuber’s coffee funding.

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The industry is not investing in higher-resolution displays primarily because (in my opinion) the market penetration/existence of the Graphics Hardware needed to drive these high-resolution displays simply doesn’t exist yet.

This is why you see companies like Samsung investing in higher PPI displays, and diffusion filters. They want to sell units in high volume, and the only way to presently do that is by using lower resolution displays.

Whether we like it or not the unique Hardware requirements of the pimax, may end up actually pricing many people out. That’s really my only criticism of pimax actually, and it’s not something they can technically fix unless they get Brain Warp working.


Easy don’t rely on a publication that even there associated sites have distanced themselves from.

My argument isn’t about performance results, my argument is that a person who openly accuses us of being cult worshipers shouldn’t be the journalist charged with reporting on Pimax for the top VR blog on the internet.

He could have said that the dismissals of the Tom’s Hardware review (the criticisms of which, imo, are valid) were naive, or even ignorant, but no, he played the “cult” card. To say that anyone who would dare question the validity of Tom’s Hardware - the same blog of “JUST BUY IT” infamy - must be in a cult is some crazy non-sense.

Heaney is well documented to take gleeful delight in the demise of Pimax, well before this. He should not be reporting on their hardware.

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Great screen name there. I take it you’ve been reading tractate Sanhedrin?

The point is, this post will drive traffic to upload more than it will convince people that upload isn’t worth their time. It’s in human nature to want to investigate, so if you say this article is crap, people are going to go check it out to make up their own mind. That inevitably drives traffic, clicks, and Revenue.

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But Heaney is the biggest cultist out there; he just has very few real followers. He’s more of the Jester of journalists; you want more accurate news goto the National Inquirer & read up on Big foot. :innocent::joy:


UploadVR is going to be printing a review of the Pimax whether or not you click that link. I’m not gonna stand idly by and let them hand that story to Heaney without taking a stand.

What is it they say? The only thing necessary for the triumph of fake news is for good men to click nothing. :wink:


Like 99.9% of UploadVR readers don’t know who Heaney is. Hell, 99% of the people who know who heaney555 is didn’t know he wrote hardware reviews for UploadVR. lol.

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Nothing wrong with taking a constructive stand; just don’t let it make you crazy.


I apologize if I’ve trodden into ‘crazy’ territory on this. Just want to bring attention to something that people were completely unaware of. I’ve said my piece, I’ll leave it at that.

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Ah but word of mouth often educates. & if only 1 heaney & rest are sweviver zealots were more than good. The product with the right maturity will speak for itself.

Pimax seems to have corrected the biggest issue of default settings tanking; that caused reviews of it’s not ready. It’s just too bad some are stuck on the idea you could make it work in spite of the software. Even with it identified as software not considered ready.

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I am not saying you have. Just that it’s easy to become Ahab obsessed with getting Moby. :beers::wink::+1::sparkles:


That bald vegan dude who makes like folk/techno fusion? Eff that noise.

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Jesus- Heaney is SUCH a piece of shit. That guy is a fucking blight on the VR community.