So I contacted UploadVR

I’m not asking for or expecting 100% unbiased. I’m expecting 51%. Heaney is 0%.

It’s like Elon Musk reviewing cars for Consumer Reports. It doesn’t pass the smell test.


A product preference is not a cult.

Apple Inc does not run a cult, neither do Tesla, or Microsoft or any company.


Hmmm. I was a vive preorderer from the beginning. In that time both headset vive and rift weren’t launched and there was a lot of negativity going in both directions. A lot of fanboys on both sides. (That changed later on the HTC side, because HTC made a lot of people angry with their shitty customer support (and prices).)

This forum, and all us pimax backers never felt to me like this little fanboy-war of that time. Here are far more different opinions. Most people here want pimax to succeed but are also very critical. This isn’t cult behavior.

It’s ironic that this accusation comes from the biggest oculus fanboy of all times…


Oops, accidentally deleted:

The “reality distortion field” is certainly a thing I would ascribe to Apple, but not to Pimax, or Tesla, or Microsoft.

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It’s ironic that this accusation comes from the biggest oculus fanboy of all times…

Ironic, but not unexpected.

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It’s not that I agree or disagree, it’s that people use cult not to describe cult behavior but to attack something without having any arguments for it.

If my argument for someone liking Iphones is “damn Apple cultists” I’m the idiot, not the guy who happens to like Iphones no matter how much, same with fanboys, people calling other people fanboys is a way larger problem than actual fanboys.


Tesla 100% has a cult around it, maybe even worse than Apple. Compared to that Pimax isn’t that bad. We have a couple of extreme fanboy’s here but not enough to call it a cult. Tesla has more than enough of those. Just read any of the forums or the reactions under articles at for example, overstating any advantage that Tesla might or might not have and pissing at all other electric car manufacturers, killing all discussion with something like “but my Tesla accelerates faster, beat that first”. There’s really no reasoning with those people.

Microsoft doesn’t have a cult at all, not that I’m aware of anyway. It used to be the contrary, there’s been a cult among Linux lovers to piss at MS. Sometimes warranted but a lot of times not.


Indeed coloring all proffessional media as bad due to idiots like Heaney’s mindless ramblings. Even Palmer called him a ridiculous fan boy.


Can we just take a step back and appreciate how Heaney, the little shit that he is, has singlehandedly done more for the unity of VR fans across the world to unite against him and his laughable positions than anyone else in the history of fanboyism?

Honestly, the beginning of Wave 1 for Rift and Vive had me worried regarding another fanboywar yet again, but Heaney’s comical arguments together with HTC’s laughable incompetence as a crumbling giant has pretty much suffocated any tendencies for tribalsim. Or at least I hope so.

The fact he now writes for uploadVR only reaffirms my stance towards them.

By the way: regardless of my current struggles with my 5K+, the time I had with it last friday proved beyond a doubt that I did not fall victim to a Chinese scam but rather makes me proud to have invested into a focussed little startup that is imo delivering on providing the absolute best VR experience currently (about to be) available.


Well as with the American way we could setup a class action against him for damages & get some pimax products with the rewards. :beers::innocent::+1::sparkles::joy:

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Well this is what I’d take as an example of fanboyism - cult. Sure, HTC isn’t doing what we’d like to see but calling it ‘laughable incompetence, a crumbling giant’, when Pimax can’t even seem to deliver more than 20 HMD’s after starting ‘mass production’ in june … Come on you’re not seeing things clearly. In fact, does your 5k+ even work now or is it still broke?

Upload VR has degenerated in the last few years. It even caused a big fiasco here with folks mixing up RdToVR with them. This is likely why some zealots here despise & claim proffession media is all bias & evil.

Just a case of a rotten apple tainting the appearance of the rest. Simple truth you can’t be bought no matter how many “gifts” you accept; unless you allow it to.

I am sure Linus would still have bad mouthed the Vive Pro even if HTC gifted him one. :laughing:

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Was worried you’d misunderstand me with regards to HTC so let me explain.

I am still one of their customers, only just bought the Wireless Adpater and use it on a Pro. So they have made good turnover with me this year and I’m glad they took the risk in 2015/2016 to go all in on VR. The thing is, from a company the size of HTC, be they in restructuring mode as thy currently are or not, I expect considerably more than from a small startup such as Pimax. That goes for Lighthouse 2.0 availability, it goes for the Pro’s botched audio, it goes for the pricing of additional basestations etc. I am in close exchange with someone doing everything they can and admiribly so working in HTC’s Vive customer care, and the lack of support he and his colleagues get even with regard to simple product announcements is dumbfounding. So to restate: I admire and love that HTC went into VR. I absolutely loathe how their current economic downfall is forcing (!) them to deal with their most avid customers (of which I am one.)


Indeed Cronomax? When the dev team split; they moderated the crap out if their forum. They made that dongle that you could use any controller on any system console or pc.

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Truth be told, I don’t read uploadvr a lot. I do read RoadToVR on a daily basis, I hold Ben very high.


And imo, rightly so.

I have come to the exact same considerations regarding uploadVR, R2VR and Ben specifically.

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Very well said. We do have zealots in both sides. Both have accused me of bias. So that suggests maybe I am somewhat neutral; but do admittedly need a reminder when I teeter.

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Ok that makes sense :slight_smile: And don’t get me wrong, I also do think HTC could and should do a lot better. But man this whole VR field is tricky so I understand that they’re not pushing forward too quickly. It seems everybody is waiting on each other. I mean why aren’t there good 4k panels now? The ONLY reason is that there’s no real sense in putting them in phones and the demand from VR is just way too low to warrant the investments, so the panel tech companies focus on things like making panels foldable and putting FP scanners under the panels. Why is NVIDIA not releasing faster cards, I’m 100% sure they have the tech ready. Why aren’t there more big software titles? It all hangs together. And it sucks. But I can understand from a business perspective why VR hardware manufacturers aren’t pushing too hard.


Well you have zealots on both sides of OSes of Microsoft & Linux. Both are equally annoying.

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