So I contacted UploadVR

If Pimax can become a cult with such poor PR and troubled delay, it’s worthy of becoming a cult.


Edited out the “cancer” to “blight”. Let’s please keep cancerous comments to a min. :v::wink::+1::sparkles:


Maybe we can sacrifice this David Heaney person to the Pimax gods?

That should improve production, surely!

Who else can we sacrifice?

Can I volunteer?



I wonder if those posters to those 2 threads now feel like total chumps. A lot of them must.

I tried posting to the two thread, but could not. My head is a bit too done in to figure out for why, I’ve been working on my first article for my Steemit blog, which is a review of the 8K. Plus, sorting out videos for DTube (Steemit YouTube like video platform)


Meh. Guy is entitled to his opinion though the article feels poorly researched in terms of details.

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While you make good points and I’m not siding with Heaney at all, this post is essentially inciting personal attacks.

@Heliosurge I’m confused as to why this post is till up.

I think you have a lot of people here who are pasionate about the technology moving forward. Much more interesting than the cult who seem to think CV1 is just fine :+1:


He is more than welcome to call me a cult follower. I’m sure I’ll live.
What I don’t welcome is people banding behind censorship. You do far more damage to society than someone calling others cultists.
He calls me a name and has no effect on my life. Others remove access to certain voices, opinions, information and ideas which will profoundly affect my life. We used to understand why censorship was bad, hell we fought against it.
It’s up to the audience to be able to discern the information presented. No benevolent leader is coming to give you only truth and unbiased reality.
It’s like yesterday never existed to todays humans.


Due to the fact it for the most part is civil. SweViver taught me some think I should spend every waking moment reading every post. To keep him feeling good. I was notified of flagged posts. A couple if his posts received multiple inappropriate tags. & not from those he calls trolls.

He was obviously having a bad day & chewed into me. His disregard for many members here & his convenient forgetfulness like all the times I defended & supported him.

I am taking a bit of break. Pimax has not upgraded anyone to full mod level except me. This forum needs support as much as the backers & customers do.

I don’t mean to sound chewy but I need a bit of break. I have been going since even before the campaign.


I have appreciated your efforts and wondered at your patience!

Thank you!! :bow:


I watched a morning news program today: the 11 killed at the synagogue was a ticker at the bottom of the screen while they talked about what Trump said to someone. Nice.

I meant more in reference to the election in 2016, but it sucks where their priorities lie.

I think the reason with the slow short steps of progession with HTC is semiliar to that with apple: more money. They wont make an awesome headset all along before they get enough money. Time is money friend :wink:


I bet UploadVR ITSELF is a cult for fostering this idiot as a journalist. No journalist should talk and behave like this. It’s like a seller talking and arguing with a customer in a supermarket instead of doing their job in a professional manner.


Scathing message sent.
Most companies never equate, they get the staff they deserve. Its their fault they allow this excuse for journalism.


Apologies, Helio.

(words and stuff)

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Heaney? Are we talking about Heaney666 from Reddit? Does he work for UploadVR now? :slight_smile:

LOL what a dream team…


He’s in charge of the sex room now