SadlyItsBradley's impression video

I’ve had a string of vr headsets since 2012:

Oculus dk1/2/cv1
sony psvr1
Htc vive
Pimax 5k+
HP Reverb G2

So like you I knew in March 2016 the release of the oculus cv1 in pre-order in the USA :us: without joy and a single capture base.
It’s not that I’m a simmer that I don’t play Alyx/Beatsaber/Arizona Sunshine ect ect.
On steam vr I have a stock of #roomscale vr games for players for 20 years lol.

For those here who think like me that pimax with its crystal / 12k has gone to a niche VR sector that is the very high end because I think pimax no longer has a choice

-The low end is dead, Meta monopoly.
-The Mid-range we have the Pico4/Hp Reverb G2, pimax does not reveal a mid-range pc/vr vr headset with a real displayport cable

Aplushhss :innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2:

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Well I know for a fact that Amd does indeed care for VR. Pimax during there first KS Amd pleaded with them for a headset so they could work on there side with the Drivers.

A good friend I contacted to test on Vega gpu(He owns his own High end computer building Business). I had both an 8k & 5k+. He is on an Advisory board for Amd as he makes custom bios.

Amd when they were informed of my having 2 pomax hmds. Instructed him to secure one of mine with willing to give me what I wanted for it. As a result it financed my Cpu/Ram and motherboard upgrade.

Amd is very willing to work with companies if you work with them.

Pimax was going to make Amd wait til after backers had received. Luckily they didn’t need to. However between pimax and Amd it took almost a year to fix compatibility.

The m1 test group could have helped on getting this moved forward. But the testers where not selected with a balance of Nbidia and Amd gpus. In fact not 1 tester had an Amd gpu despite a multitude of backers having current Amd gpus.

A perfect example is gaming consoles of which they use Amd hardware with the last console to use an Nvidia platform being the Nintendo Switch.

About Nvidia’s GTX cards several 1070 and 1080 cards including founders models said VR ready and was not that used the reference design. Naturally people whom had these cards were quite pissed on the Nvidia forums.

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All in all, amd has solid commercial relations with sony/microsoft in the field of consoles but in vr there is a problem that we saw with a virtual pilot from my team on the #Dcs World simulator:

amd graphics drivers in vr :grimacing::grimacing::-1:t2:

-In 2020 one of our pilots without listening to us bought an Amd RX 6800XT and we RTX 3090.
-We went to par&dis with the rtx 3090, our friend with his amd graphics card to disappoint him:

  • Fps at half mast
    -Fade color in its g2, freeze ect ect
    The amd card was powerful but the graphics drivers are not up to standard.
    And there, at the last Amd conference, we thought with my #team that Amd was finally going to talk about vr, its commitment with dedicated drivers for games, optimization for vr games??

But nothing, not a word about vr, no announcement of cooperation with vr headset companies or vr game development studios?

Aplushhsss /:innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:


Well the 6800xt vs the 3090 is not a good vs to begin with. That being said the 6900 a user on this forum had some of the highest fps we had seen in DCS. Yes there were some issues. But you need to also look at a Game DeV Engine. DCS is extremely poorly optimized which is also understandable with how old and outdated it is.

Here is the Topic.

If you notice the date stamps this was with the first alpha/beta 90hz 8kX older model Firmware. Not advertised for Amd gpus; Where as Nvidia 90hz was flakey to whether it worked or not.

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Naaa, these are exactly the numbers that can be expected in the performance class of a 2080ti with clever settings in DCS.

But yes, at some point AMD cards will work… somehow…

I think what Pimax should do is stop announcing future dates entirely. They’d be better off with the percentage of progress like with the 70% they said for the 12K. Let customers do the math and make their own projections about when roughly they think it will be ready.

I mean, what does Pimax even get out of announcing future dates to customers? Back when they were doing kickstarter projects, this was more or less a requirement. But they’re not a KS company anymore. So announcing future dates to the public only takes on risk for no apparent gain.


I stick with what I said. On that first 90hz firmware and with the 8kX it was some of the highest numbers seen on an 8kX with DCS.

Were not talking later with driver/Game/firmware etc… No up until that time it was some of the highest numbers seen on dcs like others in the topic commented. And yes there were folks on this forum sharing numbers with having 2080 ti cards.

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That makes sense to me. The roadshows are still a good idea; they’re a great way to get feedback and find issues that the dev team missed- and if the attendees know they’re viewing a product that’s basically a proof of concept hardware, it might generate more positive reactions on the way to a finished product. EDIT: Crap, I’m getting old and tired. I basically just repeated what I’ve already argued in this thread. Sorry folks.

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Hm. Has anybody sent @hammerhead_gal’s post of the Q&A page to Bradley? It would be interesting to know if it informs his opinion.
He seems like a bright guy. I like to think he’ll take it into account as the final product becomes available for review.


Just recently, i have had some issues, with flashes and flicker.

I am re testing settings in DCS and PC2.

Having some of the best results I have ever seen.

Is that the new Adrenalin driver?
Now i can oc my 6900xt to 2700mhz.

Soon I will start a new thread, and tell you all about it. Need to finnish playing with the settings.
e.g. there is a MSAA setting in AMD drivers to override DCS MSAA. I think it looks better and works significantly faster (i need more testing to confirm).

Edit: fix some spelling(on my phone).


His language choices and unprofessional hair story seem to indicate that he wields facts to support his opinions, rather than to form them in the first place.

But it would be cool if he proved me wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:



He’s a yt’er, so he has this nerd image he is trying to push, the shirts, Bradleysmells as his handle and all. May be fake, may be genuine, I don’t care. What I care about is the reasoning he is giving for his opinions.
His observations largely matched mine, visuals being generally great, a lot of the other advertised features missing, meaning you don’t feel like you tried a production version but rather an intermediate stage prototype.

And yes, in the past he rather made fun of Pimax than praise them - I guess he expects some polish, refinement on commercial products which Pimax are not good at, to say it politely (but he can be harsh on other manufacturer’s headsets too. His main focus seems to be finding out & reporting on details of yet unreleased headsets though).

On this refinement thing: what I am perceiving in this forum is that there is a kind of split between those who expect Pimax to provide a product approximately complying with the standards one generally expects from commercial products while others are satisfied if it comes in a rough state with some features missing, possibly being added later or not, as long as they get their unique feature nobody else seems to bother offering (e.g. ultra-wide FoV) and it’s open to tinkering, even if it means they might have to invest substantial time & effort to get it performing to a larger degree (like I had to do to get the eye-strain dialed down at least to somewhat acceptable levels in the 8KX - literally took me weeks as I needed to recover for hours for the first couple of days after 10-15 minutes of adjustment labor in the headset).

Perhaps this difference in expectation towards what you get for your money explains some of the discussions we can witness here.


I don’t think Pimax’s response was only to Brad or necessarily even a response to his video. Though it certainly may have been. He seems to be assuming that it is.

But the response covers all sorts of questions and points the community has been raising in general which goes beyond the scope of just Brad’s video.

In any case, I thought it was quite good. I thought it was especially interesting in explaining Pimax’s values. These were things that I largely felt I already knew just by observation, but explicitly stating them and why is a good thing.

For instance, Pimax prioritizes visual quality over compactness. That will turn off a lot of customers out there. But there are also many who favor Pimax’s choice who aren’t being served by any other company. Everyone else is just trying to build an even cheaper Quest 2.


a bit narcissistic to think the whole QandA is written because of him

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thing is though, maybe the Q&A was done in response to his vid.

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Done that

Done that :grinning:


Any product speaks for itself. Fixing things speaks for itself. Countering on argument with another argument is not exactly constructive in itself.

Much better to complete a product then say there you go now judge us.

Not sure what you’re suggesting g in regards to the Pimax Q&A.
I agree that Pimax should not label works in progress as production headsets. But… since that horse has already left the barn…I think the Q&A is a good way to show Bradley- and all of us- the rationales behind Pimax’s design decisions.