SadlyItsBradley Crystal Impressions V2 CES

Doesn’t account for astigmatism which affects 30%. Not sure if some adjustable accounting for that is possible or not.

Ideally, if VR goes truly huge and mainstream, then I’d like to see a standard (across all manufacturers) come in where people can get perscription lenses and a plastic adapter comes in the box with every headset that people can pop their perscription lenses into. Of course that’s just wishful thinking.

I do wonder how much diopter adjustment by itself can work without account for astigmatism, wonder if there is significant eye strain or such.


Thing is isn’t diopter adjustment going to be hard with wide FOV lenses that aren’t circular? Who’s going to make custom lenses for HMDs if not the manufacturer themselves?

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Yeah, lens inserts seem like the way to go in general tbh. Ideally going forward headset manufacturers would partner with lens manufacturers to allow you to order your perscription along with your headset.


I guess you have to ask someone with an astigmatism and myopia and a Crystal :smiley:

Ah, I’m not worried about the crystal tbh. I just wonder if something built in, in the future, like diopter adjustent can cater for it.

Fwiw, what I do currently is the “zenni” approach. There’s a common cheap perscription pair of glasses that people buy, I think I paid 15 euro including postage, and then there are many 3d printable adapters out there for popular headsets. I’ll be making an adapter for the crystal myself as soon as I get it (I’ll post the 3d file for free online of course).

For reference, here’s an example for the Quest 2:

And these are the lenses:

Not sure how well something llike that would for for the 12k tbh. I guess it should be fine, just you’ll have some visible frame holding them into place.

Oh btw I have astigmatism and myopia, and found with my glasses that the crystal was perfect. So the lens mod should work well.


YEAH!!! F those other 70%! :wink:

Well, it is if it is done by way of threading and turning the whole barrel the lens is mounted in, lens and all, but that is hardly the only way.

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My Pimax doesn’t have circular lenses and has a diopter adjustment. Not sure what you mean

Which headsets that?

The one next to my Icon

To be fair adjusting a diopter and having it solve a problem for some doesn’t necessitate hurting someone for which it isn’t a solution as long as it has a neutral setting like say 0. :grinning:

lol what, I guess you’re joking but I don’t think I’m getting it sorry ha. It’s not 30% of people with myopia, it’s 30% of the entire population (so not much less than myopia). I think diopter adjustment is great and a step in the right direction, I just meant that it’s not the complete solution as there are more variables to account for so hopefully a solution that accounts for other eye issues can be made. In the meantime I will keep using perscription lens inserts which work quite well, just not as nice as a built in solution of course!

Are you confusing IPD adjustment with diopter adjustment? 5k+ definitely doesn’t have diopter adjustment.

That said, I don’t think diopter adjustable lenses need to be circular. I could be wrong but if you have a layered lens then all parts can be whatever shape/size, and just move the distance. Perhaps the future is some sort of built in perscription lens system, that is fully adjustable, that just sits on top of the actual lens. So basically like an adjustable pair of glasses built in that is low profile. Still seems like ultimately just putting your own perscpription lenses in is the easiest way though.


Holy crap you are right’ What a dummy I am. Must be the pain meds. Sorry for confusion guys.


No worries at all, hope the pain settles soon and you feel better! (Unless it’s a long term thing in which case Pimax needs to get you a 12k asap…for free!)


. Just waiting longer for a surgery thx to Covid. Nothing serious and will be resolved in a couple of months.


Half joking.

I did read it as 30% of the part, not the total, but nonetheless; It still did come with an echo of the disturbingly common attitude of: “if only some benefit from X, nobody should get X”.

Ah okay. I didn’t think it came across as that, 100% was not what I meant but I would definitely disagree with someone with that point of view so totally understandable on your part.

Well, it is good that we are in agreement, crossed wires aside. :slight_smile:

Thanks Dave for Sharing! Finally had a chance to review the video. He has for me quite redeemed himself as he commends pimax for a much more polished xp. He too has imho in a month and a half released a polished professional review. I have left him a comment on his channel reflecting this.



It‘s really funny that so many had an issue with his first video. I guess it will have been mostly folks who hadn‘t watched much of him before. Otherwise you‘d know that he just is this guy - or to be more cautious, this is his online persona. Content-wise I consider both videos to reflect his respective experiences accurately, just without the super-geek weirdo sauce in the second.

It‘s clear from the second video that he was tired from apparently quite a bunch of „Pimaxians“ having gone after him virtually and he decided to make a sober video and tread more carefully. I hope he will be back to being himself for the next non-Pimax related clips.

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His 1st video just came off as a person with a huge axe to grind.

His second video without all the attempts at being edgy came off a lot better.