Quest 2 Discussion, will it beat the G2?

No sorry was cross reading the real hardware data-acquisition possibility of the snapdragon XR2 and miss your joke related to my original post about facebook :upside_down_face:

If we look at similar HDK the snapdragon XR2 is a beast

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How complex? 2x4=8 no? :wink:

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So does anyone here actually believe this was “a leak”

right…facebook “accidentaly” uploaded not 1 but 2 very professionally edited videos that oops randomly got out 2 days early.

I guarantee attendance to their event just doubled.

I for one wasn’t even interested in the potential Quest Lite/S rumors until it was “leaked” that its actually a monster relplacement for the Quest called Quest 2. Now im probably going to day one purchase if thing if they say “it’s available now”

plus from facebooks perspective this is all brilliant chess their playing. not so much a gamble.

The Quest proved that they have a winner, its about as much “risk” to them as nintendo releasing a “switch lite”(I own both by the way)

They drop the facebook required bomb early, get people uaed to the idea, then knowing that haters are gonna hate they “leak” that this headset is tje monster that you never expected suddenly 70% of the haters reluctantly buy the headset, another 10% of them buy it but dont tell anyone to save face.

A bunch of people sell their OG quest which now because of the FB requirement doubles their user base(well maybe not double, it depends on how many users hand off their old quest to someone else)

FB will take be the loss leader in this qs well because they know right now they are in a position to dominate.

I love this its like you can make any equation you want to get the final number. who says its Area?

I fear Facebook is trying to fragment the VR market. To trap folks who are new to VR into the Quest platform ecosystem where most VR games are great introductions to VR but low quality overall. This reduces the amount of new customers choosing PCVR. Unfortunately, resulting in less developer incentive to make AAA games actually worth playing. Until there is reliable and consistent zero latency wireless PCVR, its not worth even considering the Quest 2.

I believe in the near future, when Pimax or some other company releases their wireless module, that standalone VR headsets will be absolete for VR enthusiasts.

Yes, yes it will… except for audio, but it makes of for that by being capable of being a standalone device

XR2 vs Snapdragon 835 (source )

that video throughput leads me to believe that we can finally take advantage of that super expensive fiber optic link cable to stream flawless near 4k to the headset

as for that resolution its likely to be the same is the Pico 2 Neo

Pico’s Neo 2, which offers 1,920×2,160 resolution per eye, nearly twice the detail delivered by Oculus Quest’s

its funny I pulled up this discussion about the Quest2 potentially using that new XR2 chip from 9 months ago

this is so hilarious

there are people on there saying things like this 9 months ago


Lol what are you smoking, 8KX’s arent made using slave labor or sweatshop work. Even if they were, that’s not the metric we’re discussing, we’re discussing data security. Pitool doesnt require me to stay online to use it, it doesnt require me to sign into or link my social media and disclose my identity, it doesnt track my whereabouts and store my data for resale. There’s hardly a comparison. FB is bad because they’ve been caught (twice IIRC) gathering and selling exorbitant amounts of personal data about their users and they continue to not only do it, but they expand on their anti-consumerism as time goes on.

I agree with most of what you say. Zuck said, “make this a headset everyone wants, we’ll take the loss and hope for the best.” I would think with lockdowns/restrictions, etc, Facebook would give a solid presentation about “hanging out with friends in VR” and how it’s waaaaay better/different than just flat gaming. So far the leaks just show one person playing single player games…I’d think the group aspect is best to show off, like hanging out with friends on a team playing Echo Arena, etc. Maybe the “official” Quest 2 trailer will do that.

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With school’s starting up again and virtual learning accounting for 50% of the student choice I wish facebook could step in and hand OG quests to all of them.

Could you imagine if somehow that was possible for FB to supply all schools the hardware to make that happen lol

that would be a quick way to get a billion users in or sure :crazy_face:

Mark “Oprah” Zuck, everyone gets a Quest!

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Except there’s absolutely a difference between steam and epic. The epic games store went above and beyond to secure exclusivity contracts to pull people towards their side of the isle. The only exclusives Steam has are the games they made and the games that have not appeared elsewhere due to the dev’s own volition. I have no issue with there being competition in a space. But anticonsumerism is bad anywhere and everywhere it takes place.

The only way to purchase 8kx is official pimax store where you’re already giving your personal details…

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Hey, this isn’t a battle you can win…it’s just going to lead to a separate opinionated thread.

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You understand that your name, email and address are already out there right? And that, save for moving/changing them, those are fixed bits of information? You think facebook’s data on people is limited to those 3 things lol, there’s way more lucrative data to be farmed and sold than that.

Furthermore, your name, address, and email are utilities. They’re meant to be used for communication, shipping, and payment verification. I willfully gave that information out, which is how it should be. As opposed to having that info and a lot more other info farmed from under my nose and sold.

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google has just as much data on you, actually much more than you think.

and no your VPN doesn’t help when you are using google chrome to browse the net


What way my data is farmed if i only make an account, with real data, and never use Facebook itself? No likes, no photos, no mobile Facebook app.

But incognito does! lol

I’m aware. There are plenty of companies that gather personal data from their users/customers. I don’t agree with the premise. It’s one thing to sell sales data to advertisers, its something else to sell more confidential information to the highest bidder internationally. Furthermore, supporting companies that partake in this type of behavior just lets it go on it further.

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It actually doesn’t . Lets say your are using a particular browser and you are on ( i just made that up don’t look it up), chrome can link your IP and browser unique id to you. Then lets say you go incognito and even have a vpn on at the same time. sure you may have no cookies and you might not even be logged in

but your browser and computer information sent to google analytics is the same

some half competent AI can easily do the math and realize its still you watching donkey porn

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