I do think that the mura might differ between devices. It definitely was the case on other oled devices like the StarVR. And like said the sweet spot is small but very easy to find and once you’re in it it’s all good at least for me.
Then again the headset surely has some disadvantages and like always it will differ from person to person how much weight you give to them. Unfortunately the perfect headset still doesn’t exist, even the most expensive devices like the xtal come with their own set of disadvantages.
The best are the games that run native 90hz like saint and sinners and pavlov and starwars,they dont use reprojection so no ghosting…But yea the mura is a thing,i wish i had a another psvr2 to see if its less
Resident evil village uses reprojection but the immersion is second to none,i prefer it above my 8kx with the resident evillage mod…
Also i use the pulse 3d headphones it fits great over the vr headset and with the right eq settings the 3dsound in resident evil or other games is absolute great… And helps also with the immersion i must say…
Normaly i hate to put headphones over the vr headset
Do you see it in every scene? I see it in some scenes, in others I pretty much see no mura at all. Of course it’s subjective but it sounds you have way more mura than I have.
you know whats strange,i remember you saying how you will never go back to 8kx due to mura haha when you got the aero bout a year ago and how there was nothing between your eyes and the world with the aero,its insane to me how someone so sensitive of it back then could even stand psvr2 wich i think is nearly unplayable because the mura moves pretty much all the time with your head and is very severe specially in dimly lit enviorments like re8 but also during day time,meanwhile i literally see nothing with my 8kx and the ghosting is another issue,i have yet to try a game running at 90fps on it i only played re8,hcotm and few hours of gt7 i might get that star wars game.
might be my unit but anyway i keep it for the must play exclusives because i do prefer re8 over the mod but not one single bit because of the visuals,but because of the much better vr mechanics implemented by the devs,the mod in fact looks like 2x as sharp on my pc specialy you can get the textures packs wich on psvr2 they are already much blurrier.
It certainly does sound like your mura is way worse than mine. Mine is really nowhere as bad as you state yours is.
This is very true. The aero has an incredible image fidelity, I still really love it. Also the lenses are the best lenses i’ve ever seen, it are the only lenses in which my eyes feel 100% relaxed, no eye strain at all, as if I wasn’t even wearing a headset. But it has its own downsides, mostly the FoV. And the colors are quite bleak.
Hey @carnathsmecher I see I accidentally placed a smiley under your post and can’t remove it. No, listen, I don’t want you to think that my PSVR2 mura is similar as my 8kX mura. It’s not, the PSVR2 mura is substantially worse. You should interpret my 8kx mura comment back then in the context of doing several AB comparison with the Varjo Aero. Back then I was AB comparing the headsets several time to find out WHY I liked the Aero image so much better and when you do that, you’ll definitely start to see that the 8kX has quite a bit of mura (I do have one of the very first 8kX’es out there, I think @john2910 said that later models had way less mura).
However, my 8kX mura is still not as bad as my PSVR2 mura. My PSVR2 headset has substantial mura and it definitely is THE biggest downside for me for this headset. I don’t know if it’s as bad as your mura, it sounds like yours is even quite a bit worse. But even mine is very far from being mura free. Maybe it’s just the combination of my very low expectations and then this awesome experience with RE. I mean the moment you step into that snow in the beginning of the game, it just all feels so real! It’s a feeling I barely have had with any of my other headsets. It definitely just feels like the 3D world is much more believable for some reason. Even though the image fidelity is quite a bit less than the Varjo Aero. @john2910 said it above “the immersion and 3d was somehow far better on the psvr2…i dont know why” and this is exactly what i feel
wish i could feel that way,i dont see anything special about the 3d,in fact because i cant see much in the distance i think it has less depth than other headsets,but its subjective so yeah.