Pre orders shipping

Sold out is for pimax 4K not for 5K+ :wink:

What is that big green flag beside the 5K+?

Could be, but they also stated that they wanted to produce about 8000 units until now. Which is much more than for the KS. Only 3450 reserved for backers at the moment.

Try to order you will see this green flag is for 4K

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Fair enough. As I have the page zoomed in the flag appeared closer to the 5K+. Only took it as being meant for the 5K+ based on how the graphic artist placed it on the page. Your explanation accepted.

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Request preorder spreadsheet with preorder number and items that are shipped. Please don’t expect orders to ship by order number. Just provide status of the orders.

Pimax to provide a preorder spreadsheet. Spreadsheet is ordered by preorder number. Each order number must contain items order and the status of the item. Example :

Preorder #: p122222
5kplus: not ordered
8k: unfullfilled
5kbe: assembly
Region: USA

Preorder#: p123457
5kplus:UK tracking#1234768976
8k: delivered
5kbe: not ordered
Region: UK

Shipping should not be in the order by preorder number… that would be a logistic nighmare, but we need status like above in a spreadsheet table format…order number column, 5k clumn…etc…

I am thinking given the feedback the KS backers have offered with regard to spreadsheet updates, they will likely forgo that in the POs

Yea… i really don’t care much about preorder spreadsheet…but it will helpful for the ceo to get the big picture.

I’m on the late preorder:(

Im in the first batch. So im constantly checking my account and emails.

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I am also a very early P12xx preorder and I do exactly the same :slight_smile:

Boys, you have much to learn about Pimax. :man_teacher:


If they took your money, you’re golden as far as being a confirmed customer. If you are expecting a tracking number any day now, you can forget it. Their are thousands KS without tracking. Many that have numbers, got them after delivery was made.

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Yeh they took it on day 1 :rofl:. Yeh you do make a good point but at least tell me it shipped or something.

Except by fluke, you are not going to see notice of your Pimax being shipped before all the 5K+ backer units are out of China and we don’t know if that is going to happen.
Tomorrow is going to be interesting in that regard as I expect that likely hood will be very much clearer for backers.
Even if say, all backer 5Ks ship before next week, it won’t guarantee the “first batch” of POs will get out, Even in an ideal situation where you make it out before Mon, there is no guarantee you will receive prompt shipping information. On the contrary since you are so close to the backlog of KS units.
Watch what happens between now and Monday for a better bead on it. It is going to be quite interesting. Especially later today (Fri) in China.

Actually all the 5k shipped already for all backers. Dallas and pimaxus confirmed this

Not according to( Dallas’s) last update:

There are a lot of holes to fill under shipped. Hopefully an update today. I asked Kevin (Pimax US) this very question a few hours ago and he said he would check today and and get back to me. Have you newer info than the sheet?

Yes i saw one of his replies stating all 5k backers has shipped.

I can’t comment on what you read unless you link to it. I only refer to the latest know update which I link.

Would look for it but it doesn’t really make any difference. I know for fact that preorderers are gonna go through the same thing. Dont know why i even believe them.

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Customer experience does not start with customers receiving their product. Pimax, you can do this.