Please move kickstarter comments here

It should have on/off for eye tracking features & of course its a modul so if its not installed no possible foveate rendering.

Even in something like dcs if done right; you shouldn’t notice any difference from an eye perspective. But if not right (sync) then it will create problems on a variety of fronts in just about any program.

It would be nice if Pimax could partner up with an online glasses company.
I have not been able to find an optician who will produce lenses alone, they will only make them in a frame.
So if Pimax could partner up, let the optician know the size of lenses required it would be eaaier for us to get ahold of lenses for the VR frame.

Pimax will send you plastic frame, you go to optics store and order glass there.

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Read my post again, as I said I cant find any who do only lenses.

They may put them in the VR frame if I give them the VR frame, but atm we dont know if this will be a moulded or 3D printed frame. And if they break it’ll take another month to get another set.

ANY optic store can contact their craftsman and set task, you in a middle of a desert with 1 store?
Learn how to talk to people, it’s only about to negotiation between you and store.
It’s plastic frame. Don’t break it

With Foveate rendering there should be an adjustable Field of Rendering.

Ie Bob has regular vision aquity & the default size. Works for him.

While someine like yourself may have stronger aquity in peripheral & need the render area larger so might need +1 to 3 to keep immersion.

Try where you bought your glasses. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

I don’t need the glasses frame. Can I get my 8K with a cupholder instead please :slight_smile:

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Can you move your eyeballs independently from one other ?

Of course! Can’t you?

you can maybe move your eyeballs in different positions but you cannot focus on different points… impossible from the brain,… you always have one eye focusing and the other staring,…

I am grateful for the kindness and help received to solve my banking transaction problem, because today my contribution was successfully finalized. I am excited to bring to my country, the first VR 8K technology, which I intend to use in the field of psychological therapy (apart from enjoying VR games). I am one of those who could not add the hand montion module in time, so I would like to know when will they have it for sale on their website and also if it will still have the cost of 100 dollars? Thanks for being great people!


Glad it worked out for you. Ohh psychological therapy sounds like a interesting use for the HMD.

Good review about the 8K

There is still some work to do :wink:

What is the process if i’d like to change something already ordered? For example 3 base station to 2, will this found be refounded later?

I hope they fix these problems like motion blur etc

I have a simple idea,
@Pimax-Support can contact Zenni and as them to add their “special” frame (VR frame) on their store.
As a buyer, I can just pick the frame and fill in the lens requisites.

After few days/weeks I receive the VR Frame with the lenses. No need for middle man.

For Pimax kickstarter, we should receive a “discount code” only for the frame.

I think it can solve lots of questions and hassle, and more importantly will let Zenni handle the “thousands” of VR users and free Pimax team.

My 2 cents.

Hello there i ordered only the pimax 8K.So now i am gonne buy some htc vive controllers and the lighthouses.But now i heard i need the htc vive breakoutbox too otherwise it dont work?
Please let me know

Whenever a feature is implemented, there should always be a way to (de/)activate it.

I’m not sure about the ones sold today, but my VIVE breakout box (got first day of release in April 2016) only has a (mini)displayport 1.2 input while the Pimax 8k requires 1.4, plus the output port is only hdmi. So I guess in January we’ll be stuck using our Pimax without a box and order one later when they manufacture it on their website.

Is the wireless modules based on the TPCAST?

Was just watching this review TPCAST Review: Retail EU version In-Depth Testing & Full Coverage | HTC Vive Wireless VR - YouTube

Seems OK, but the guy says the first chinese version isnt as good as the EU version.

Also will we have to purchase a separate powerbank to power the wireless system?

And towards the end of the video, if you need to change the powerbank, you have to restart SteamVR, which isnt good.
My suggestion for this would be to add a built-in capacitor which will allow you, say 5 to 10 seconds to remove one powerbank and attach a second. This would allow you to continue playing longer than 4 hours as stated in that video without having to restart your game.
Or you can have a button on the wireless module which if pressed will turn off the headset screens and speakers and all other non-essential features, and only keep the wireless signal running. This way you can put in a smaller capacitor, or give the player more time to swap the powerbank.