Please move kickstarter comments here

however for me it seems to be an older video… some of the reports tell this things and others not. this looks for me more like software issues beside the 90hz problem that is for sure here. however other headsets run at 60hz and the users report no issues,… not sure what I should think about it.

We won’t know much on this til the partner releases it. The power pack idea is good point. An easy fix would be to have a 2 batteries with a on/off. So when one gets low; switch batt 2 on then batt 1 off to remove low batt for charging.

Think the msi vr bsckpack functions lile this. But your idea on the capacitor is a good benefit as well.

@Matthew.Xu if you can forward the above to your partner(s)

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PIMAX: Please confirm whether your anticipated wireless solution is actually TPCast or something else.

If its TPcast then please answer this: How are you going to resolve the fact that TPCast has only a single HDMI (i.e. the wrong connector) and probably doesn’t even support the necessary bandwidth for PIMAX input (2560*1440 at say 82HZ per eye)?

Introducing an even lower refresh rate or lossy compression will not be even close to an acceptable solution, especially given there is already upscaling to native resolution (i.e already lossy operation) happening within the 8K headset.

Until things are finalized with the partner they are likely unable to clarify as to whom. If you want to guess though i can say look at the list of partners as there are clues. Just search the names on the kickstarter page. The pic that shows Disney, Nvidia, Amd, NomadicVR, Valve etc.

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I asked the same thing a while back and was told the breakout box will not be required.


unless you are Pimax staff and/or have actual facts to share, please dont reply to questions, especially those clearly directed at PIMAX.

Anyone can hypothesise, so there is no value in posting opinions in the guise of answers. All you’re really doing is just filling up the forum with more junk and misinformation that gets in the way of people that are looking for actual answers.

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Look they already said they cannot disclose the info you have asked. So maybe read through the forums instead of asking questions that were already answered.


I was absolutely sure that this place is a forum …

Has anything changed?

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they already said they cannot disclose the info

where? Not in this forum or anywhere else I can find.

It was in an update or on the kickstarter, but it was stated. Heliosurge is just trying to be helpful.


It was in an update or on the kickstarter, but it was stated.

I’ve checked every post from Pimax on both forums. No such response exists.

Ended up it was a Reddit post.

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Let’s evaluate your ideas internally and discuss it with our partners, thanks.

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Hi, the breakout box is not necessary for both HTC Vive and 8K HMD, but then, it indeed has some features, e.g. HDMI converts to MINI DP if your PC doesn’t has a HDMI port, Bluetooth radio, extend HDMI signal, hardware protection, etc. Not 100 percent sure, as Vive official does not talk much.

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We’re still in contacting with the partners, and we will continue update on kickstarter with project progress, module progress, etc. thank you

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Thanks, finally some useful info

JustNiz, how did you find me ? The guy in the picture is me after playing one hour in IL-2 Sturmovik. It’s a very frustrating experience.

Thank you. We have already noted this subject you concern :slight_smile:

Matthew.xu has basically just restated everything Heliosurge has been trying to tell you all along. There are many knowledgeable backers on this forum with a variety of experience levels. Their information is often useful. My advice to you is this, listen to those who offer help or suggestions they often can provide accurate information coming from experience and please try to show some respect if you want to get along with others here because they are only trying to help and it makes you appear very immature if you don’t.


A Vive? I’ll take it off your hands for postage and packing.