Please move kickstarter comments here


I would like to change my pledge amount, I am still getting the Boost your Fun package with shipping but no longer want the 5x 10m cables (total of 350 with shipping). My pledge should be 4049 instead of 4399.

My payment has gone yet, I’m ready to resubmit, just need amount fixed please.


This is not possible on Kickstarter. Final time to change your pledge was on Friday.

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The v4 prototype release date is not yet confirm. We will update some relevant information on kickstarter. Thank you


We will evaluate the delivery time after collecting your order details, thank you.

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Hi, The campaign is closed, you cannot change the pledge via Kickstarter any more. Thank you

Hi Canuck,

With how Kickstarter works you only can change pledge amounts while the Kickstarter is live.

See the below links

I am worried, since I have tried to make my contribution with up to 5 different cards and Kicksarter rejects the transaction. I have already followed the instructions for each one, I have communicated with the corresponding banks and they tell me that any of these cards are enabled to make the contribution. I need you to help me please, but I need real guidance, since I have followed your instructions to the letter and nothing. It would be very regrettable that, for reasons that are not my own, they will not allow me to make the contribution for the PIMAX 8K after having followed the whole process day by day

Can you put your money in one card?

Have you made contact with kickstarter support?

Does the charge appear on your bank/card account, and if it does how does it show up? Declined, Failed, etc. Just trying to figure out where in the process everything fails.

Will we be able to get the prescription frame dimensions posted somewhere so those who need them can look into getting some lenses made?


En algunos intentos me dice que no han podido procesar mi nuevo método de pago por que la tarjeta no es valida, y en otros intentos me dicen que no han podido procesar el cargo por el emisor de la tarjeta. aclaro que en todas las 5 tarjetas en las que he intentado contribuir, tengo los fondos suficientes y en todos los casos me mencionan los bancos qje no existe impedimento alguno que pieda estar rechazando mi contribución. ¡Que hago?

Usually it is the bank (card issuer) or the payment provider (i.e. Visa, Mastercard, etc.) who refuses the payment, not the merchant (i.e. Kickstarter). You need to resolve it with the bank (card issuer).

i think you replied to the wrong guy lol

Hi, we need to confirm with the supplier and then we will update on kickstarter. Thank you

Sorry for that, i’m new to this forum system.

_to thread:
Interesting to read about eye tracking solution. It combines prescription lenses and tracking frame. &
I still prefer plastic frame for additional ‘eyes’, for example -1 on my main trackers and -2 for friend/wife who can use just HMD

I’m not fluent in Spanish, so I went with Google Translate,. The information you gave me seem to come from the Kickstarter page, right? I was asking what the status on the bank was.

But anyway when it says:
“tarjeta no es valida” The card you put in either contains wrong info or is of the wrong type, from Kickstarter:

You can use a debit or credit card associated with Visa, Discover,
JCB, MasterCard, or American Express. Discover and JCB cards are
currently only accepted for US-based projects.We do not currently
accept Maestro or Visa Electron cards. If using a pre-paid credit card,
please make sure that the card has a value of at least $1 more than
your pledge amount.

And when it says “dicen que no han podido procesar el cargo por el emisor de la tarjeta” it means that the charge has been declined by the bank.
This is usually because some kind of auto fraud protection for either internet purchases or over boarder ones, so to fix this you need to make sure nothing like that is activated when you try to “fix your pledge”
This is very different between different banks, it can either be something you yourself manually remove, or it can be that you need to contact your bank and tell them that a charger will come from KICKSTARTER.COM Brooklyn NY and how much you pledged. This has fixed it for some other backers.

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That’s true, but will be not desired by me (and maybe others) when i’m playing DCS or FPS. I will miss much visual important information.
Maybe a “Foveate rendering On/Off- switch” would be an option?

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If done correctly you won’t notice difference,
but there are still caveats to eye tracking as reduced fov for example except it’s not ready yet.
ON-OFF is not even request. You should control this stuff from beginning.


I saw some (old) demos with Foveate Rendering activated. And i did not like it. I hope you’re right.