PiTools Version - great work!

I notice that the objects at the edges don’t compress inward as much now! That’s a very good thing as it makes the whole “coke bottle effect” on normal fov less noticeable now.

It could still be fine tuned more, but I don’t think your regular user would really even notice anymore. I sort of feel they could pull this off without eye tracking simple by (extremely subtly) stretching the image outward just a tad more at the edges.

That way when you keep your eye on an object and turn your head and once that object gets to the “distorted parts” of the lens (15 degrees size or so) the object stays the same size. It’s just about there, whatever they are doing is working!

Edit: went back and forth from pitool .90 and .91 and I am actually not too sure now. My brain is so used to it already that it’s hard to tell. For some reason I feel like something looks better still but can’t put my finger on it.

Hmm but according to the change log, nothing changed in distortion/lens blur


I’m not seeing any difference in the squishing/bending/skewing effect.

Certainly some tuning is needed and yea I’m sure some might not notice, and can see it depends on various factors including apps they run. If you just play beat saber and watch movies probably wouldn’t register this occurs :slight_smile:

If pimax don’t sort soon it might be one of us ends up messing about just as Vive users attempted during gearvr lens mod. Even if just proof of concept. Not sure what tools people used, A quick google turned up:


Hmm interesting, I remember with the Vive (pro) people could just adjust the distortion parameters themselves (which they did when using GearVR lenses), I wonder if we can do the same with the pimax


Should have two analog knobs, like in an old style TV, to tune up the image (distortion)
and another two for brightness+contrast.
And they should come with a sound effect wiuuuuhhsquieeeek(some white noise) you know that kind.

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haha! yes, that’s what we need! some twiddly knobs on the front to adjust the image :smiley:

and maybe some buttons to change channel O ch1 skyrimvr O ch2 beatsaber O ch3 bigscreen O ch4 porn



Yeah, big white or brown square buttons made of bakelite.
Ok carry on with the topic.

It’s most easily seen on vertical geometry like high buildings or trees. My guess some backers playing dark scene games ( horrors like or Hellblade types games) or cockpit sims and there is hard to notice that.

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Hmm I think it might work! I just tried downloading the distortion profile, like explained here:

(start reading as of " Instructions to apply the new config". I tried it and it did seem to download the distortion profile, which we should now be able to change and upload. Problem is though I’ve never done any distortion changes myself and I dont even really understand what I’m looking at, LOL. But I think it should be possible like this.

*EDIT yeah it definitely seems to be the pimax distortion profile that I’ve downloaded:

“manufacturer” : “Pimax”,
“model_number” : “REF-HMD”,
“render_model” : “ref_controller”,

whole distortion profile for pimax 5k+: { "device" : { "eye_target_height_in_pixels" : 2, "eye_target_ - Pastebin.com


You guys might be right. I went back and forth several times from pitool .90 and the new .91 and can’t say I am noticing a huge difference afterall. I think it might just be a placebo effect and my brain is just used to it at this point.

I really think the only way for them to tune it further is have someone with fresh eyes do it at pimax lol.

Edit: Unless rolling back keeps the updated distortion profile still somehow? I could have sworn I saw an improvement but rolling back I really see no change.


My profile for comparison: { "device" : { "eye_target_height_in_pixels" : 2, "eye_target_ - Pastebin.com

Just compared the two, they are very clearly unique! I wonder if some peoples profiles are better than others?


@spamenigma interesting, where can I find that file on my pc? Is this something that I can play with the numbers, mess with the distortion, and share with other people

Edit: Doh! it’s right above my post.

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I followed the procedure in @Sjef 's link.

Interesting! I see we have different revisions, you having revision 5, while I have revision 4, not sure if that matters, but who knows, maybe people who claim they don’t see distortion have a different (newer) revision than us? The distortion parameters seem to be the same anyway (the “tracking_to_eye_transform” part). But I wonder how much the SteamVR distortion params actually matter here since I think Pimax does its own distortion rendering, so this file actually might be ignored.

Snippet of comparison:


Hehe, nice, I use ‘beyond compare’, really neat tool, looks pretty much like yours. Anyway by comparing the Vive distortion profiles that you can find at that link I posted above, it seems that the “tracking_to_eye_transform” actually is what determines the distortion.


Hmm actually there is a difference between our two distortion profiles, yours doesn’t have this part:

    "extrinsics" : [
        [ 1, 0, 0, -0.03115000016987324 ],
        [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
        [ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]

Either way, by analysing your file I think this is indeed not even used by Pimax… With normal HMD’s, SteamVR does the distortion rendering, but I think with the Pimax HMD’s, the pimax driver does the distortion rendering. that’s probably why there’s almost no distortion info in your file (everything is 0 and null)


Sometimes when I move my head excessivley fast (like breakneck speed) to check for the distortion I can faintly make out tear lines at about 15 from edge degrees in the left lens, and 15 degrees from edge in the right lens.

It’s making me think they have a distortion profile for just the outer 15 degrees on each side. I would love to adjust this area because I feel the image still compresses there inwards too much there. Wish I could find some numbers that would adjust these portions.

I have pretty fresh eyes so I think I could make it almost perfect and then share it with Pimax, and they would probably like my profile :slight_smile:

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Yea, noticed the extrinsics, everything else seem’s void:

So probably right, pimax is using its own version…