PiTools Version - great work!

That is great news! I was hoping that at least part of the problem was something that could be fixed in software.

Does this mean that the large 170 FOV option is now usable? If thatā€™s the case, then Pimax just really needs to get to work on adjusting brightness and colors but even more so performance improvements such as fixed foveation option or other forms of space warp to handle this extra FOV.

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Thatā€™s a very good question and an excellent point.

I sure hope so. GPU improvements should make 170Ā° a feasible option in the future. Assuming Pimax is successful as a company, the software should continue to improve. (Thatā€™s why we should want Pimax to succeed, so that our headsets can reach their full potential.)

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I use it mostly with large mode, I notist when I got the headset the large mode shows the least distortion of all 3 modes. Because the distortion is so far away on the edge that you can hardly see it. I notist it more on normal mode. Now with the update the normal mode got much less distortion as well.


But are you talking about the blurry effect or about the incorrect geometry? I donā€™t think I saw any difference in geometry.

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Like a warp. Becouse of the lenses. As least thatā€™s how it looked.

Terminology is a bit confusing in this thread, at least to me, everybody seems to talk about different things when talking about ā€˜distortionā€™ or ā€˜warpingā€™. What exactly do you mean with ā€˜warpā€™ ?


For whatever itā€™ worth, I owned a dk2 and was dealing with the early sdk before Oculus set up their official runtime. The difference in QoL from the first month to maybe 3-4 months in was night and day. The dk2 in extended mode actually also had a more washed out look. After direct mode started to work properly, the display actually got quite a bit nicer.

And this is not to say that Pimax will go this way, but there are definitely developments happening in this software, so I am expecting some decent improvements within the first few months.


Just a couple of quick questions-

I saw some remarks about 8k vs 5k+. Is this runtime applicable to both?

Are yā€™all doing an install over the current build, or are you uninstalling first?

Well, on the left, right and down there was a distortion. Bending a little bit. You notist it the most when moving around. The world your in was distorted a little bit on those edges. But with large mode I notist it less. Because it was so far on the outer edges of the screen itā€™s almost impossible to look that much left or right with your eyes.

But anyway. With this update it got less for sure. Atleast with normal mode. I didnā€™t try small mode with the update.


It should be, but I donā€™t yet have a headset, so I canā€™t test it myself.

Hmmm I tried it only very briefly yesterday night myself, I didnā€™t think I saw any differences, but going to try again today


Exactly, Iā€™m very confused as well. You should, being a handy with PC and a photoshop wizard, make a reference picture with explanations of different types of image anomalies in the Pimax 5k+ and the Pimax 8k.

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oke, lets see if you do. maybe its me getting used it it? but im pretty sure it got less today then previous days, so i think it was the update.


Hmm I just tried it again, even went as far as installing .90 and then .91 again, I really donā€™t think I see any difference. Maybe i see slightly less blur at the edges but Iā€™m not sureā€¦ Itā€™s that it wouldnā€™t make any sense to me, since it seems just a lens property. Either way that blur at the edges never disturbed me much. Itā€™s the distortion (incorrect geometry) that disturbs me the most. To see what Iā€™m talking about, go to the SteamVR room, then look at the window behind the panel with your apps and look to the top of that window. Then move your head left to right while keep looking at the same spot in the window. Youā€™ll see the window ā€˜morphingā€™ (bending), itā€™s like itā€™s made out of wobbly rubber


Just tried it myself. Using Large FOV in SteamVR home I tested in .90 for a few minutes. updated to .91 and I see absolutely no difference in the distortion (geo) or the edges (the slight lens blur).


Same, no difference.


Would be nice to have a change log though @anon74848233


They seem to have put one up overnight:

New version features

    1. Modified the default render resolution.
    1. Fix the main interface crash&openssl error when opening,etc.

Ah nice, some people couldnā€™t get pitool up and running because of that error, good that thatā€™s fixed now.