PiTools Version - great work!

I agree. I can ignore it but the pin cushion effect is so pronounced I’m not sure how it isn’t mentioned in every review.


Oh man, must’ve missed/forgot that. We should really standardize the terminology here :grin:

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Is it that the settings file in ED is gone?
I hope that manual editing is still possible and tools get updated for further support…

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I initially wondered what the distortion was people see, and personally this is the only bothersome distortion I can see. I’ve no issue with the edges even on large FOV.

I’m sure this should be able to be adjusted to the point of the effect being minor, the effect is quite exaggerated (distortion profile wrong) at to me least on 5k+, no idea on 8K?

@Sjef go get an 8K to check!! :slight_smile:


LOL well like I said I think it’s simply inherent on wide FoV hmd’s and the only way to fix it is with eye tracking. Which Pimax supposedly is planning to bring to us, so I have some hope it can be fixed in the future.

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I’m not convinced of that, I’m sure you’re right to near perfection levels but this particular issue you can see its happening regardless of moving your eyes. The distortion profile is quite a way off and so surely that can still be adjusted properly. Its tolerable now and in some experiences you won’t notice it even when its still there but its still wrong (at least from my experience of the 5K+)


Damn this warping, bending, distorting, skewing, stretching, squeezing, blurring Pimax.


You might be right that they could still optimize the distortion profile and make it at least to a certain extent better.


Its quite possible it’s a rush job at the moment with the 5k+, and they plan to sort that along with the colours… soon… maybe… In a month’s time it might be like a whole new HMD!! :joy:


With all the criticism that still exists, I feel the new build as a big step in the right direction. The things that Pimax now has to optimize on the picture, I feel as very low. - The regulation of the backlight and possibly the color values seems to me at the moment most important.


Don’t get me wrong, I agree that if it solved the blur that certainly is a very good step (will check it later today myself). Just wanted to add to this discussion that quite a few people seem to be talking about different things when talking about ‘distortion’.


Now the distortion seems better what i hear,is the 8k now a better choice instead of the 5kplus?(because the distortion was worse on the 8k)

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I don´t think so.
The image of the 8k I felt as blurry (Berlin backer meeting).
The 5k + was noticeably better, but the distortions did not make the difference for me.
I think the 8k have got this problem also, because of the diagonal arrangement of the pixels.


Don’t you have the 5k+? where’s your tag? @Heliosurge

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I hope this is true, during my Berlin meetup I noticed it immedietly when turnig head. Like @Sjef said it’s nr 1 issue with Pimax and imho colors/black level.
It’s still a mystery for me why some Pimax 5k+ owners do not see it in games like Skyrim


@Heliosurge aesopfabled is missing his new tag, too! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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This should improve all headsets. If you are still on-the-fence, here are my thoughts about MY personal choice.

I officially picked the 8K. Why? My primary use will be playing Elite Dangerous, so better black levels and colors are my main concern. Contrast is 50% better than 5K+ (but still not as good as OLED). I also hate the bad aliasing in ED and think some slight blurring will improve my enjoyment. Text will be a bit “softer”, but is still readable. Pick this headset if blacks and colors are important to you, particularly if a primary use will be watching movies in VR.

The 5K+ has a crisper image and 90Hz refresh rate, but has “stacked blocks” in light colors, a slightly pixelated view, and slightly worse colors and blackness. It also has minor color banding, which will likely be exacerbated by any color calibration. Most people who have tried both prefer the 5K+, so this is the “safe” choice.

In time, better GPUs will probably benefit the 8K more, but both headsets are similar and you will likely enjoy either one. There is no “bad” choice.


And I’m more like a smoother refresh rate kind of guy, thats why 5k+

That, or “there are only bad choices”
We’ll see. :beers:


As I’ve stated previously, people’s optical sensitivities vary a lot. I have better color discrimination than most people and am also very aware of flicker and edge aliasing.

Also, the issue you see could potentially be affected by head shape, IPD, or how quickly you turn your head, so the problem literally might not exist for those fortunate people.

I’ve given this some thought and what you might be seeing is the screen refresh. I’ve seen this in cameras, particularly my GoPro. An LCD panel doesn’t draw pixels instantly; instead the pixels are quickly drawn from one side to the opposite side. (Direction depends on particular design.) This is similar to “tear” on your 2D monitor when you aren’t sync’ed to the refresh rate. The 8K’s up-scaling might contribute to this effect.

Does that sound like what you saw? I would like to see @mixedrealityTV 's opinion as well.


Sorry guys, after the install i went to sleep and then to work.
I tried it now and it looks like the distortion has been improved on the 8K, as far as i can see. i hardly see any now, it looks really good actually.