PiTools Version - great work!

I think he was referring to .91 version…

…and I believe Sjef was referring to his comparison of .90 to .91 …


Are you saying that clarity has been improved?

So what you mean is that on the large FOV (170) the blur / distortion on the edges is much improved?

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Yes, I think the right word is restored but can run with Pitool at 1.0 without being blurry and aliased.

Also, seems detected easily, since I turn the hmd off when I dont use it, I often have to reboot to get it detected, about half time.
But since update I got it detected three times without reboot after turning it off.


Thx for the review, much appreciated.

Did you try to tinker with Dr.Kaii ED Profiler to get some better blackiness?

Not yet… but I will try this during the weekend :wink:


But that’s not distortion. I think you’re talking about lens blur? Distortion is about the geometry being correct.

The lens blur at the edges never bothered me anyway at ‘normal’ FoV, it was barely visible, not sure if it improved with .91, could be, maybe they deleted the outer few degrees of the normal FoV that had the blur?

Distortion is this:

**image **

Distortion takes place in VR to transform the source image in such a way that if you look at it through the lens, the image looks like the original image again. If you look at an undistorted image through the lens, you’d see very heavy distortion because that’s what lenses do, they distort the source image. So distortion in VR headsets takes place to ‘correct’ for that lens distortion effect. It’s like in the above picture, if you applied that barrel distortion over that pincushion distortion, you’d get the original image again. That’s EXACTLY what happens in VR.

Now the problem with wide FoV is that you now have a bigger distance that your pupils will move, since there’s a much wider image to see. When your pupil moves you’re then looking through a different part of the lens. Each part of the lens has its own distortion properties. So for this to be 100% correct, the headset would need to apply different distortion profiles for your pupil position. That’s exactly what StarVR did: with eye tracking they determine the position of the pupil and then apply a distortion profile based on that position.

I have hope once Pimax gets us eye tracking they can do the same.


I’m on and it’s saying I’m on the latest version? Should I wait or just download the linked one and install over the top?

Distortion is very prominent for me in .90

Yeah you can just go to the pimax website and download it there.

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Unfortunately the updates to the new build has rendered tone mapping inoperable. None of the current tools can be used for UI colors or tweaking contrast/blackness in space. I literally ran the update the day I reinstalled the :stuck_out_tongue:

Unfortunately we are forced to rely on pimax for this.

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I would call that warping rather than distortion.
I’ve always though distortion in the edges (in VR) is similar to this picture:

taken from rdr2 thru the oldskool rifle scope.
Not just bent, but fucked up otherways as well.

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Yeah that’s what quite a few people seem to do. But it’s wrong :slight_smile: What you’re seeing in the pic actually is a combo of distortion (the geometry bending) plus lens blur. But distortion in itself is just the bending of the geometry.


Dr Kai latest update no longer has tone mapping due to changes in Elite software in latest chapter.

So the .91 update fixed some of the geometry bending + lens blur on the outer edges, but not the whole screen bending which you call distortion and almost nobody else has mentioned. Ok.

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No. The update (supposedly) fixes the blur. This blur never was an issue to me at normal FoV anyway, since it was really the outer few degrees, which they now might have simply cut out with the update, which would make a lot of sense.

The geometry bending (=distortion) isn’t fixed (which quite a few people mentioned by the way, just see Oscar ROV’s review, Olivier’s review, @RetrospectVR comment here and a few others)


Are you talking about the whole scene bending, or the heavy bending of the outer edges? Didn’t the update fix the bending of the outer edges at all, just the blur?

Well the bending effect gets strong towards the edges, just see the pincushion distortion pic I posted above and you’ll understand why. But yeah that didn’t change at all with this update.

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This is from Olivier’s review above:

The distortion is off, horizontally there is some stretching going on: put the object in the center of your view, rotate horizontally so the object move to the side of the screen and keep your eyes straight to the screen: The object will squeeze and then grow

I’m really not sure how some people seem to not see it.


I briefly mentioned part of it in my experience as one of the first things I noticed. And mentioned this a few times since. Objects compressing and skewing (more likely bending but most of it looks like they lean) as they move across the display when you turn your head.

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