
The 84 one was the one that came with the public beta of Pimas Experience, IIRC. It falsely States that a new version is available, you can ignore that. I guess that bug carried over to 2.086 which is the one being talked about here. You can find the Google drive link to DL it in the annoucement section.

Edit : here : PiToolSetup_1.0.2.086_V2.0.rar - Google Drive
But looking back I’m not sure I’m really answering your question :sweat_smile:

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cmon - the KS email was just yesterday. the 086 installer dates 04th this month. :scream_cat:

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Oh, not a KS backer so I didn’t get that, but yeah that’s outdated.

Edit : but the 86 installer seems to have been uploaded on Nov 10.

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the email was on 12th still


@Heliosurge please get us some updated lists :wink:

2 Likes is the newest version. Not sure why they’ve changed the number structure save that they didn’t change the version number to align with standard Beta/Stable release.

@Alex.liu can you update things so pitool is not showing an older version as newer?


Testing with my real IPD - so far quite nice.

Was using IPD +2 previously.


Haha yeah this stuff is all EXTREMELY confusing. In the update they talk about (and link to) v84, in this thread there’s a v86 and if you install either of those 2 it says there’s an update available haha. I guess that’s Pimax style, make everything as confusing as possible :slight_smile:

Either way I’ve now installed v86 and going to put on my headset now, still not sure where this IPD tool is even supposed to be but I guess I’ll find out in a minute :slight_smile:


Can anybody please explain how I can find this “IPD tool” ? It doesn’t seem to be in the “pimax experience” and I also don’t see any such tool in pitools !?!?!

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theres no tool, just the ipd adjustments are now 0.1 increment/decrement instead of old 0.5 allow for finer adjustments.


Ah ok so that’s what all this fuzz is about, hmm… So how to find out what setting works? Because I usually only get eyestrain after about 20 minutes. And then it’s not an on/off switch to make it go away, it’s a gradual process over time. Any hints anybody?


i have no idea… for me still eyestrain… i realy realy hope this will go away or that the g2 fixes it for me…


I think the big difference was that they now allow you to set different IPD offsets for your individual left and right eye. In theory that should allow you to account for your eyes potentially needing different offsets. I believe the actual IPD configuration tool is being developed in PE, so the increased IPD setting ranges introduced in Pitool is to support the upcoming configuration tool. I’ll probably just wait until the new version of PE is available to see how much better I may be able to get it set up using the tool. Right now it would be trial and error without having any kind of test screen to use for the adjustments.


Yeah this seems pretty hard to use like this. Really not sure how do this. First you’d need to find out an IPD setting and then you need to change the software settings and then after 20 minutes find out if you have eye strain or not? Damn I’ll have found the optimum setting in 2023 then :slight_smile:


LOL yeah, right now it would likely be an exercise in frustration that would lead to more eyestrain for you. Best to wait until PE is updated to see if the changes can make a difference for you. Hopefully the tool will actually have guidance screens that can help you find the optimum settings. :crossed_fingers:


oh my! I will need to verify this myself. Can anyone else verify it works for other games that were on the problem list?

lol the G2 seems to be the universal fix for most Pimax problems. (Except for FOV of course)


And we need to do a workaround for the tracking ofcourse to use the index controllers with the G2.

Ooh, here’s absolutely hoping for getting to boost the backlight with the next p8kX firmware update; /me thought the Index depressingly dim. :7

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Some degree of eyestrain with prolonged use is unavoidable with any current VR headset because of the vergence accommodation conflict. If anyone is hoping that that’s going to go away any time soon they are going to be disappointed.
Not saying that this fine grained control and/or better lenses on the Reverb won’t help many problems. But some of them nothing’s going to fix till we get proper varifocals.

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so this pitool doesn’t seem to have pimax experience built in.