Pimax sword Controllers!

I do roomscale but still feel that a stick is the superior option for moving over larger distances or beyond roomscale bounds.

The self-centering/tactility of a stick allows me to not accidentally start walking in a random direction when i first put my thumb on the pad and happen to be a little off center.
Ive taken to putting a marker in the middle of my touchpad so i can more easily find the center but that is a stop gap measure.

Now that we will have the option of updating our choice i will be going for two stick controllers since the knuckle/index controller has changed, at the time of the kickstarter i picked two trackpad controllers for parity with the then current knuckle version and a lefty stick for direction input in games that use it.

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please be advised that you have the option of falling on your sword like a good survey monkey if you don’t like any of the data points presented to you in the forseeable future.

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Sounds like they didn’t setup the trackpads as good as the steam controller.

I had plans for 1 set of each so I could have stick in 1 hand & pad in the other like steamcontroller.

But now that’s not a real option. Might be better to start looking into building a controller using an ipod tracking touch ring with a joystick replacing center button. :beers::wink::+1::sparkles:

Still remember early steamcontroller designs. If mem serves at one time had a touchscreen. Lol

I asked for trackpad in survey. But backed for finger tracking. So I better get the option to put up with sticks so I can get proper finger tracking.

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i did see some complains about the price of the index controllers (299€) - we dont know yet what pimax will charge for the sword sense but just a reminder, htc charges 289€ for two vive wands

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Well when you look at Psmove controllers & compare the price of the rgb light up ping pong ball vs the what is it $1/Steam Tracking sensor it is understandable the outrage on controller markup.

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@Doman.Chen , @PimaxUSA i initialy opted the touchpad controllers but know with the news i prefer the Sword Sense option . its possible? how we can change this option?


I’m not convinced that backers will get to ‘choose’ the Sense controller. I asked @PimaxUSA point blank in the other thread and he wont respond to a direct question about it.

You interpret his deliberate lack of response how ever you choose, but it feels like they’re ‘kicking the can down the road’ because they know that’s a conversation the backer community will not take well.

Yes. with Pimax, I’ve become that cynical.


so all backers will receive the sword basic version? this is not very good. @PimaxUSA please give an answer please.


I’m not saying that. What I’m saying is his refusal to answer a direct yes/no question, while answering others is concerning.


I have my survey choices.

As they have no basic stick without sense & the fact we have a clear chain of info of us getting controllers with sense.

They will need to give folks choice. PimaxUSA avoids a lot of direct questions as he should in his position as they haven’t made a proper release of info.


Helio, it wasn’t a hard question, bro, and it would have cost him nothing to provide any measure of clarity.

But, you may be right. Time will tell.

Regardless, ordering the Index controllers seems like the reasonable thing to do right now.

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Will there be a pressure sensor in the Pimax controllers? (like Knuckles? To compress / expand objects, softer / firmer, stronger / weaker, etc. Instead of the “grip” button)

So after all, does anyone even know anything about this?

i just hope they give the backers the better. at least the option to change to what they want

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It you watch Corporate pr types they avoid direct questions unless it’s an authorized question to answer.

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They should but in reality they should make 2 versions with Sense like oeiginally stated.

Eco versions without sense of both would be good for giving best options for those on a budget & those whom want the premium.

It would allow pimax to offer complete packages & offer cheaper alternatives to Vive & Index owners.

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As this video shows squeezing the stone, can the Pimax controllers do the same?

Or will the Pimax controllers not have such an opportunity?

Knowing this directly affects my desire to purchase index controllers or not to buy them.

Yes, the SS controller has the same functionality.


Great news! :+1:
I just missed this moment somewhere, and almost nobody seemed to talk about it.
Well, that clarified, now everything is clear.
That is, Sword Sense is generally not inferior to index controllers by fuctional, it pleases :sunglasses:

can you give an answer if backers will receive the sword sense controller?