Pimax Sept 16 News Update Speculation

Btw, The Forest has now full index controller support


that account you’re replying to was straight up banned, but you are right promises mean nothing to pimax

NZ post has a forwarding service that gives you a US address. You need to change your steam address with a VPN though. So far so good but I’ll confirm it works once the orders processed :beer:


I could not understand why Pimax made 8K Vision while much better(I think so) 8KX is being made, so I made a crude guess.
In my guess Pimax is working on 8K vision because they want to retain 8K production line.
Since backer rewards delivery started, 4K panels were out of supply, and that was the reason why Pimax persuaded backers to get 5K+ instead of 8K. Even now 8K has been sold out for a pretty long time. The 8K production line must be clearly different from 8KX and 5K+ because 8K has upscalers. They just did not want to throw away whole production line because of insufficient panels so decided to get new (better) panels to retain the line. Then they named 8K with new panels, 8K Vision.

If not? Whatever. :smile:


I believe the idea is similar to 5k+. They still needed to use up existing panel stock. If you recall when 5k+ was presented; they said original 5k would be sold in limited regions (likely till Qhd panels where sold off).

It makes sense to do this with the 8k as better panels exist now. As one member here bought a 4k panel from pimax after breaking one. An purchaseable upgrade may also be offered hopefully in 2 flavors: The Brave & The squeemish. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles: Purchaseable being key word.

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Well the big difference with the 5k+ is not in the image fidelity itself. The SDE/sharpness difference is not extremely big, I had to do several A/B’s to really pinpoint the differences. No, the big difference is in how accurate the virtual world feels on the Index. And that yields much more feeling of ‘presence’ in that VR world, at least to me. It makes gaming much more fun.

Anyway, regarding recommendations, did you already try those photo realistic worlds in the SteamVR room? There’s this church, that beach (select environments in that SteamVR room), they look really really nice on the Index.


I highly recommend you try this game called Nefertari(Free to play on steam). Be sure to turn your render quality all the way down and possibly even steam vr render quality down too. Run the game at small fov if you must with brain warp on. That is by far the best photo realistic world I have ever seen in my pimax. I had my in game settings on high and even with my 2080 ti, it was still hard to get steady frames with the level of quality thats in that world.


Cool, didnt know that one, will try later today, thanks


I can confirm the photogrammetry and lighting in that demo, not a game really, is superb. I recommend viewing it in the Pimax 4K too which is less demanding but produces a better picture.

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We demoed Nefertari in our booth at GTC. Simon put a massive amount of effort into it and it’s quite worth a look. Does require a high-end rig.


Any word from Geppetto yet on an update on the missed “Pimax Day”?


Who "nose /s " …we’ll just have to wait as usual, and see what develops.

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Well in fairness needed to steer topic back on track.

As he said many are trying to wear many hats & sometimes the hat needs a head that fits better. Too big or small one just looks comical.

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Tomorrow is day 3 of the delay, since pimax lost 3 days due to the storm, I assume tomorrow will be the big day?


never assume anything it just makes an…


It’s unfortunately hard to say. Pimax often has gone silent when they have a situation that has reason to cause embarrassment. Unfortunately their community manager seems to be away & @anon74848233 I suspect is working on another project.

Imho with things going off the rails as far as it has. Really need a pimax head like @PimaxVR to help get things back in order. PimaxUSA is simply a middleman who is better suited with dealing with business partners.


Agreed, it sounds like something has gone terribly wrong. Hope they didn’t run into a serious problem with the headset last minute.


No countdown on Pimax’ site, so no imminent presser looming, I suppose.

I suspect when all of their non-HQ staff came together and tried some of the new headsets, they unearthed a number of issues which need to be addressed. Just as it was when Sweviver & Co. checked out the 8K.

Who knows how long the wait will be this time.


As I said before a bloody Farce,reading this forum for the last two years or so I have come to
the conclusion that Pimax could not organize a piss up in a brewery !! definitely a very sad display from a Chinese company who could have climbed to the top with the right PR and communication.


Let me get this right.

Pimax organised an event in a foreign country.
The event day was announced.
The members holding the event beat the Hurricane and flew to the event destination on time.
The accompanying hardware needed for the event however went MIA due to the hurricane?
The hotel holding the event lost power and delayed the event?

So who was invited to this event?
Was the press invited?
Have new invitations been handed out?
Has this whole event been cancelled?
Has this event been rescheduled?

If there was no need for the press why did Pimax employees travel to Miami in the first place?
If it’s not a press event why do they need hardware to be present in Miami if just to announce new hardware?

Did Pimax not watch the weather reports in the days leading up to the event predicting impending doom? Or did Pimax conclude a category F5 hurricane was not enough reason to postpone the event?
Has Pimax ever carried out a Risk Assessment?